The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 143: Little glutinous rice balls

Chapter 143 Little Rice Balls

Xu Nuonuo was afraid, as if Song Yi would hit her.

Song Yi laughed angrily.

I was so angry that my heart ached.

"You go to a place with me."

Xu Nuonuo looked at Song Yi in surprise, not knowing what he meant.

You can't really hit yourself, right?

Seeing that Nuonuo didn't respond, Song Yi directly took hold of Nuonuo.

Zhou Xin walked over boldly, her calves shaking, and asked: "Where are you taking Nono?"


canteen? !

Xu Nuonuo winked at Zhou Xin and asked her to go back first.

Song Yi took Nuonuo into the kitchen of the cafeteria. The aunt inside had not yet wiped her hands on her apron. When she saw them, she quickly said: "Young man, you have good taste! What a handsome girl. I leave this place to you." "

Nuonuo was confused, Song Yi let herself sit on the stool obediently.

The man walked beside the pot, and a bowl of hot glutinous rice **** came out of the pot. The smell of rice wine still lingers in the air.

Song Yi walked over. The young man's facial features were three-dimensional and delicate, hidden in the heat.

The young man leaned over slightly and put down the glutinous rice balls. Resting his elbows on the table, his long and powerful fingers were interlocked, and the slender joints folded into sharp and beautiful cold white arcs.

"Eat, I'll let you go after you're done."

The tone is neither light nor serious.

Even though Xu Nuonuo didn't like him and kept rejecting him, Song Yi's humble heart still devoutly hoped that the little girl in front of him would be safe, healthy, and reunited.

Xu Nuonuo looked at the bowl of glutinous rice **** with hometown characteristics. They looked very good. There are very few people selling glutinous rice **** here. This bowl of glutinous rice **** could only be made by Song Yi himself.

Nuonuo felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

It turns out that the thing he was preparing yesterday was this bowl of glutinous rice balls.

Song Yi folded his long legs casually and leaned against the back of the chair. He looked at Nono and said, "Eat quickly, it will get cold later."

There was snow on Nono's eyelashes, but now it turned into water. He reached out his hand to wipe it off for her, but in the end he was reluctant to reach out.

She is afraid of him.

"This bowl of glutinous rice **** is to wish you a happy Spring Festival, reunion and peace. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. Just pour it down."

Her eyes turned sour for a moment, and she sniffed.

My heart feels sour.

"I didn't say I wouldn't eat." Nono said softly.

She held the spoon and ate the glutinous rice **** in small bites.

Song Yi made small glutinous rice balls, and Xu Nuo Nuo just took one bite. The rice wine is so sweet and fragrant, it’s hard to imagine that it was made by Song Yi.

Xu Nuo Nuo is really sad.

She finished eating obediently, holding the bowl and planning to wash it. Song Yi took the bowl away and said, "The water is cold. I'll wash the bowl."

"Don't play in the snow anymore, you'll get cold. Go back and take a good bath to prepare for tomorrow's game."

The boy's words were as plain as water, but they were all words of concern for her.

Nuonuo felt that Song Yi's voice was particularly gentle today, not at all lazy or dignified as usual: "Xu Nuonuo, even if you don't like me, you still hate me a little bit. But I'm so **** rare for you."

A person's heart is so small that it can only hold one person.

She tilted her head and looked at him seriously while Song Yi finished washing the dishes. He stretched out his hand and touched her forehead gently.

He exhaled, "The temperature is normal."

Xu Nuo Nuo's nose was so sore that her tears fell down. Song Yi was the first person to be so kind to her.

All the preference and tenderness were given to herself. Although she didn't understand the word love, she was always moved.


Xu Nuonuo lowered her head and said with tears in her mouth.

Song Yi knelt down and held the little girl's soft face, wiping away her tears with his rough fingertips. He chuckled and said: "Why are you crying? Do you regret it if you know I'm better?" (End of Chapter)

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