The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00433 # Sunrise, or Dusk (13)

# Sunrise, or dusk (13)

We can make it fall over our heads at all.

General Zverev said:

"In extreme terms, we only need to live until we achieve our operational goals.

I heard the whole force is addicted to radioactivity, so long as the mission is successful.

"The frenzy of the Cold War.

The dry expression of Lt. Gen. Rogers, who may be sighed or cynical.

However, existing strategies and tactics were useless against small and myriad of things.

Even weapons can't do that. All non-explosive automators were virtually useless against teratomas. Even if you shoot your target calmly, one by one, your ammo consumption will increase beyond your control. It might be more effective on the cold machine side.

So what else could we do?

Enemies that have been out of range for a long time. At a point when conducting outside of the contingency was meaningless, there was no other alternative for Rogers to come up with. As joint commander of this task force, he lost half his job.

I will grant nuclear launch rights to commanders of the Independence Battalion and above as the current visual division.

He made his decision.

However, do not forget that this is the last resort. Primarily, it should be stopped by other means such as heat pressure bombs. I leave it to the judges of the respective chiefs when it becomes impossible to stop. Though we were more likely to run out of ammo before that.

This is understandably understandable, but it is probably because he was concerned about the aggressive tendencies of Russian air force commanders.

"The madness of the Cold War. ’

Winter was also encountered as an officer education. In the European invasion plan, assuming the situation of an all-out nuclear war, the Soviet Union thought to deploy its armor to the point immediately after it wiped out its enemies with a nuclear blast. As far as efficiency is concerned, there's no better way to penetrate the defense line.

At the same time, he felt it was safe to expose the troops to radiation. You won't be alive until the violence is over, though, will you? Soviet supreme command.

He looks exactly like the offer made by General Zberev.

"Then, let us pray for our own duels. God bless us all.

The battle is already chaos everywhere I look. Lt. Gen. Rogers admitted this was still lacking in negative pitch.

It will be a trick to manage yourself in its own way.

Winter was on the same level.

‘I am merely fulfilling my first and last duty as an officer. ’

Coldness that never shivers under any circumstances. Or at least being seen as outwardly calm. In other words, it is the role of the entire unit. It was also the most fundamental and sometimes the most difficult virtue of a commander. With this virtue, the troops are less likely to collapse from the inside, even with extinction in sight.

In this regard, there were very few commanders who were better than winter.

The number of teratomas has increased exponentially over time. Winter could perceive it as the rising threat felt throughout the dark mountains and plateaux, although not all the fur could be seen. It is different from the obvious threat. To put it bluntly, the other side of the night seemed to be more or less distasteful.

‘Like all the darkness that comes into my eyes is a monster……. ’

I feel dizzy with over-activated calibration. Keeping my mind sharp in the flood of overwhelming senses was like another battle.

“Damn it! I need a flamethrower in here! ”

Evans grits his teeth. Immediately after the nerve crushing of the teratoma attached to his forearm. From my seizure-like hands, I fell from my bloody hair and my ugly teeth. One by one, the others were weak enough to kill with just their grip.

It would have been helpful if there had been a flamethrower, as the communications officer said.

Just for a little while.

“Danzer Close! Thermal pressure bomb at 80 meters! Raintime... 9 seconds! BLU96!”

Officers have been using evil to spread the word of the comms.

“Nine seconds? Are you kidding me?"

“Get down! Everybody down! ”

It can't be an easy request for large monsters to duck in front of a trench line and ignore their enemies. Winter also leaned against the interior wall of the trench as if it had collapsed only after bursting the eyes of the Kessies until a short moment. The aerial bomb that warned the sense of survival was a giant death across the sky. It started out as a little thunderstorm. And...


A powerful explosion continues. A violent storm swept out of the trench. Small dirt and gravel spilled over winter's head. The vision flashing with orange light becomes darker and must be adapted to return to normal. Winter finds the ceremony rolling into the trenches.

Huff, huff...

The blood of a monster. There was a built-in piece. The long arm and leg are broken in a mess, and a sharp bone tears from the flesh. There was no movement even in the flabby skin. This was also the case with the small flesh rolling on the back of the head.

Fortunately, a heat wave kills every creature within range with a full body fracture and visceral rupture. In front of that power, the Terratoma that had dug under the skin of a larger monster was also unable to be saved.

The trenches that exploded with bombs and shoveled away became a dependable refuge, assuming they were built quickly. From Kerak's dialysis, from your bombardment.

“More drop alarms! Five seconds to line echo! Seven seconds to line gamma! 11 seconds! ”

A communicator who can barely distinguish between the bullets and the time it's supposed to land. Everything that was falling was the same kind of bomb anyway. The fleet of fighters that took off from the South China Sea's anti-mother fleet flushed the thermostats to the extent that even the soldiers would cause confusion.

"Not yet! ’

The nuclear warhead's turn will not return as long as a broad range of lethal capabilities remain.

I wonder how long this atmosphere will last.

There was a limit to the amount of heat pressure ammunition that the three antihelmets had to supply with electricity. And then the next favorite bullet.

“Wire reinforcement first! ”

Winter called out to Captain Evans.

“When the core starts to explode! It could interfere with wireless communications! ”

This is something to be done while you still have time. The fog and radio interference produced by residual radioactivity are sometimes strong enough to make a radio into a can.

Kakacan! The rifles that separate the silencers cry out loud. One of the first instructions of winter was the silencer separation. It's been in the water for a long time, and the silencer holds sound and heat together. No matter how cold the weather was, preventing overheating was important in the fight.

A freak swells in like a wave.

The appearance of mutants approaching the defense line was utterly uncontrollable chaos. The trench ship, which they had to dig out of course, got tangled from the middle to the maze level. It seems to be far away from its original purpose of approaching while avoiding sharp lines. Those who jumped out of him were more ugly because they were all rugged.


The screams of those who sometimes stumble and fall on the rocks. Yeah, it's a scream. It was not a hostile shout, but a screaming multilance of pain. I'm digging flesh in real time, so I don't think it's going to be painful. As soon as winter hits, he groans at a pace he can't even walk, and is shot down. She scratches her whole body like she's having a terminal cancer seizure, but she sees pulsating movements coming out of her fingernails under her torn flesh.

I couldn't waste a bullet on every one of them.

The fact that it was a larger variant did not make a difference. As the teratomas cling together like aphids, the mutants collapsed into a new plague carrier of all sizes and types. They run like mad cows in pain.

That's how many teratomas jumped into the trenches.

In a battlefield like this, an officer must primarily act as a fighter.

Only winter moved constantly, imprinting its presence on the officers and soldiers. It's because the fact that the command unit is healthy is comforting. It is like the belief that the command system of the unit is being maintained. He also intended to see for himself where the danger was, where to put the reserves, and where to spare the reserves.

Reports alone are prone to discrepancies in the field and judgment.

Then the dust I encountered asked with a pale complexion.

“Sir! How far is it to the end of the base?! ”

“It's divided into sections! ”

Not to mention, winter bashed the teratoma against Jin with a skull. A chubby, crumbly chunk of flesh plunges into the corner of the trench.

“Looks like it's going to take a little longer! ”

“Damn it!”

Jinsuk was an insult-resistant spirit.

Sturdy pressure doors and blast doors that divide each compartment in the basement. This would have been a security and quarantine for Bondi, but now it's just an obstacle. It was also natural for the decommissioning to be delayed due to the engagement of the facility in case of similar conditions, including automated security measures.

‘Still here... ’

Half the squad, one by one, organizes the interior of the trench. Thanks to the thermal images of the night vision, the teratoma is still well identified. But soon there will be limits to our physical strength. I'm moving around so badly that it looks like a scene from a farce.

The ground is shaking.

After the bombings and storms that left the night opaque, winter looked outside the trench. Then I frowned and used the night vision. Up until now, I have observed the battlefield with bright eyes at night due to environmental adaptation and various firearms skills, but now I have something to confirm. Adjust the field of view to distinguish the heat source by color according to temperature.

I knew it.

Fragments of things that had been alive a while ago were scattered in hot light on barren ground. And little sources of heat came towards the light. It was the sight of the bodies of the smashed plague and the dark scent that brought about another plague. Smelling the stench of death, the swarming Terratoma colony picked up and fed its abundant flesh, replenishing its calories, and even gaining the mass it needed to proliferate. I don't know how else to interpret the heat source that splits into two after trembling for a long time. Horrible monsters that not only transformed the biotissues of the infected subjects, but even divided themselves.

‘After all, is the means other than nuclear, whatever it is, just a loose cannon? ’

It is not useless. It still has enough resistance, it will reduce the number that needs to be dealt with immediately, and it will have significant losses in the replication process.

Nevertheless, it did not change that the landscape is dark.

Rather, it might be better to request a nuclear strike while you still have the capacity.

Winter was easy to imagine the chaos in the White House Command Room that would grind to requests for the use of rainy nuclear weapons. It should take some time for the decision to be made.

It was not desirable to use up all the weapons that were effective in widespread destruction, such as thermal, carbon, and concentrated bombs, but later decreased responsiveness to new variables…….

The moment of time of choice has come.


The screams of the man echo. The human scale was clearly distinguished in the midst of the painful sounds of the variants all around. As winter approaches, you catch him falling. Sergeant Zhang Kuntao of Bravo Corps cursed at the soldiers who had been trafficked.

“Never mind here! Look ahead, sleepyheads! ”

The soldiers turn their heads, suppressing their fears.

“Ugh, ugh, that hurts, ugh. It hurts so much. Help me! Week.”

Phew. The sound of a soldier unable to carry his body desperately holding on to his winter protective clothing. He continues to be nauseous, then releases his grip and throws off the gas mask with a seizure-like motion.

“It's so frustrating! It's frustrating!”

“ ……. ”

Winter rises up and aims a rifle at the muttering soldier.


The soldier's vomiting blood is mixed with strange colorful flesh. It's not a visceral piece, it's a living, throbbing teratoma. Kang! Winter, when a single shot relieves a soldier's pain, tramples and kills him, putting a bogey grenade in his mouth. Go deep down into the throat. He quickly retrieved the rope and ammunition and pulled the safety pin from the grenade and threw the entire body out of the trench.

The inside of the protective clothing had already begun to wiggle.

Everyone here wrote a will before the operation began. With a little hair to put in the coffin when he dies. In case the body can't be transported. But no one could have imagined that the reason for the undeliverable would be like this.

Winter caught me on the radio.

“Avalon, avalon. David Actual at the moment. Awaiting nuclear launch request, over. ”

"…… David Actual. Prisoner Avalon, confirm request for nuclear launch. Send coordinates, over.

Avalon, the aerial sack, did not recheck winter's request unnecessarily.

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