The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 183: Await your return

Chapter 183 Waiting for your return

Song Yiyan stood aside, his eyes already red. Mrs. Song has been magnanimous in her dealings with others all her life and has her own integrity.

Everyone she came into contact with was grateful for her.

Song Yi's cheeks were cold and white, and his whole body was cold. His fingertips trembled for a long time, but he did not dare to lift them up and touch Old Mrs. Song who was lying on the hospital bed.

The whole family was sobbing, some of them may be sincere, some of them may be false. The room suddenly became noisy.

Song Yi's eyes were scarlet. He squatted in the corner and looked at the lifeless old lady Song.

Song Yiyan wiped his tears with Song Yi behind his back, walked over, patted Song Yi's shoulder calmly for the first time, and took out a candy.

"This is the candy your grandma left for you because she was thinking about you before she died. She said you liked this candy the most when you were a child. She has been reluctant to close her eyes and has been worried about you. After this time, study hard and don't always fight. ”

Song Yiyan still remembers Song Yi's most rebellious period and persuaded him.

The young man raised his eyes and looked at Song Yiyan. The candy in his hand was an old-fashioned candy. This kind of candy is not that sweet, so it is no longer sold in the market.

He has never liked eating those sweet candies since he was a child, this is his preference.

At this moment, he couldn't hold it any longer, and tears fell down, dripping on the corner of his mouth, which was a little salty.

During those days, there was no longer that grandma lying on the rocking chair, watching him go to and from school with a kind smile.

Why does this world always destroy everything he cherishes?

The dark seeds in my heart were slowly buried.

Xu Nuonuo was really worried about Song Yi, because all the third-level tasks were used to relieve Nuonuo's pain. She only remembered the general plot and basically forgot everything mentioned in the article.

She had no way of knowing what happened to Song Yi.

Xu Nuonuo pressed the phone with determination.

The bell rang over and over again, and Song Yi slumped in the corner.

His pupils were empty, and finally someone reminded him that his phone had been ringing for a long time, and Song Yi slowly picked up the phone.

"Hey, Song Yi? Are you okay now? Did something happen at home?"

She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the night outside and the heavy rain. Her big eyes were soft and full of worry.

Song Yi squatted in the corner, one hand on the ground, his eyelashes blocking his expression.

"Promise, I have no family anymore."

Nuonuo was stunned. In the original novel, the only person Song Yi could call family was the old lady who devoted herself to him.

In order to experience the pain of others, Nono could not do anything more than verbal comfort.

Song Yi took a breath, touched the wet rain on his face, and sighed, "Am I so bad? She was thinking about me, a useless grandson, even before she died."

Xu Nuonuo's throat felt dry listening to his voice.

"Song Yi, you are not a bad person, but you are very affectionate. Otherwise, you wouldn't have so many friends who would play and be punished with you and call you brothers."

She wanted to say a lot, but what she said in the end was completely incorrect.

Song Yi, who was on the other end of the phone, felt soft in his heart. He lowered his head and said, "But, little friend, I have no home."

His voice was low and full of silence.

Xu Nuo Nuo couldn't stop the pain in her heart. Her closest family member passed away. What kind of pain should it be?

There was a strong wind blowing outside, and the chilly weather, combined with the heavy rain, was chilling to the core.

She said: "Song Yi, you will have a very warm and cozy home in the future."

This is her blessing.

Although Song Yi was in a low mood, he was relieved a lot with the promise.

"The weather is very cold. You should remember to wear more clothes and bring an umbrella. The weather has been changeable recently. I will wait for you to come back."  (End of Chapter)

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