Chapter 104 The Big Liar

He said yes.

As expected, the speed of the car slowed down a bit, and we arrived at the pet hospital in a short while.

Xu Nuonuo saw the young man's broken hair flying in the rearview mirror. He was not wearing a helmet, and the young man felt very lonely.

If he were holding a helmet at this time, he would definitely be the most popular handsome motorcycle guy in those shojo comics.

The wind blew, stinging my face.

Her bright eyes were moist and wind-blown. She looked up at him.

Song Yi carried the little rabbit Zhizhi directly into the hospital, followed by Xu Nuonuo. Both of them were very good-looking, and both were nervous about the little rabbit, which suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

The doctor came over and just touched the little rabbit's ears to know that it did have a fever. "Fortunately, it was discovered in time. I'll give it an anti-fever injection later. Leave the rabbit to me first. It will probably be done in a few minutes." ”

Nuonuo and Song Yi stayed outside, and the little rabbit stayed in the doctor's arms. The two of them went to pay the fee.

"Is it called Zhizhi?" he asked casually.

"Yeah." Nono further explained: "Because it squeaks every time it gnaws on a radish, it's very cute, so it's called Zhizhi."

Song Yi's thin lips curled up, and his laughter became even lower, with a hint of scorn: "It's called Zhizhi, so why do you call it Nono? Is it because your face is soft and waxy?"

Xu Nuonuo held the corner of her clothes with her fingertips and said in a very low voice, "No, because you have to be honest and trustworthy and abide by the rules."

Song Yi licked the roof of his mouth lightly, looking like he was smiling but not smiling.

It's over.

He had just broken this little girl's broken rule - disobeying traffic rules.

Xu Nuonuo didn't see the solemn look on his expression, but his tone was light and soft, "Thank you very much for today."

Song Yi raised his eyebrows and leaned down to look at her, his long and narrow eyes slightly unseemly, "Then how are you going to thank me?"

Can you thank me with your mouth?

Xu Nuonuo didn't seem to have thought about it yet, and her little face was almost wrinkled with confusion.

"That little couple, your little rabbit has received a fever-reducing injection. Don't give it a bath for the next few days after returning home. Just take it out for a breather occasionally. Don't blow the air."

The doctor stopped them and gave instructions.

Nuonuo's face was blushing, and she had a delicate beauty. She opened her mouth to explain, but Song Yi looked at her with a smile and immediately interrupted her, "Doctor, do you need to prescribe medicine for this kind of fever?"

The doctor saw that the two of them were so immature, probably only in high school, and said with a smile, "Why does the little rabbit need any medicine? This antipyretic injection will work, and in two days he will be a lively little rabbit again."

Xu Nuonuo walked out with Song Yi holding the little rabbit in her arms.

Several traffic policemen gathered at the entrance of the pet hospital, guarding the group of motorcycles, as if they were deliberately arresting people.

Song Yi never thought that he would be able to carry it like this, and his luck was so good.

It was impossible to get the car back for the time being. Nono didn't know it and took two steps in that direction. The traffic police immediately spotted the two of them.

"Wait, this motorcycle belongs to you two?" the traffic policeman asked angrily.

Song Yi didn't think about denying it, but he really couldn't get his driver's license. He turned eighteen in August and had no time to take the test later.

"Where's the driver's license?"


It was a concise and clear conversation, but Nono was the only one who was deceived.

Xu Nuonuo was so angry that she didn't even want to look at Song Yi, this big liar and bad guy. He also lied to her about having a driver’s license!

Nuonuo actually doesn't care much about other people's lies, but Song Yi is the villain who ignores the law and is addicted to murder. She felt a little bit scared to start violating the traffic rules now.

Song Yi saw Nuonuo's eyes. There was life in them, but they were more like a cold star, bright, soft and piercing. (End of this chapter)

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