The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00436 # Sunrise, or Dusk (16)

# Sunrise, or dusk (16)

During the ongoing battle, the most alarming was the rate at which the papillary neural network was destroyed. That speed will be the same as the rate at which the teratoma spreads across the neural network. A single trunk of nerve bundles is thin and inadequate mass for a teratoma to proliferate, but the body of the neural network variant at its center is of different circumstances. With its enormity, it can spit out tens or hundreds of teratoma subjects.

If the destruction of the neural network had already reached that far back across the region, then the tactical nuclear strike would have been hopeless.

Let's think. Trickster is close to neural neural mutation, a place where he can bend over radio waves while maintaining control. Therefore, the Tricksters will be the first to attack the terratomas that have spread underground.

In case Trickster manages to repel the little things, or get out of there alive. It's a creature that can flow electricity through its entire body, so there's no shortage of odds.

But it was a surprise. If the Tricksters are caught unawares, it's as if the mutants are suddenly attacked (decapitated first). Hundreds of thousands of variants won't stop there. He doesn't even know his head's gone, but he's just a body running forward. Anything with intelligence other than Trickster will lead the pack to its last will.

It was unrealistic to wish that even that body would be exterminated by the Terratoma.

Because, of course, the plague troops and the Trickster are on the loose.

If you are close to large variants, the chance of being bombed increases uselessly.

‘It's a matter of time.... ’

Winter came to war with anxious emotions.

“Hey, fuck! That's it, that's it! ”

The sound of Lieutenant Song Jeong-hoon screaming. The darkness in his direction falters ominously. If you look at the heat of the night vision, it will be a lump of pink dots that have clumped together countless times. A flood made by those who step on the trunk of those who leap over their own kind, and those who leap over the trunk of those who leap over their own kind, overlapping and overlapping ends.

“It's been a long time since we've seen common folk! ”

Bang bang bang! The intense saturation of the high-speed grenade launcher tries to stop the flooding of the plague. But it was a shooting to destroy the waves. The blood and flesh crumbles from the explosion on the surface, but the massive and dreadful torrent swallows up the approaching mutants without weakening at all.

“There's more of them than before! I'd rather have radiation applied to the entire compartment! ”

As Song's complaint unfairly exploded, the glare and exhaust of the jet engine crossed the starry sky in broad wedges. It was a full-blown squadron that brought winter to optimum timing.

Immediately thereafter, a four-foot concentrator (CBU87) landed freely, drawing a parabola. Each of the cluster bombs spilled over 200 small bombs, each with its shell split open like a bamboo. Multi-purpose munitions designed to tear apart, whether it's a person or a vehicle.


In a flash, four football fields were hit by a rain storm. Each piece of coal exploded and scattered debris everywhere, and the zirconium mixed with the debris rose violently at a high temperature of 2200 degrees Fahrenheit, even for a short time. It was powerful enough to break the waves.

The breeze carrying the beginnings mixed with an unpleasantly accusing aroma. Even with the mask on, winter was able to visually perceive its scent. It is because those who survived over the hail of gunpowder and steel began to eat with the same remains. A grenade launcher has been launched on top of it and mortars have been fired. Over here, we expect mass loss in the proliferation process.

Of course, there will be enormous movements that are drawn like worms to the scent of roasting diseased meat.

Winter did not just judge the weapons system other than the Tactical Core as temporary.

"Low-proof or whatever, a proper bullet would be better."

It cannot be used near the defense line. It is because the field of view is blocked too much. Not only on the ground, but even aerial observation is difficult. It gives mutants a thick smoke screen, so there was a risk of providing a clue to the breakdown of the defense line.

So the burning was across from the Eyrian mountains and plateaux. The thinly stretched, wavy horizon hides the distant stars from the deduction.

It's a better weapon because it thoroughly carbonates the Terratoma's prey.

Tactical nuclei are also effective in this regard. Even if it's a nuclear blast zone, scattered flesh points during combat can be a great food source for internal exposure.

No matter how much I tried to refrain from using it, it was why the tactical nuclear strike continued. If we don't reduce the perimeter by increasing the radiation contaminant zone, the moments that cannot be tolerated are repeated.

"Now! Every step of the way! Dali Park!"

Vehicles belonging to Alpha squadrons protruded from their respective vehicles as instructed by Jin. It is essentially an armored vehicle, even if it is lightweight. It had enough weight to trample the torrent. The infinite trajectory carrying speed and weight was like a conveyor belt building a terratoma.

At the same time, tugs and sticks to the glove surface peel off from the artillery shells. A piece of grenade hit the aluminum alloy and fried the dizziness.

Measures to take the risk of damage to the observation equipment outside the vehicle.

As Lt. Song Jeong-hoon complained, this was not a proper battle.

Shut up!

While the armored car was hitting, a stark figure jumps out of the pile of smoky corpses. The creature quickly falls with blood splattered from the counter fire, but the terratomas spill out of him as if they were explosive. Winter and the chief of staff were just passing by.

Even Major Sing uttered his profanity.

“Bastard! Not to the very end! ”

His sword flashes. A dull day strikes and kills the teratoma, much closer to tearing it up than a bender. Winter strikes two of them in front of you with a rifle and an elbow, and one bounces behind your back and breaks them. At the same time, I stepped on another one and killed him.

“Ugh, my gun……. ”

Sergeant McCarthy grunts and pulls the lever of the gun. Each time, Terratoma's blood and bodily fluids prick along with its flesh points. There's no guarantee it'll launch properly by this time. It was a troublesome environment, no matter how strong the gun was against the foreign body.

In fact, soldiers reported a firearm malfunction. I even used up all my drinking water while washing my gun at once.

In fact, it didn't mean much to me to cherish it. Once the canister lid is fully opened, the water in it is directly exposed to the radioactive atmosphere and dust.

Even winter's protective clothing is wedged in pieces like filthy blood, oil and miniature. Some of the soldiers' hard-working duct tapes drip like a bandage loosened by slippery bodily fluids. If there's only one advantage to this, it's that even the teratoma that you want to stick to has increased slippage activity.

If a third party saw it, he would say that he was literally fighting in hell.

In the midst of the chaos, the anchorman Meriweather writes evil, moving back and forth between soldiers.

“Nuke! Nuke's dropping! Heads down, you bastards! ”

Not this section. However, no matter how far the distance was, it was beneficial for mental health to lay down and cover for a short time, unless we were about to die right now.

After a short while, the soft ash from the shock wave passed right in front of the winter.

"What was that, what was that? ’

The quantity the mission troops had was exhausted. Later in the winter, the air force put two feet on it, and soon the air force and the U.S. military split their legs.

Therefore, all of the tactical nuclei that are now burning were from antihelmets.

Of course, at the mission unit level, we are also trying to minimize nuclear launch.

One of the alternatives to tactical warheads was a group of strategic bombers filled with conventional bombs. The carpet bombardment cuts a variant's waist and temporarily blocks additional inflow.

Though not intended, Russian strategic bomber groups have been forcing mutants to learn quickly with immense noise from afar - dozens of bombers unleashing 15 tons of bombs a year. Its power is strong enough to feel an earthquake decades away. During the bombing, even beyond the direct destruction, we could see mutants that fell without centering.

However, considering the extent to which bombing should take place, and considering the distance a bomber squadron travels back and forth and the appalling rate of ammunition consumption, this was also only a temporary measure. A couple of carpet bombs will cost as much as the total amount of artillery shells loaded.

At this point, I heard the news that was waiting for me.

Evans reports with a stiff face.

“Sir! The Trident has been launched! On three!”


The Trident was the name of a multiwarhead missile launched by a submarine. Classically, it's the same weapon that Yang Yong-bin used to shoot on the mainland. Winter clenched my fist unknowingly. If it's late, it's fast. I hope it will work this time.

“3 mins from now…… no, 2 mins from now! ”

Winter, when the tactical tablet was handed over, identified the crash site. Eight missiles flying at 20,000 kilometers an hour out of the atmosphere, a total of twenty-four nuclear warheads were designed to simultaneously and simultaneously drop in giant circles.

It was a long two minutes.

The emission of warheads due to friction with the atmosphere was clear even at 23 kilometers away. All the Independent troops, including winter, could see bright solid lines dying on the other side of the starry sky. Artificial meteor showers. This was an unmatched spectacular sight, but each beam was twenty-five times the destructive power of tactical warheads.

And explode.

The color returned to the dark world. The landscape of the battlefield became unfamiliar at once.

“Fight on the line, you fools! I'm going to watch and die."

Sergeant Merriweather's beating is buried in thunder-like noise before it's over.

In the meantime, the sound of the automation launcher that had been blazing disappeared. Various caliber shells spill silently. It was like a silent movie.

The dawn before dawn quickly recovered its original darkness. But until then, the persistent, rough plateau and massive updrafts that rise from the front beyond the rugged basins of the mountains were overwhelming landscapes that push people and mutants into difficulty breathing.

Following a brief panic, the Mutants are instructed to gradually move their defenses away from the command line.

It meant to enter the full withdrawal process.

Finally got the prototype? ’

Winter was a wonder, but it wasn't the time to be idly demanding information.

Sticking to an existing defense line creates a gap for the mutants to enter each troop in stages. It was a time when delicate intervals between troops, organic cooperation, and even more luck was needed.

The winter, when the armored forces under the command once again dispersed the variants' attention, quickly relocated the rest of the infantry to the second line. The second is a reserve trench ship pre-built by the engineers who will be in command.

“Hurry! Hurry! Grenade launcher this way! Hurry! Can't you see the bastards are coming? ”

Officers and deputies scourge the soldiers. All deployments converged with the intent of winter, based on the gaps planned.

What was unexpected was the friction between each unit's withdrawal order.

"Don't mind your manners, it's the end of the yard. We have to be in charge of guarding the rear until the end.

Caphraov's words to Lt. Gen. Rogers were a tone closer to the announcement of the male offerings.

What the hell…….

"Let's be nice to each other. Your Yanks are glad we got out of this hellhole early, and our Russians are glad we owe America a debt.


"Of course, it is in conflict with the instructions that have already been given. You, the commander, must be the last to travel between you and the Winter commander. Didn't that come down?

It was an attitude that seemed to be beyond guesswork.

‘When I was in such a hurry, why did you page me to the front page?... ’

It was a powerful request from the Air Force officers. He wanted to share this conversation with winter. Are they tired of being used only as war heroes and wanting their support?

They are also aware of the political influence of winter.

In a situation where gunfire and saturation are constantly escalating, the warden said with distinctive emotions.

It's not okay. If you, as war heroes, die, the Americans who are immersed in the drunken tragedy will never face our sacrifice. We just roll over as best men. The real focus of this operation is our Russian air force!

I can't say it isn't.

Whatever brought the Independents here to Zero Ground in the first place.

You may laugh at the attitude of our government to buy opinions from other countries with the blood of soldiers. However. "

Caphraov has declared:

In the name of Mother Russia, the real protagonist of this fight should be us. So please leave quietly. I will not be escorted away.

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