Chapter 174 Very sweet

 Song Yi has really made all the changes. There are no cigarettes in his pocket anymore, only candies. His favorite drink also became her favorite.

There were more people attending the Mathematical Olympiad competition in the afternoon. The National English Competition only occupied two teaching buildings, while the Mathematical Olympiad had five buildings.

The competition is fiercer than the last.

This year's high school students are working hard to get into the best university. They work hard and strive for self-improvement.

The exam is at three o'clock in the afternoon, and summer afternoons are the hottest.

Song Yi's admission ticket, etc. were all collected, and she was even placed in an air-conditioned milk tea shop to protect her from the heat.

Nono looked at his back. He was tall and thin, with excellent bone shape and an indescribable cleanliness.

Xu Nuonuo didn't know what impulse supported her and made her run out of the milk tea shop. The summer sun is scorching hot, and the heat outside is like a rolling heat wave.

She didn't know why, but she felt her heart swell.

"Song Yi!"

The young man stopped and looked at Xu Nuo Nuo behind him at the school gate.

Seeing her running over in a hurry, her eyes were anxious, and the broken hair on her forehead was a little messy, but she was even more beautiful.

She paused on the spot and looked at the young man's delicate, angular face.

Xu Nuonuo recalled in a daze that when she first saw Song Yi, she really never thought that he was the vicious villain.

Later, he became lazy and had a bad temper. Only then did Nono gradually believe in the plot of the original novel. But the more contact she got, the more Nono felt that this was not the case.

Song Yi is not a perverted murderer, he is sincere and persistent.

She opened her mouth, but in the end she only said two words: "Come on."

Song Yi was obviously a little depressed just now, but he immediately smiled brightly and without any grudges. The sun fell on his face, which was fair and clear. Xu Nuo Nuo's heart beat rapidly.

Song Yi said: "Okay, go back and stay there. I'll be back soon."

Passers-by don't know why they feel the illusion from this passage that in ancient times the husband went to war and the wife wanted to stay but was unwilling to betray the country's favor.

Noonuo returned to the milk tea shop, and the sister selling milk tea was really amazed every time she looked at Noonuo.

"Are you so clingy to your boyfriend?"

Sister Milk Tea joked.

Xu Nuonuo shook her head and explained: "We are just friends."

The sister didn't believe it at all, "Little sister, I saw it this morning. Your boyfriend has been standing at the door waiting for you. In such a hot weather, he was the only one waiting for you stupidly. You said it wasn't you. Boyfriend, I really don’t believe it.”

Nono lowered his eyes, his heart aching.

The Mathematical Olympiad competition was very difficult this time. Song Yi didn't have any extra time, and his palms were all sweaty. He was really unsure about this competition.

When he left the school gate, he was absent-minded all the way. It was when the little girl walked up to him that he slowly came back to his senses.

She took out a small pack of wet wipes from the small pocket of her pants and gave it to him.

The weather is still very hot at five o'clock in the afternoon, and even the heat makes people panic. Looking at the slender and soft fingertips in front of him, he was stunned.

"Wipe your sweat quickly."

Song Yi stared at Xu Nuo Nuo in a daze.

The wind rustled the leaves, which made people feel panicked in this stuffy weather.

Song Yi felt for a moment that the weather was very nice and not too hot.

He didn't take it, so Xu Nuonuo stood on tiptoes to wipe the sweat from his face. His mind was in chaos, not that kind of chaos, but the repeated alternation between reason and desire.

Damn it, is it going to kill you?

Song Yi grabbed her waist and looked at her face steadily: "Xu Nuonuo, are you testing my endurance?"

He didn't need her answer, he lowered his head and gently pecked her lips.

Very sweet. (End of this chapter)

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