The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00083 # Night by the lake

# Night on the Lake, Fort Roberts (2)

In the briefing room were the main officers of the battalion. They welcomed the boy's officer. Winter sat next to Commander Capston. Unfortunately, there is a First Captain Farell Ramos across the street. He sends a smile and greetings to winter. It was hard to find anxious at the time of the fall of Camp San Luis Obispo. Still, I didn't forget the comforts of that night.

The seated side is minimal class. There was only one winter in the gazette. You deserve to know the weight of this place.

“The problem is still the storm. ”

The Joint Chiefs of Operations got lucky. There were three aerial photographs floating on the front screen of the conference room. A reservoir full of water. It looks dangerous at first sight.

“Let me get this straight. There are three dams that we need to secure. ”

Operation Chief zoomed in on the first photo, and then he used a laser pointer to take a picture of a frenzy spot on one side.

“Our top priority is the Nashimiento Dam. It is located 13 kilometers west of the base, and as you can see, the water level is dangerously high. Structure that naturally drains when it reaches a hazardous water level, but is currently more inflow than its current capacity. Engineering estimates suggest that there is a possibility of collapse starting tomorrow afternoon. ”

The commander asked.

“How long does it take to disintegrate? ”

“Once it starts to collapse, it's quick. ”

Operation Chief is in a hurry.

“It's because the Nacimiento Dam is a tasteful force. It's easy to understand when you think about pouring water into a sand castle. If the dam collapses, the damage will be devastating. The current reaches the base in less than 10 minutes, with an estimated maximum flow rate of about 20 meters per second and a water level of over 6 meters. So we need to secure it quickly and open all the gates. ”

The rumbling spreads. However, it is closer to dissatisfaction than anxiety. An officer raises his hand.

“The conquest itself should not be a problem because the distance is close, but the warning is too late, isn't it?" What have the engineers been doing? ”

Construction and operation of dams in the United States is the responsibility of the Engineering Force. That's why there are engineer's offices near major dams and beams. In the event of a problem caused by the facility, the primary responsibility was to become an engineer.

However, he couldn't hold all the responsibilities to the Engineering Corps alone. Apart from facility management, monitoring reservoirs and river levels was a collaboration with the U.S. Department of Suspension and the California Department of Water Resources.

Operation Chief has warned you.

“We should save time. Avoid making meaningless complaints. ”

“ ……. ”

The person asking questions hesitates. Is it that urgent? It was a questionable face. The dam collapsed tomorrow. It looked urgent, but it was enough to walk for four hours.

But winter is understandable. In the worst case, the water level could rise even if the water door was fully opened. It is safe to hurry as soon as possible, as long as you don't know how bad the weather is going to continue.

Followed by briefing.

“The next target, the San Antonio Dam, is similar. It is located four kilometers north of the Nacimiento Dam, and is close enough for easy occupation. We have a plan to deploy one Engineering Battalion and one Battalion simultaneously to secure both targets. Please refer to the documentation provided. ”

Winter looked at the black and white map of the document. The two dams are almost as close together as ever. You can see Port Roberts cut in half at one edge of the map. The scale is very large. One side of the plan was only one kilometer. It was proof that the distance was that close.

The battalion leader questioned.

“A whole generation? Do you really need that many troops to take over two dams? ”

Operation Chief nods.

“You only need to send one squad to take over the facility. All you have to do is open the gates and come back. But I'm concerned about the activity of the mutants. Intelligent enough to deliberately hide in bases and set fire to disrupt air operations. There have been reports recently that some variants, other than special variants, use simple tools? I don't think they're going to go quietly when there's less air patrol and less bombing due to weather conditions. ”

The commander of the regiment disgraced me.

“Do you really think the mutants will attack the dam? ”

“There's only one law in the bay. We need to be prepared for anything. Think about the Christmas Eve raid. Who would have imagined they'd be using EMP? ”

Suddenly, the arrow returned to the boy's officer.

“Lieutenant Han, what do you think? ”

Winter was delayed for a while because it was not ready. Meanwhile, all eyes on the left are focused. The Chief of Operations is behind this.

“Tell me your unbelievable opinion. That's one of the reasons I called you. ”

“…… there is definitely a possibility. Maybe it's the opposite of before and after. ”

“What does that mean? ”

“I've been to the Black Mountains several times on a convoy, and some of the most intelligent of the variants are scouts. Of course it's close to the base now. As you said, there may be more patrols than usual. ”


“You can see the troops going to secure the dam and understand the importance of the dam. ”

It was a more realistic warning to the left-wing officers than to the Chief of Operations. Winter wondered how long it would take Grumble to break the dam. A physical force that turns Humvees into scrap metal and demolishes houses in a heartbeat. It won't take long.

‘…… half-day? ’

The beginning of collapse is enough with just a small crack. Water pressure will take care of the rest.

Operation Chief has changed the screen. The third dam. Although the reservoir looks smaller than the two previous ones, it is according to the relative assessment date.

“The last target, Salinas Dam. Fifty-six kilometers straight from the base, 70 kilometers to the actual distance traveled, and that's low risk. Port Roberts is not expected to suffer direct damage even if it collapses. ”

Recently underway, Operation Chief explained.

“It's just that the San Ardo heritage is a little bit more downstream. It's right next to the river, so it must be submerged. If the refinery is damaged, it will be difficult to repair. ”

The commander groaned.

“I can't do that. We'd better secure it, regardless of the risk. ”

“I agree... The distance is problematic. The two previous targets are very close to the base, so sending one generation should be no burden. because you can have a wired network, or you can come back and help when things go wrong at the base, or vice versa. But not here. We have no choice but to send a small force. We're too far away to even communicate. It would be a dangerous mission. ”

Operation Chief stared at winter openly. I think Commander Capston knew all along. You said you had a mission that required winter. When choosing a man for a dangerous mission in Fort Roberts, we must not leave him unattended. The chief of operations was the one who asked me to summon winter in the first place.

The commander asked winter.

“What does one lieutenant have to say? Apparently, the chief of staff thought you were the right person to attend the meeting. ”

“I'll follow orders. ”

“No, I want an opinion. If you don't like it, I'll give the mission to someone else. You're someone who needs you everywhere. It's not nice to have you out of the base at a time like this. ”

The battalion commander's words were unexpected. Winter shakes its head after a moment's thought.

“I'd better get going. ”

“I see. How many troops do you think we need? ”

“You only need one squad. It's okay below that. ”

The embarrassing reaction spreads.

“That's reckless. You can't defend the whole dam like that. ”

“You won't need to defend yourself. ”


“If you look at the map, there are seven cities between the base and the dam. That's as far as it goes. You might be exposed to a few grills along the way. But it's impossible for them to keep up with the speed of the vehicle. So even if mutations are found at the point of arrival, it's extremely unlikely that they'll realize the correlation between Fort Roberts and the dam. ”

“Does that mean that even if the mutants attack, the target is not the dam, but you and your troops? ”

“Yes. I don't know if I'll ever be tracked by a Trickster every mile. They communicate with each other from a distance. But Trickster's not that common. And if you look at the map, within a 10-kilometer radius of the Salinas Dam, there are no cities, no villages. Wouldn't there be fewer varieties? You could go in and out undetected. ”

Winter was all about walking from a distance. The use of noise makers is prohibited. It'll wipe out the rain and the wind anyway.

The troops who will support the young officers will be borrowed from the third generation as usual. Winter wanted to take the allied fighters, but it was greedy. Command won't allow it. It was too important to use refugee support. The regimental commander instructed Captains, Logistics and Chief of Staff to hand over all the resources winter demands. The boy officer's confidence was satisfactory.

The briefing was quickly completed as the roles were assigned.

Before he left, Commander Ramos asked for a handshake.

“You've always been brave. Good luck, lieutenant. ”

“You too, Commander. I'm sure the first generation hasn't been replenished yet. It must be hard. ”

“Not as much as you. I've been through the records, and you've been thoroughly compromised on a major operation. If you were my man, I would have forced you to rest. ”

“Thank you for your concern. ”

The commander tapped the boy's shoulder, gave a short smile to the nearby Captain and left the briefing room. Commander Capston asks.

“Do you have any special forces you'd like? ”

“I don't know. I'd much rather catch my breath, but in fact, I don't care about any of Charlie's men. Let's just get them volunteered. It's at least better than the first platoon, as I said. I don't want to force you to do something dangerous. ”

Especially Geoffrey and his platoon. I wouldn't avoid the winter spotting, but I was sorry to drag it around too often.

Commander Capston shakes his head.

“I'm worried. You can't even use the radio. If an unforeseen incident should occur, there will be a shortage of coping skills. You should at least have a backup team. Think again. Your request for one squadron will easily be approved. ”

Trickster's the reason I can't use the radio. They'll pick up radio waves and follow them. Besides, he's not going anywhere alone. He appeared alone on Christmas Eve to catch himself. Winter made a gentle smile.

“Thank you for your concern. But it's really okay. If you want to stay out of sight, you'd better have fewer numbers. I heard the east side of the dam is mostly forest...... If it's the same condition, it would be quicker for me to find the mutant than for the mutant to find me. We can lose them if we get caught, right? It's hard to cope with my ability when there are so many. ”

“...... Let's search for volunteers first. I'll have them assembled at the barracks in 30 minutes. If you change your mind in the meantime, you must tell me. ”

After leaving the commander, winter immediately moved to the Marine Corps. The dispatchers come first and wait for you. Winter took their help loading the vehicles with the necessary equipment, tools, food and ammunition. We had plenty of food and fuel, especially in case we were stranded in the dam.

‘This much rain. No matter when the road is lost, it's not strange. ’

The boy reached out his hand and weighed the rain water. I feel like I'm bumping into gloves. It's heavy.

I've been waiting for you, and there's been a lot of buzz. The sound of feet rolling in wet ground. It was an old testament. I see a Suliban lieutenant in the lead. The 3rd platoon commander, he's been promoted to the rank since the Captains' War.

The squadron was aligned with the rain in front of winter.

Winter leans in.

“What brings you out here? ”

The Suliban lieutenant insists.

“Lieutenant, I hear you're looking for a volunteer. ”

“…… No way. ”

“That's right. The whole platoon is backing this. Pick it yourself.”

Now it looks like everyone is holding back their smile. Winter got a little awkward.

Artwork Reviews

1. Today is the writer's birthday. I wanted to go to bed early.

Half the birthdays will pass when you wake up...

Anyway, I'm going to play today. Seal breaker? I don't use it.

There's no one to play with, but whatever.

I'm gonna watch a movie by myself, I'm gonna bake meat by myself, I'm gonna go to a cafe by myself, I'm gonna drink alcohol by myself...


I'm gonna have to overwatch...


Q. Reynesis: Ossuary with @ work... How many hours does it usually take for you to write one?

A. Well. In this case, it took a long time to write once, erase and rewrite. It's best to rewrite it from the beginning, when you want to be immersed in detail or be directional. If you get tangled with the amount you've already written, it's easy to break.

Without this, it's usually in or out of eight hours.

Q. Pumpkin: Is @ military phone sourced from Korea? It looks like you have Active x installed;; every time you request support, you get a hell of a certification.

A. Well, America's not that sloppy.

Q. Master Column: That's two slices of @ Costco pizza down... About 40,000 years before the time warp, about a dozen years ago, I ate food fighters. I bet five dollars on five buns of pork ribs, five cups of rice, five cups of soda in less than 30 minutes, 14 minutes and 41 seconds, and won a 100,000 won prize.

A. Wow... I can take 20 minutes of food... That's amazing...

Q. Dohwahwan: It's a dream for readers and writers of @ paper books. Do I have to go to self-publishing? Or the publisher?

A. I think I'm going to get a paper book. In fact, for me, the paper book wasn't that desperate. I always wanted to publish as a student, but ever since then...

Q. Thanks again for your sympathy today. You're not a Russian president in a Russian painting, are you? I still want you to be my reader to Putin. He remembers the words. "Tequila!

A. Identity is a secret. It's probably a secret to the end. Haha.

Q.I like chatting with people fresh and fun!

A. This is where the writer struggles. I try to describe it more closely.

Q. Aegean clown: @ Italy is about 7 hours apart, including Summertime, around 5: 12 pm in Korea. In short, what is the benefit of receiving novels at 5: 00? Pizza is also Italian.

A. I envy Italy that I can eat delicious pizza wherever I go...

Q. Sunshine nap: @ Yikes, Mr. Pizza is for crickets. I can't eat Ningen!

A. Is it not specifically for Ningen? It seems that humans are eating such terrible things these days.

Q. NeoGGM: I looked up the news article and I saw the Sam Song Mark... Isn't this it?

A. The rugged case.

Q. Aigoo Life: @ Writer, if Crochen is in this world view, will the world be cleansed? The more I look at it, the more I miss the existence of the absolute line. I'm running out of Noble access time, so I won't be able to see you again.

A. Crochen, if you have him, I won't stand by. Come back in 40,000 years. '')/

Q. Unsophisticated Novel Enthusiast: It's a hopeless chat window honey jam. I feel like I'm evolving from a cage to a mine.

A. I can't believe you're having so much fun with no dreams or hopes... How many Le Ruye are you staying at?

Q. Ghozt: @ Wikidd has uncovered a very sympathetic novel. The sympathy is compassionate, but the character's infinite compassion is impressive.

A. I've read about it. It's a bit... unfortunate.

Q. Ketaro: Just out of curiosity, the Russian friend who declared that he was going to kill Karesky, who created Active X... are you a member of the Russian intelligence system? The reason why you created Active X is because you created technology or information leakage abroad, and a Russian friend who jokingly understands that -- you're a highly intelligent man;;; you can't be Puzzar's heir, right? Operations we could use for winter... maybe something new has emerged, something urgent to occupy, or something to recover. Oh, I love Domino's Pizza.

A. Let your readers imagine who Rusky is. I'm going to be thrown out a few more times.

Domino's Pizza is great, but the cheese is too salty. In fact, the taste of writers is full of branded pizza. I can't eat KFC chicken because it's too salty.

Q. New World: @ Tunguska lost compassion and did not value the regulator. Let's get this game started.

A. I'm losing my sympathy because novels get taken away by readers?

Q. Woman: Do you not play Goo O class Dolgem full of @ sympathy? I am always learning what sympathy is by looking at Yogyakaron's John.

A. I don't have time for a high-end clock... and I don't have time for other games.

Q. Pepper pepper: I'm shooting 27 ingredients for Sponsorship 7. I think I can have another pizza... maybe? I've been eating a lot of red hat pizza lately.

A. Pussy? There's a red hat near my house. I'm going to try it. It's your birthday, so you should eat it all by yourself! Thank you for the good information.

Q. RGZ95: Isn't Mr. @ Russoy something senior? The more you look at it, the more unusual the @. @

A. Vladimir is popular. Proud:)

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