# Signs (3), Ataskadero

Meal is also an order for soldiers. If you want to maintain your combat strength, you have to eat it when you want. You have two alternating meals.

Even though it was sudden, winter also prepared meals without words. Hunger was Bad Statuses. I had never experienced it, so I wanted to stay at my best. All you have to do is fill your calories.

It was a simplified FSR. As winter pulled out the energy bar, Jeffrey, who was rubbing tuna and mayonnaise, said a few words.

“Don't you think that looks like poop poop? ”

Preserved military food doesn't care about aesthetics. The shape of the energy bar was, in a way, like a crushed granule, and in a different way, it looked like a lumpy stool. Winter put down the energy bar. Geoffrey smiles.

“What do you think? A cockroach's revenge! ”

“ ……. ”

A joke when you're scared is evidence of a veteran. But it just doesn't seem to be iron. Winter sighed and chewed the sandwich. It tasted like salty beef, as if it didn't exist.

The meal was rough, and Jeffrey said, sucking on the water bag.

“That didn't come from me, I think. Some kind of...... what is that, an automated transceiver? Maybe it's broken? It's his fault for the interference. ”

“But I can't ignore it. Our mission is scouting. We need to find traces of the Prior Mission Forces. ”

Geoffrey mutters with a poignant look on his face in response to winter.

“In horror films, when I get a radio like that, I die. ”

“ ……. ”

Nonsense. Is this guy really immature?

After supper, the communicator attempted to communicate with an unknown number of people.

“Creepy. At least we're not dealing with a broken machine. ”

The communicator who finished communicating is sweating cold.

“Every time I transmit from this side, there's a response. Immediately, the message will be interrupted and the interference will be stronger. Your transmission will resume shortly, including a new message I've sent. ”

“What the hell. ”

Lieutenant Jeffrey looked ridiculous. Winter asked.

“Anything else unusual? ”

“Uh, well. I'm not sure... ”

Winter nods, and the comms take out the steamed horse.

“The more I communicate, the more sensitive I seem to be. ”

“Does that mean the target is approaching? ”

“Well, there's a good chance of that. ”

Increasing sensitivity demonstrates decreasing distance. The atmosphere subsides. Winter offers.

“That's better. Let's keep in touch and be prepared to greet. ”

Geoffrey points to a clearing outside the front door.

“I hope that's enough firepower rally point, right? This side's covered. ”

“Sounds good.”

The soldiers are busy moving. It was to move the bobbit wrap out of the lobby. Soldiers who set up the mine dragged a challenge line. If you bite the trigger here, you can detonate it remotely at the right time.

As with all public facilities, there was a flag crab nest in the center of the park. Jeffrey instructed the soldiers to lower their flags. It was not an inevitable circumstance, but it was impossible to insult the Progenitor. It was a formal procedure, but the soldiers performed without complaint. Progenitor was recovered with the California flag. Jeffrey folds them well and craves them. A souvenir.

In the meantime, the comms have been continually trying to communicate.

“The message I sent comes back. ”

Tense tone reporting. An unknown opponent copies and repeats the communication unit's words. In addition, the noise became stronger and the message reception increased. Soon, I was able to receive them by hand. Jeffrey grumbles.

“Are you making fun of me or is it a real ghost? We don't even know how close we are.... ”

I'm sure the distance will be reduced. I was anxious because I didn't know what was left.

I wonder how long you've waited. Across the parking lot, between the building beyond the fence and the needlepoint, a blurry figure quickly passes by.

“Something's up. ”

At least not human. Winter holds a gun to your head.

“Where?" ”

The whole platoon was nervous in a flash. Soldiers who just put a gun out on the cover and watch the front.


Jeffrey's nervous voice. Winter measured the streets. Distance measurement by the neck is corrected by Personalized Skill.

“It's hiding at 12 o'clock, about 120 meters away, behind the second building from the left. ”

The thirty remaining guns move finely. It was aiming in the direction winter had spoken.

The radio was going crazy. Winter turned off the radio. It was impossible to communicate normally anyway, and the whole platoon was gathered in the yard. Geoffrey and his soldiers were modeled after winter.

The target didn't show up easily. Instead, little things start crawling over the fence. The soldiers panicked.

“…… what kind of a baby is that? ”

It wasn't the same, it was a baby. Precisely, infected babies. With winter's vision, I could see them clearly. My whole body is distorted as if I've been burned.

Ordinary babies wouldn't have made it over the fence. These are over. Topics that can't even stand on two feet, and they're upside down with enhanced strength. Struggling over the ledge, it falls down. You dig down the slope of grass.


A strange cry. The baby cries, but the mother does not appear. Black babies crouch. Speed is surprisingly fast. I felt like a short dog running. It spreads widely and approaches. The head of the pollinator was rubbed to the left and to the right, showing a variety of unique behaviors. Clashing teeth.

“Oh, Jesus. It's getting worse.”

Someone's mumbling.

Mutant babies were tougher targets than I thought. Once it's small, it can run around like a frog. I crawled under the car.

Maybe it's a new strain. It was the kind of thing winter couldn't see. In fact, babies are special variants if they are special. It was like I was testing this side.

“You terrorists. It's against the rules to let the kids go. Fire!"

It was awkward because it looked like a baby, but I couldn't allow access. Jeffrey's firing orders have been dropped.

Glug glug! Glug glug!

Start firing machine guns now. The U.S. military has been working on the supply of silencers lately, so it was surprisingly quiet even as a support weapon.

Winter saved ammunition. Knee Firing Pose. Aim at each target with one foot precisely. He was also more efficient than the soldiers scratching at speech. Boom, boom! Whenever I pull the trigger, red blood sprinkles over the parking lot and empty space.

Baaak! A baby hit in the head spins an aerial swallow. From the forehead to the crown, the furrower was beaten. It seemed to have spread with an ice cream spoon.

“Damn! That's a nightmare! ”

The Support Knight has sharpened the magazine. With the help of a vicious man, you swiftly move on, targeting mutant babies near the crab beds. There were 200 rounds in the drum magazine. It was blatant fire.

Once you crossed the parking lot, there were no more covers in the lot. Mutant babies that enter the oblique line are split apart. It seemed to stir with a transparent grinder. A torn baby fell into the grass. I lost half my body. Less innards have flowed out. Twitch once, sag once.

“God, God, God, God……. ”

I cried to God endlessly, right next to winter.

In fact, I hate it even in winter. Like the other spectators of the world, this could not be taken as an aversion to entertainment.

“Claymore! Fire seven, eight! ”

Geoffrey's resolute cry. A soldier grabs the trigger in both hands and squeezes it tight.

The ground shakes. The mine scatters 700 ball bearings at 120 degrees forward. Overlapping the kill range, 1,400 beads crossed. A soil drenched with rain rose.

Excessive firepower. If it is correct, there is no shape left. I just blew up two of the eight, and the void was completely swept away.

Everyone shot alone in the winter in silence. Empty a magazine but not enough. Empty a new magazine. Everyone is confused because they don't know what the boy officer is shooting at.

“I missed it.”

Jeffrey asked.


“You've lost your mind. What were we guarding in the first place? ”

“…… Oops. ”

Jeffrey hits his helmet. He seemed to curse his stupidity for a moment. Soldiers agree. We've been sitting ducks while an unknown enemy escapes. Geoffrey, who was grumpy, asked me depressingly.

“Did you see what he looked like? ”

“Just one leg. It's covered in shrubs and trellises. ”

“Did you get it?”

“Clearly. I don't know if there's been a hit, but at least one bullet. ”

“Yes, thank God for you. You're paying for the medal... ”

He asked for the best explanation of what winter saw. I could estimate the size of the silhouette I had first seen and the size of the bridge. The conclusion was also a special variant.

“It's smaller than Grumble, but it's not just any variant. ”

Winter and Geoffrey advance beyond the parking lot under the protection of the soldiers. I was looking for traces of him. However, the bloodstains and treads on the grass were severed while encountering the asphalt. Winter's rating of 4 was difficult to anticipate further performance. It was still raining. There are no blood trails. Blurred blood flows into the furnace.

But I knew one thing. New variants have low or no physical resistance.

“I wonder where this guy ran off to.... It's too much pressure to search the city. ”

Even the missing commandos may have followed an unidentified radio into the city. Winter said to Jeffrey, who was worried.

“Well, maybe we don't need to search right now. ”


Instead of an explanation, winter turned the radio back on. Noise passes through. No messages were sent, but the noise intensity is great. It was more or less the same as when he approached. The winter I listened to quietly gains confidence.

“He's still hunting us. ”

Chasing and chasing meant the opposite.

The silence subsides for a moment. Rainwater flowing from a stretched barrel.

“So arrogant...... Who hunts who? ”

Jeffrey grins.

“You're still hanging around after getting hit and run away? I'm glad I don't have to chase you. ”

At the end of the conversation, you hear the sound of the barbed wire swinging from a distance. It's very rough. Everyone around you looks at one side. It was headed for the State Hospital quarantine ward. The noise of breaking the window followed. It was clear that he had gone into the building. It's because the interference has suddenly weakened.

“Let go, you sack of shit. I don't think you're gonna get caught. ”

According to the briefing, infectious variants that CDC accommodates in the quarantine ward reach 1,200 individuals. Once they were released, hell would break loose. Not enough ammunition before health. Winter eases his worries.

“It's okay, I told you, everything's locked down. One of them we saw for ourselves. Individual rooms would be the same. ”

Horse room, practically a cell. It won't open without the key.

“Phew. I can't help it. All right, let's go. To the labyrinth.”

Jeffrey leans forward, shrugging his shoulders.

Winter swept through the vehicles of the preceding task force. I was able to replenish as much ammunition as I used up. Grenades and a few flares.

Artwork Reviews

1. Ataskadero State Hospital is a model of the Pescadero State Hospital where Sara Connor was held in Terminator 2. I think it helps you to imagine the background.

2. There are many questions about the appearance of special and enhanced variants too soon...

I can't help it. The opponent is a kingdom of heaven. Hahaha.

3. Those of you who would like to make a one-time payment, please wait a little longer.

We've heard from a number of publishers. Perhaps the contract will not be concluded in the next month. It actually takes a month or two for a book + e-book to come out.

We lodged a complaint regarding Joara's rate increase and policy change. If this problem is not resolved smoothly, there may be a premium transition or transition.

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