# Change (16)

February was the month of trial. In a situation where protesters demanding the traitors to be executed quickly were swarming before the Supreme Court, Clarissa Chadwick's hearing was proceeding exceptionally quickly. This trial usually lasts for at least a few months, but it was not a good time for the Kramer administration. Interest or hatred, emotion fades over time. Ideal for finishing when the exhibition is still hot. The swift and decisive judgment of the sinners would strengthen Kramer's image positively.

Of course, there was no need to punish all officials so quickly. How citizens feel is key. In other words, if we get rid of Clarissa Chadwick quickly, most citizens will feel that this case has been tied up. At least psychologically. The trial against the other co-conspirators can then proceed more slowly and with more relaxation. It meant that it was okay to start the trial of General Sierra Roo first. Obviously getting attention, one at a time, and creating the best outcome with each event. It was the best choice for Kramer.

During this process, winter was frequently summoned as a reference. Occasionally, Eugene and Yura entered the court with the same qualifications. One day, even death row inmate Manuel Hayes was called a reference stone. His expression was on the front page of several newspapers.

Fortunately, it was Clarissa Chadwick's attitude. It doesn't mean they were cooperative. She acts like a complete villain. The act of not denying sin but not giving up the appeal to the end came from that intent. That is why a swift trial was possible while complying with the appeal process.

“That ends today, too. ”

The sobbing man was a man named Los Stalwart, named Clarissa Chadwick's public defender. It wasn't what he wanted, but he was exposed to all kinds of threats because he was representing Clarissa. So winter came a little early on the day of standing in the reference stone and waited for him. He said there's been a lot less death threats since he started.

With a guard behind you, Stalwart holds the Winter's hand.

“Thank you so much for everything. Now that I can publicly insult that crazy bitch, I don't think I'll die if I stay alive for a while. Thank you. Thank you……. ”

Winter knew the answer and asked.

“Was it okay to post an explanation on something like SNS? I'm not doing it because I want to. I hate Clarissa Chadwick as much as you do. I'm doing my duty. ”

Stalwart shakes his head.

“I couldn't do that. It's not right for lawyers. You should be strictly on the client's side while you are representing. You have to at least pretend to be. Think about it: If I posted that article, and it was read by all the judges and the prosecutors and the jury, how ridiculous would it be to blackmail and defend the client in front of it? ”

“That would be a shame.”

“Embarrassment is embarrassing, but the bigger problem is that it makes the trial a formal process. It just becomes a diet to convict. Now, before the verdict comes to an end, I would argue that that would be blasphemy. You can't do that. I'd rather quit my lawyer. ”

“Then why didn't you quit? You could have died. ”

“ ……. ”

Stalwart sighs a long time as he ponders.

“I don't know about that. ”

Winter smiled lightly. Rarely seen as a job-savvy person, it was natural. It's because there were already dozens of people who left before he could defend himself. I'll write you a resignation instead of working this case. Winter understood their decision.

‘They were mostly dealing with the poor, so they probably anticipated what would happen. ’

Engaging with the poor frequently means that a high proportion of clients are gangs and their victims. Rather than providing the client with a proper defense due to the circumstances of the public defenders who are always overworked, he often offers legal dealings, and this will lead to a lot of grumbling.

The usual court-martial, apparently. Her client is Clarissa Chadwick. It's obvious there will be flying blames from the masses.

“Why don't you take a look around? Until it's quiet outside. ”

With winter's offer, Stalwart hesitates.

“I like it, but... aren't you busy?" ”

“Well, it's been a while. The protesters won't last long. I got the verdict I wanted. ”

My brother will be executed in two days. Next, it is still a secret, but perhaps the trial of Lt. Gen. Sierra Roo was about to begin. Perhaps Stalwart will be representing at the same time. It must be hard for anyone with this level of professional spirit. I doubt I'll be able to take it.

Anyway, you need to make me feel rewarded. Winter said frankly.

“I was amazed to see you defend yourself this time. You're a great guy. ”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, really. I liked what you said just now. Someday."

Winter pointed to the portrait on the wall.

“You could be just like him. ”

Stalwart's mouth twitches, and he bursts into laughter.

“Oh, my God. I appreciate the encouragement, but a compliment too much is counterproductive. ”

“I'm not kidding. ”

“It's unrealistic. ”

The person depicted in the portrait is John Marshall Harlan, one of the most respected Supreme Courts in the history of the United States, and the only person who voted against the Supreme Court's racist verdict at the end of the 19th century.

After smiling together, winter asked me again.

“Do you really think it's unrealistic? ”

“ ……. ”

“As Namjin continues, there is a growing number of Federal districts that do not belong in any state. Of course, there will be more federal jurisdictions or district attorneys. I think it's possible to start a new career from there, am I wrong? Tell me if it's wrong, because I don't know the details. ”

I can tell by the look on your face that you're not wrong. However, he would have thought he would not be able to stand it. The public defender is one of the less well-treated lawyers.

Stalwart's eyes have changed. It was the color of the desire to try not to reveal.

“I can't do this alone.... Would you be willing to help? ”

Is it common for greedy people? America is a country that even judges vote for. It is also an American election that must be funded to win, and there must be political and economic supporters to win such elections.

Federal judges appointed without elections are worse than that. Once the FBI has selected a candidate, there will be a fierce lobbying for their appointment. Those without money and background will never be judges.

In such an ambush, the lawyer was worthy of professional respect. Winter nods at the end of the moxa.

“If you want, I'll see what I can do. even if it doesn't help much. Here, let me give you my contact information. ”


Stalwart looks impressed. Although rank is just a commander, winter influence was never a commander's rank. Winter is also trying to become accustomed to exerting that new level of influence.

The lawyer then tried to somehow make a good impression on the winter. The problem is that the friendship between the two was not deep, so there was not much to talk about. Eventually, he talked about a bit of a bad topic.

“I saw the news that your 201 Independent infantry has been assigned to a Special Forces unit. I heard the troop status and treatment will improve a lot. I truly congratulate you."

“ ……. ”

The winter's complexion was subtly solidified. Stalwart smiles awkwardly, cautiously.

“Did I do something wrong?” No. I was just having second thoughts. ”

Actually, I'm worried.

A few days ago, a notification came in that the 201 Independent infantry was assigned as a Tier 3 unit under the Special Operations Command. The alpine squadrons who knew nothing were very proud of it, but it was a disgrace in the winter.

‘No matter how much I chew it, it's not worth it. ’

Too much. Not enough size, skill, and character to be called Special Forces.

As far as backpacking was concerned, this was the will of President Kramer. I'm sure many people would disagree, and Kramer himself, a Marine, would not have known that this was an unreasonable decision. Nevertheless, if you have enacted a Special Forces designation, there must be a good reason.

Unit level awards for insurgency should be honored.

What is the intention?

There were two possible assumptions in winter.

One is to use overpackaged units themselves as tools for civil psychology.

The other one is…….

‘Trying to change the situation where serious damage is expected, but the troops cannot not be dispatched. It'll be good for a facelift. It's a nominal power surge. ’

Ordinary people believe that special forces are a group with exceptional combat strength. This is a vague imagination, which means it is possible to persuade the public by pushing one division of Satan into a campaign that requires one.

In this rebellion, the Independence has gained too much reputation. You can call it a bubble. Ordinary citizens will naturally accept this designation of special forces. Like Stalwart now.

One more thing, there are advantages to the Independence Squad. No matter how many casualties occurred, there was no need for families to rally in front of the White House or march in the streets. Therefore, it is easy to pay back even if you spend a lot of Special Forces tickets.

A more frightening possibility is if Kramer truly believes in winter. For a normal person, anything impossible can happen in winter.

After all, he was the one who believed that refugees had to prove their credentials to live in the United States.

After a brief deliberation, Winter strolls through the Supreme Court's exhibition, calming the anxious lawyer that he made a mistake. And when I broke up, I drove her to the place where she was waiting. Winter waves to him on patrol.

“Take a look. Contact me if you need to. ”

“Yes, thank you very much for today. ”

The lawyer was accompanied by a police escort, leaving behind a shortened good-bye.

On the way back to the lodge, winter came back with a thought that had been lost.

What's there to use the Independence like that?

What popped into my head was the conversation I had with Talbot at the intelligence agency the night I spoke to Esther. Winter came up with a hypothesis based on the Alpha Trickster capture mission that Colonel Emmett had heard about when the intelligence agency was questioning Esther's involvement.

‘Zero ground vacuum. ’

Intentionally unleashing an early form of Trickster on the continent of Eurasia, and using Esther to identify the movement of a mutant group to target the source of the infection. Long-term operations are unnecessary. We just need to secure the Morgelons' prototype. While the search party is looking for the prototype of the plague, it is enough to block or attract nearby access.

Given that this was true, Kramer would want to leave the operation's troop burdens to the Russians as much as possible. He has faith. Like refugees, Russia needs to prove its credentials with the United States. Rights are not given freely.

Of course, that does not completely exclude the participation of the U.S. military. It was effective to mix troops such as the 201 Independence Battalion in order to be colorful while reducing the size of the deployment.

Winter became heavier. Though there was no basis for speculation other than insight, it was just ignored, so the angler fit too well.

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