# Change (11)

“I was. I was surprised. The vice president came to see me and left me with the wrong message. And you're under pressure? I don't understand... ”

“The root cause is gender imbalance. ”

Ann answers, unpacking the food.

“Despite the ongoing losses, the statutory ratio of shame has not been so lethal, but the citizens feel differently. He will, too."

Winter embraced her fork.

“First of all, Yang Yong-bin's nuclear terrorism is devastating, and 26 percent of the youth between the ages of 19 and 34 are on the front lines. People think the soldiers on the front lines are dying all the time. Of course it's true, but I mean... ”

“You accept it much larger than the actual warrior size, right? ”


The conversation naturally broke down. I didn't surprisingly feel the chicken stir-fried in a dark red sauce. The spicy and moderate aroma that was not repulsive to Americans tasted the flavor of Chinese cuisine. The liver of the first taste is strong, but it is in good harmony with soft yet bold innards, rich meat juice. The fried rice under the chicken was also fine. Anne was satisfied to see the change in her winter expression and asked.

“Do you like it? ”

“This is really good. I can see why you come here often. ”

“That's a relief. I was worried about what I'd do if I didn't want to finish Thanksgiving. ”

“My taste is not that tricky. You know, it's more of a rough eater. ”

“Oh, thank God for that. when you think about the future. ”

The winter, when I was wondering why, was a little embarrassed after a while. Anne, who enjoyed watching winter eat, revives the broken stream.

“Let me continue with what I said earlier.... As the holidays approached, more and more people felt vacant on the front lines. That's how much work we've done. ”


“Yes, the so-called 'Bring Men Home' movement. although the actual name varies slightly from group to group. Some people fall over last month's coup. This happened because I sent all the worthy men to the front. ”

“That's a lot of grief for a female sergeant fighting on the front lines. ”

“Yes, but……. It's true that there are relatively few women who apply to the battalion department. Especially when the Army is focused on casualties. It's not like the Air Force or the Coast Guard. ”

While referring to the Coast Guard, Winter reminded me of lieutenant Violeta Escamilla, who escaped San Francisco together. She was a trustworthy officer. Maybe he got promoted like lieutenant Barker. No, I would have made sure. The foresight should also be bright. The duration of your stay in Olema is rare compared to your experience.

‘How are you doing these days? He was capable. He had a good personality. ’

I would have returned to the ship's post. At least I wouldn't have died. Unless there are abnormal disadvantages, it is normal for a full-scale military vessel not to experience a crisis against Melville. The initial loss of Melville's appearance was caused by an ambush while unaware of the existence of a new monster.

In that context, the popularity of the Air Force and Coast Guard is understandable. The Navy was also safe, but unlike the coast guard, whose coverage was limited to the North American coast, it was less popular due to frequent sea operations. It's relatively the same all the time. After all, it is preferable to the Army.

For this reason, the Winter Independence Battalion was a fairly exceptional case. It is a good example for the Ministry of Defense. The nature of the Refugee Zone and the Winter Alliance was not something to consider in terms of public relations.

I looked forward to winter when I was deep in thought.

“It seems that the Vice President's objective is not just to distract citizens. ”

“Where and how you and I met. We can use it as a political message to throw into civil society. Well, that's what it would look like to the authorities. ”

“ ……. ”

“I would have considered the impact it would have on the soldiers. Even the best war heroes design the future.... Winter is an unparalleled celebrity, and celebrity behavior can be fashionable. ”

“Like a copycat suicide. I just heard, did they say it was a Verter effect? ”

“It's similar, although it's a negative example. ”

Anne sighs lightly as she scratches her cheek.

“Actually, there's also a refugee hatred emotional problem here. ”

“…… Refugees? How?"

“This is usually the kind of incitement you use when you borrow the expression of a slightly deranged or incomplete backup criminal. While the war against plague destroys American homes and kills an unborn generation, Chinese people are increasingly immoral and ill-mannered like pigs. If we go on like this, our beautiful country will one day be occupied by the Chinese. Blood is what we shed, and the fruit is what the bitter communists reap. So we must protect our families and our children's future. This is another war for humanity's survival. ”

“Oh my God."

Winter poured out a laughter. It was the story of a cheap article in yellow media that raised the suspicion of not being a communist about winter. I just laughed then, but now I think I have my own background. They would have suspected the tendency of winter to accept the Chinese under their command. Normal behavior is also behavior.

“Take it. Drink it and you'll feel better. ”

Anne gave a bottle of beer to the winter.

In fact, drinking is not very helpful. No matter how sophisticated the hangover is, the sensation itself is not enjoyable, but it is hard to get drunk because of the intensification of 'Toxicity Resistance'.

But winter came to a halt on the mark. Blue Moon.

“This……. ”


“It's the beer you said you drank that day. ”

“That day?”

Ann has a beautiful look on her face that won't come to her mind immediately. I don't think I'm being unreasonable. When winter was over, he said, enduring the embarrassment above.

“The day I said I... I wish I could love you..." ”


Anne did not conceal her surprise.

“Do you remember anything so trivial? ”

“It was an important conversation for me. I thought about it that often. ”

“…… Wow. ”

After being quite silent, Anne looked at the bottle she had, stopped and took it to her mouth. I looked like the first person to drink a strange beverage. After slowly rolling in her mouth, she swallowed a sip of beer, she opened her eyes for a moment and exhaled for a long time.


I feel deep satisfaction in just one word. Winter also opened its lid. It was a soft wheat beer. It smells of orange. It seemed to be mixed with Coriander's scent without knowing it. My mouth was filled with saltiness and sweetness that resembled milk. After swallowing, the aftertaste reminded me of caramel with less sugar. Winter has never tasted better beer.

“I really feel better. ”

At the end of winter, Anne clasped her hands on her forehead with the back of her beer.

“That's a relief. ”

One sip more savory winter, I chewed on the conversation I had with my lighter head.

“I just need a little more patience. ”


“The people Anne was talking about. Soon after the continental division succeeds, many soldiers will be able to return home. Strengthen nationally so that you can hit and leave again. ”

Anne expressed her suspicions.

“We may fail to capture the Panama Strait, right? ”

Winter swallowed the answer that was about to come right away. Due to the loose atmosphere, I almost released the secret. Anne could not share information about Esther, even though she was a high-ranking executive of the Bureau of Investigation. The same applies to chemical weapons that are being developed based on the partial immunity of Pastor Park Tae-sun. Winter is also winter, but you may find Anne in trouble. If a horse leaks out somewhere and someone catches a bag, it's at least 10 years in prison. Eventually, winter said as if there was no basis for conviction.

“It's going to work. You must."

Was there a stain on his voice? The slender Anne narrows her eyes.

“There's something I shouldn't know. ”

“... Isn't it too sharp? ”

“It's a job. Well, don't worry. This isn't an interrogation room. ”

Winter drank another mouthful of Blue Moon while disappearing from Ann's jokes. A horse spoken in winter, slowly spinning after a deep breath.

“I understand the situation, but frankly, I don't like what the vice president has to say. ”

Anne shrugs.

“I get it. It looks like you're trying to take advantage of your privacy. But that's how politics works. One rigorous photograph has half the support rate, one sentence out of the square jeopardizes the regime, and one scene of everyday media exposure ends the senator's tenure……. Vice President Sunders has done the same thing. ”

“What was it?”

“Politics is cruel. It's human work. The quote" was added to the old adage. The press strongly condemned the vice president. The Vice President asked me if I thought the citizens were vulgar. ”

“That should be easy to interpret. How did you cope? ”

He's still the vice president, given his predicament.

“I explained.”

Anne was a horse after eating a dumpling.

“A man has a noble side and a dirty side. Politics is the vulgar half of men. Those who interpret my words badly, I want you to think of a country that was at war because of football and a country that was at rest because of a football player. It was politics that defiled the former and the latter. The latter shows that one person's virtue can be against such vulgarity. Every citizen of a democratic state should strive to be one such person. You must not turn your back on half because you are so vulgar. That's what I meant...." Although my memory is not accurate, the approximate content will be similar. I was impressed. ”

A country that had been at war because of football and a football player. As if he had heard of it, winter stumbled on cloudy, old memories. Ann added, smiling softly, noticing this.

“In 1969, El Salvador and Honduras entered the war by qualifying for the World Cup. And of course, there were a lot of emotions that had been accumulated before. There, soccer became a drawing line. But it's true that soccer matches sparked an all-out war. Honduras lost its administrative capital in five days. If the United States hadn't intervened, I would have gotten stuck on the phone with my neighbors. ”

“ ……. ”

“I'm sure you've heard of a football player who's been stopping the war for a while. ”

“Who is it?”

“Didier Drogba. Don't you know?”

“I think I've heard of him. ”

A little intellectual correction appeared to be a normal person considering the winter background in the reinterpreted past. Anne said lightly.

“Anyway, I just wanted to say that you don't need to care. I just think of it as a period on the naughty floor. Vice President Soon-sun? He'll be down soon anyway. ”

“Was Anne okay? After hearing that story from me. ”

Anne revealed her curiosity in the winter gospel.

“What about me? ”

“The reason I was a little upset was not because I was reluctant to take advantage of personal things like marriage. When I made you that, um, important request…… one day, I was worried that you might misunderstand the background. ”

Ann's eyes widen slightly, even if she didn't have a clue. Winter nods cautiously.

“Glad to see you've been leaning. But let me make something clear. My heart is mine. My attitude towards you will always be genuine. So I don't want you to have any unnecessary worries. That's all I care about. ”

As Anne stared at winter with a thirsty expression, she smiled helplessly at the paralysis.

“You know what? That was pretty dangerous. ”

The NFL race began shortly after. Washington Red Skin vs. Dallas Cowboy. Anne cheered vigorously and generously. I had never seen him before in winter.

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