The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00418 # High winds (16)

# High winds (16)

The march of the town hall on Independence Day put a barrier on the Holy Land. The Independent crusade was wedged between the JROTC and the Russian Air Force. The heat of the citizens was very hot, because war heroes, including winter, also participated, and in the United States, the opportunity to see parades of this magnitude was rare. Before the plague, the U.S. military did not put much emphasis on fever. What more could the whole world need to show off that we're the best?

Today, each parade is staggered on both sides of D.C. and Denver. This was the first time in Denver, although it was an annual event that had left its size in D.C. Very or very unusual. This resulted in the comfort of the Air Force and Independence Battalion. It was also natural for the community to have a strong interest. The fierce reaction resulted in a postponement, at least as much as in Colorado, that the opposition to the Chinese vacuum seemed to be unnecessary.

Meanwhile, many refugees were embarrassed by the atmosphere of the event in other ways.

“This is so different from what I imagined. ”

In the middle of waiting for his turn, Liaring said that he watched the live broadcast with four Warrior terminals. It was a pretty shaky voice. I felt like I was losing it.

Other squadrons were similar, but Bravo's squadron shared strong anxiety about the event. There were too few march exercises. I even complained that the group didn't practice on purpose to embarrass me.

However, the march of the U.S. military was far from each of China's captured lines.

Winter in Excel looked down at her and said,

“I told you. There's nothing to worry about. You just have to walk roughly on your feet. ”

It's okay if your feet don't even fit. I repeated it several times to reassure him. They also showed recordings prior to the outbreak. However, the soldiers from the country who put needles inside the collar to secure the soldiers' jaws never let go. This time it's going to be different.

It was a sign that they still felt unstable.

This, of course, has implications for Kramer.

“Commander! I need you to look at this! ”

You hear a rumbling sound not far away. Looking at it, it was the high school drunkards and cheerleaders who were soon in order. She looks over here, screaming or waving her hands. With a simple salute from winter, an even higher cheer returned. Liaring is no more energetic by his side. Horses are parades, just like a festival that the military actually attends.

Cheerleaders and drunks play marches, followed by JROTC. It was followed by a group of youth in the region. It's time for the Independents to leave. Winter swirled to the front of the generations.

“You know what? Each squad, follow them. ”

This was enough command to radio.

A row of cavalry lined up on the runway follows winter with flags.

“Looks like we're back to square one. ”

Alejandro says, This is the story of a time when Olema was used as a base for cavalry. Excel blushed in time. Winter replied with a frontal gaze as she stroked her mane.

“It was a difficult time. I think she came all the way here. ”

“Still, it's a good memory. I met the perfect supervisor without a sense of humor. ”

“What's wrong with my sense of humor? ”

“Are you sure you don't know? ”

“I don't know.”

As winter wears off, Ale shudders by himself. He was a man with a very long tail.

On the left and right side of the road, large and small ancestors were blown out by the wind. Winter makes me curious about the atmosphere of the soldiers who follow me. The alpha squadron experienced high civil society favors, but the other squadrons were the first today. Leadville's inhabitants also loved the Independence Squad, but they didn't expect a change in their perception as the population was so small in the first place.

‘I hope it works well. ’

If it's a parade, I hope the soldiers will have a good effect. As commander, I had the idea of winter. There was some kind of defensive aggression in Chinese and Japanese soldiers. Jealousy and vigilance, and inferiority and compulsion. Most of it is due to the ingredients of origin.

It might be helpful to tear down that invisible wall and face the favors of the citizens today.

The Independence Army has not yet become a community of destiny in its true sense.

On the contrary, if the Independent Battalion makes it, we should expect it to be possible in refugee areas in the future.

The song from the previous drunken band changed. It was a Russian tune. A singer in Russian military uniform sang on top of a subsequent parade car.

"The apple tree blossoms and pears bloom, and the clouds flow over the river. Katusha comes out to the riverbank and walks along the high, steep bank.

"Oh! It's a song, a virgin's song. Fly along that shining sun and greet one of the soldiers on the far side of the border.

The horse is basically a finger drawn from folklore, and the lyrics made in the Second World War were that the woman named Katusha misses her lover who left for the battlefield. The songs in English and Russian alternately diminished the reaction of the citizens. Even the atmosphere was a little awkward. It would be surreal for some conservative citizens to start marching in the middle of the American city, even more embarrassing.

He is still one of the few allies who fights the plague properly, so the citizens welcomed him with a vigorous wave in a slightly cooler atmosphere. I never would have imagined it in the past. It was a comradeship created by the crisis of extinction.

Winter reminded me of a pledge made by a fallen Democratic president-elect.

The United Nations.

I was criticized for being too idealistic and unrealistic, but it was also an ideal blueprint for the future.

Refreshing the branches that had already passed, it seemed to symbolize the past days of the outside world. The winter that has been reconstructed over and over again, until the outside collapsed into that shape, the path people walked was never a lonely one. The assumption that it would be irreversible beyond a certain threshold would be close to the truth.

Winter smiled bitterly here.

‘Anne's expression is accurate. ’

His wish is too high.

The parade ended at the Mile High Stadium in the city centre. Residents cheering in the crowd, circling the stadium, waving their hands around and leaving.

Afterwards, there was time to open various armored vehicles and equipment to citizens in a large parking lot for half a day. It was the first time air armored vehicles and chariots were shown to citizens. Since the camouflage patterns of the survivalist concept are prevalent in everyday wear, many ordinary citizens were curious about the new weapons system.

Not everyone, of course.

“Sir, sir! ”

An eight-year-old in a uniform called Yura.

“What's the matter, little Marine? ”

Yura smiles and adjusts her eyes. The young Marine, who bowed to her with a small hand, immediately asked her a difficult question.

“Where did you put the cloak of tiger hide? ”

The publication recommends that she wear a cape again. But I did not force him. Although Denver is a one-mile city, it is famous for its low summer heat and humidity.

Although I strongly recommend it, Yura is sick of just looking at her cloak.

“You can't wear a cape on a hot day like this, can you? I'm a person.”

After hearing Yura's efforts to soften things up, the boy who was disappointed that the Tiger Lady Warrior was also burning hot like normal people turned his head to Jinjin this time.

“Captain, Captain! ”

Jinsuk's eyes flickered. It felt ominous.

“What is it?”

“What does your nickname mean?" ”

“ ……. ”

It's not exactly a fag; it's a fag. It was a nickname that used to come out when the soldiers were talking to each other. Of course, when there is a real place, all you have to do is talk. I hated it more than I hated it. Winter made me wonder how the young boy knew this nickname.

He stared at Yura smiling with a deafening voice, and told her the harmonious explanation.

“It means the commander of a very strict character in Korean. ”

“Aha, right. ”

A nodding child plunges into a more powerful attack.

“I thought it had something to do with this Fuck you pronunciation. ”

“Jimmy! You can't say that! ”

The mother who came with me hurriedly scolded her son.

“Apologize to the captain. Come on!"

The child simply apologized.

“I'm sorry if you're upset. I'm glad I didn't mean it worse than I thought. That's why I have friends who call you Captain Fuck, and I'm telling them not to. ”

“ ……. ”

The apple was an apple, but it was very steamy and painful. The face of Jinsuk opened in silence, and the mother who had no choice apologized again on behalf of the child.

The child stared at winter for the last time. My eyes were filled with anticipation. He seemed to save the strawberries on the cake until the end.

“Commander, Commander! ”


“Can I touch that knife? ”

Luckily, it was a normal request. Winter knelt on one knee, loosened the Longsword and handed it to him.

“Do you have to be careful because you might get hurt? Don't pull it out completely. ”

The young boy who nodded earnestly and received the sword was surprised by his weight. The blade is a tungsten alloy planted even with titanium. Winter quickly caught up and restored the center. Carl is halfway out of the stabbing cage. The contrast of the blade with the black blade was clear. Winter securely folds her hands in her hands to ensure safety. The child looks at the reflection of the sword and opens his mouth.

“Wow! This is so heavy! How could you swing something like that? ”

“When you grow up, you'll be able to do it. ”

Then the child said, delighted.

“I'm going to grow up to be like my father or commander. ”


“Yes, that's why I'm going to tear and kill so many mutants! ”

“ ……. ”

“But I'm worried that you'll kill them all before I grow up. Please leave me my share. ”

Winter couldn't help but smile and looked up at Mother. The child's mother groaned, wrapped around her forehead. Oh, Jimmy...

What he wanted further was to ride the excel with the sign of winter and winter. A child enjoying the increased vision on the saddle asked the winter behind his back very proudly.

“Why didn't you become a Marine? ”

“I didn't get a chance to. ”

“So why don't you become a Marine now? My dad said a real man should be a Marine. and”


“He said that if a commander had come to the Marines, he would have been three times stronger than he is now. ”

It's three times stronger than it is now. It was a terrible story for the mutants.

The child's dead father must have been very proud of the fact that he was a Marine.

The family members of the Field Marshal, including Jimmy and Jimmy's mother, had the opportunity to meet war heroes, including winter, as a form of preference.

After a while, I returned the child, and Winter told Mother:

“Ma'am, Jimmy is going to be as good an adult as his father. ”

Her eyes were slightly red, and she nodded quietly and took her child and turned around. Jimmy actively waves his hand as he looks back until the moment of winter's absence.

While dealing with the other survivors, winter came to mind with the pure hatred Jimmy occasionally threw away. The people's hatred for the plague also remained in its primitive realm, because the mutants' motivation to exterminate humanity was only instinct. It is not the product of any rational thinking or obscene intent, or social conflict or interest.

In other words, primitive hatred was a split of the power that united mankind in this world. All the future possibilities that winter positively assessed, including the United Nations, were inevitable on the basis of crisis and hatred.

It's a natural story, and it's not my first time thinking about it, but I was worried about winter at this point.

Should there be the same hatred for the people of the outside world?

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