# of Nations (11)

Nothing remains intact on Route 4 between the Arms Fair Hall and the Carnegie Library. Heavy machine gun fire destroyed the asphalt, and the abandoned vehicles became porous enough to be used as a net. Kwachang! A new armored car that smashes the glass in front of the exhibition hall. In front of ever-growing armored vehicles, an army, police, FBI hostage rescue teams, and white cell agents were clearly outnumbered.

Nevertheless, it is surprising that the enemy's feet are still tied here. I can see a few vehicles burning violently that the enemy may have pulled out. The traitors do not have enough use for their firepower. Or waiting for the numbers to grow.

‘If I was late, I was going to hit the back... …. ’

I can see someone shaking their hand at Carnegie's Library, trying to get there early, to see if they've found winter approaching repeatedly with cover. Winter felt the vibration of the shoulders. It meant there were a lot of white cell agents around.

Heavy gunfire. Heavy machine gun saturation from a distance of just 30 meters. The target line crossed the air at an inch interval. As the torn air shakes its head, the evil winter slips inside the annular staircase in front of the library. The lower body, which swells with inertia, heats up like a flame. It was a land of bricks and mortar. The bottom of the conquest, which was a long distance from the practice, became a mess in a flash. Blood flows from the right femur. It's a big deal because you were crushed by the weight of the armor. Even the small ones were filled with ammunition and weighed considerably. But I was lucky to bring him. The crouching Marines react as if they found water in the desert.

“Jesus! Is that ammo?! ”

The nodding winter turns the captain upside down. Those who saw the magazines and bombs pouring out were relieved without distinguishing the officers. Winter throws magazines at those who can't escape. It was not enough for many to share, but at least it was enough to put out a fire urgently.

“Woorah! This will kill another dozen of those gallows! ”

This is the sound of a face that says it's hard to die. What a Marine I must say.

The mask he was wearing was a civilian product with a solid color. Probably one of the mandatory stockpiling of commodities per public facility.

“Oh, wait! ”

A soldier lately recognizes the winter and hisses.

“Is it true, Commander? ”

There is a lot of dust due to broken stairs in real time. Cold winter nods once more. Winter also recognized the soldier and his companions' faces. It was the Marines who received the Medal of Honor. The situation was no different from winter, postponed by the appearance of being conquered for the event.

A Marine lieutenant, short of breath, greets them.

“Welcome! I was confused, hook! Maybe this isn't hell yet! ”

It sounded dull because of the gas mask, but it was a pleasant sight. The same word echoes on the radio if the frequency is correct. Winter cried out.

“What's the situation?! ”

The lieutenant uses evil.

“All our allies are scattered! There are still a few left in the hostile fairground! I don't know the exact number! Over there! Let's get inside! It's a makeshift command room!”

I could tell where it was pointing by the existence of a dead comm line. The windows from the hierarchy of the library were being torn apart, serving as a small entrance and bunker. The staircase leading directly into the formation was exposed to enemy lines of fire. Winter enters the building with a weightless captain. Leaving a trail of blood on dry ground.

In the soil and inside the walls, the impact of interference has been greatly reduced. The Situation Room was in the direction of the leak. The best person standing in front of the map who was indifferent to instructions had a higher rank than winter.


The man who raised his head at the sound of the call was none other than Colonel Emert. Wrapping a bandage around one shoulder to see if you've been injured. Blood flows from the forehead. It looked like a flesh wound. After discovering winter and a slight shock, he shrugs and sweeps over his head.

“Was the commander a White Cell or an institution? ”

With the same piano identifier, Colonel Delur was in a similar position.

“It just happened. Can you start with the most urgent day? ”

Winter felt fortunate to meet a superior who told me there would be very few there. I'm not confident in the command, but I found it beneficial to project all-out combat strength in these fights.

The colonel, who missed greetings, explained the status and deployment of his allies at mechanical speeds, then went straight to the Red Cross.

“Get to the bottom of it. The only reason the enemy can't get through is because of the roadblocks they've destroyed themselves. We don't know where we're hiding. We can't get out unless the infantry catches up with the vehicles. They're making it that way. They lack practical experience. They're scared. ”

It's worth knowing. Whether it's an armored car or a chariot, if you allow access, even infantry could destroy you for nothing. And the streets of this city were full of broken vehicles. There are blind spots everywhere. Therefore, no matter how many chariots and armored cars there are, we cannot go anywhere without the protection of the foot soldiers on the same side.

‘If I go out for no reason and get defeated, I'll only get more obstacles. ’

After sitting down on one of the chariots, more than 50 tons of iron blocks the way. The enemy commander also has some basic qualities, as you can see with an armored vehicle. Their level was just a problem. I guess Captain Shredder called them assholes after all. Only those idiots got their hands on dangerous goods. Winter thought of their leader.

‘Even if Mrs. Chadwick was a spy, she wouldn't have had the experience of leading a full-scale battle. ’

In other words, it was useful information for the winter to fight against the enemy.

An urgent report comes in with a hissing sound. Gunfire in the background. Without explaining it, Colonel Emert, who was eagerly communicating with somewhere, briefly delegated the command to another officer and quickly continued on with the remaining words. A proof that the mission to ask for is important.

“I still can't hold on much longer. There's a lot of bypass. We have to block another way before more enemies crawl out. ”

“Where can I go? ”

“I need you to block the northwest intersection of the fairground. And the bottom, if possible. It's a tough role. We don't even have that kind of LAW right now. We have two sets of teams stationed at the restaurant at 7: 00, but they're hard to get. If you don't think it's possible, tell me now. No one's blaming you. ”

LAW is a light but weak rocket launcher. Even that was the reality of the troops here.

On the other hand, at 7 o'clock, it was a straight line to the White House. We can't get the guns out of there.

Of course, the mission was abandoned.

“No, I'm fine. What do we do after that? ”

The colonel's eyebrows twitched in response to winter's resolute answer. It was a mixture of pity and faint expectations. The commander has built quite a reputation in the winter. At the same time, he was also a comrade and witness to the battle of Santa Maria.

The colonel dragged the laptop and floated a map inside the fair hall. It was a command system wired to the White House. He pointed to several points on the map.

“Here, here…… and here. There's a chance there's an ally inside. Last known location, about 30 minutes ago. An isolated force trying to stop the enemy from taking the equipment. If you see any signs of survival, you decide. Joined in and out, reformed and pushed in. We have intel that there are hostages inside, so be careful. How long are you going to take him from here? ”

The last was a natural question, but Winter did not see the strength to divide the troops here. It was because infantry lacking firepower was relying on the terrain to stop the armored troops with ammunition. Not in any analogy, but literally.

So the answer was set like this.

“I'll go alone. ”

“…… Are you confident? ”

“It's not whether you can do it, it's whether you should. First and foremost, the safety of the White House and the Capitol. I can't cut you open by blocking the bypass. ”

The current line of defense is too thin. If the enemy takes the damage and comes out boldly, it is not strange to be pierced at any time. Everyone was swarming. The Colonel no longer advises you to know that.

Some advantages of being able to move alone are less noticeable. An ally attempts to sneak a sneak attack while feeding off the enemy's attention from the front.

Winter asked.

“If you are missing allies and hostages, can you request close air support? ”


The Colonel made an impression.

“The National Guard dressing has been robbed. The enemy has Stinger. It's quite a number. ”

Stinger is the name of a portable anti-aircraft missile. Winter swallowed a sigh and accepted reality. Yang Yong-bin's list of remnants, what are the anti-aircraft missiles used for? Disposal requires personnel and budgets. So after switching to spare supplies, I almost forgot.

As long as the wired network is alive and the enemy's characteristics are clear, we thought we could call it easy, but in the end, we couldn't.

‘No warheads. The damage to the surrounding area is too great to blow up a building... Cleaning the rooftops will be pointless without cleaning the surrounding city. ’

There is no law that says you must leave the anti-aircraft missiles here alone. Like the bomb in the residential area, we need to search the entire D.C. area to ensure safe passage. The prophecy of the White House, which said the sky was dangerous, came true.

Winter cared about the question. There doesn't seem to be any further information. The enemy's firepower was sufficiently analogous in the landscape we saw earlier. It was powerful, but not enough saturation compared to the number of armored vehicles. If you crushed a beast like a tram gun or a aerial bomb, the defense line would have collapsed a long time ago.

‘It would have been difficult to prepare a lot of ammunition. ’

Bullets and cannonballs differ completely from the procurement difficulty. It was triggered by a government raid. Are they prepared enough?

Colonel Emert expressed concern to the winter on his way out.

“How's the leg? ”

He was looking at the blood soaked in winter's clothes.

“Simple abrasions. ”

Hiccup. Winter has laid down its armor.

“I'll leave you to it. ”

All that's left is the piano identifier on the strap and two plastic explosives. Colonel Emert, who was about to say something, clapped his mouth with a complicated expression. Then he turned his gaze to the map. It was a silent greeting.

It's time to run again.

A harsh breeze has been brewing since I left the western corridor. Winter, when I climbed up the window sill and rolled up the meadow, I could see the fierce shooting of my allies. to conceal the movement of winter. As it was crumpled by the accident, the smoke rising from one civilian vehicle helped. In that you don't have to attract the attention of your enemies with sudden changes, even though you can't go crazy in a burst of smoke.

While moving carefully, banners with ropes are drawn to the streetlights.

"Welcome to D.C. Powerful city, unforgettable events.

I'm sure I won't forget today.


You hear the engine noise unique to the gas turbine as you move along. In the shade between the buildings, a uniquely shaped trolley appeared. It crawled out through the west entrance of the fair hall. An angled, thick-looking appearance. Remaining in similar positions, the passivity of repeating forwards and backwards is prominent.

It reminds me of Colonel Emert's fearful assessment of the enemy.

But eventually it will come out. You'll have to come out. Unless you intend to suffer the consequences of failure and treason. They also turn their backs on death.

From a point of view, the strange shape was embarrassing.

‘I don't know where your weakness is. ’

Equipment specialized in defense warfare differs in many ways from previous weapons. Unlike a normal trolley, that trolley will have uniform defensive strength in all directions. I'm not strong enough to defend the Chariot Cannonball, but it's hard enough to defeat a Winter bomb.

When war heroes talked about the Civil War Expo the other day, many people expressed expectations for new weapons systems. Colonel Emert was one of them.

But I never thought I'd be dealing with those weapons like this.

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