The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 244: Show off your son-in-law

Chapter 244 Show off your son-in-law

After returning to the hotel, Nono called her home. Mrs. Xu was silent, and the other person who was playing cards suddenly stopped talking.

Mr. Xu's mood became even more explosive.

But he couldn't stand Nono, so Mrs. Xu reported his address.

The more Mr. Xu thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Why was the little girl he hadn't seen for a long time getting married? No, he had to give that boy a little pain.

"Lao Li, didn't you say that your grandson-in-law is very outstanding and handsome? Tomorrow we will be here at this pavilion and I will take my granddaughter's boyfriend to try to get some strength, okay?"

Mr. Li was extremely satisfied with his son-in-law and immediately said, "Okay, I'm just afraid that your granddaughter's boyfriend will be angry by then."

The two old men finalized their ideas.

In the pavilion resting halfway up the mountain, there were indeed four old men playing mahjong, each of them in high spirits.


Xu Nuonuo stood on the side of the pavilion. The old ladies had never thought about how this girl was so handsome. Her well-behaved and sensible appearance was very lovable.

Mr. Xu was very happy when he saw his granddaughter kissing her. "Hey, dear grandson, come here and let me take a good look at her."

As soon as Xu Nuonuo walked over, a tall man also appeared.

Several old men wore glasses and looked at them, wearing suits and leather boots. They looked just... not bad, almost the same as when they were young.

Originally, a group of old men wanted to bury him, but in the end, this kid had a good appearance.

An old man sighed with emotion: "Times are not forgiving. Lao Xu's granddaughter is already so old. Is this her boyfriend?"

Song Yi nodded. Under the critical eyes of a group of old men, he actually couldn't find any shortcomings for the time being.

Judging from his figure and demeanor, he is not an ordinary person.

All the old men were very curious: "Old Xu, I still don't know what kind of industry your granddaughter's boyfriend is in."

Song Yi said out of politeness: "My name is Song Yi. I currently have two companies, mainly in the financial industry, and IT also involves 30% of the industry."

Oops! This boy, they had heard this name a little bit, but they didn't expect this boy to be so great.

Mr. Xu looked at the shocked expressions of a group of card players. Although he didn't like this kid, his pride was so strong that it was about to burst out of the earth. He pretended to be calm and calmly introduced: "Oh, that's all. ?”

When old people get together, they like to show off their juniors.

A group of old friends couldn't help but take a few more glances. As they watched, Mr. Li was a little unconvinced: "Oh, my grandson-in-law is also in the financial industry. Maybe you guys know each other."

All the old men looked at Old Mrs. Li. The old man took a sip of tea slowly and said, "My grandson-in-law is not as good as you in these aspects, but he is very filial. He even gave me this tea."

Song Yi bent down and put down something very gently—some expensive tea.

He said: "Grandpa, I heard from Nono that your neck is always uncomfortable. Just so I learned a massage technique that can help you relieve the pain."

While talking, he started to move, and the movements looked quite similar.

Mr. Xu suddenly felt that his waist no longer hurt, his legs were no longer sore, and his neck no longer hurt. The pride in my heart is about to burst out of the sky.

"Xiao Song, you are such a filial child. My cervical vertebra really doesn't hurt anymore!"

Starting to show off again.

Old Mrs. Li was so angry that she couldn't speak. Didn't he ask his grandson-in-law to suppress this kid? Why did you start boasting?

"My grandson-in-law can also play the piano very well, and his artistic talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people!"

Completely under Song Yi's bombardment, Mr. Xu had already begun to plan Song Yi as his own, and glared: "Xiao Song, do you have any talents?"  (End of this chapter)

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