Chapter 272 Small Road

The woman felt very sorry for her and asked her, "Can the little girl be satisfied with one bowl of food? She needs to take good care of herself during pregnancy."

Xu Nuonuo was stunned, put down the bowl, stroked her belly, and said in disbelief: "You said I'm pregnant?"

"You silly girl, you don't know you're pregnant? Looking at your pulse, you're already pregnant for more than a month!"

Nono has been struggling in the past few months, with many things mixed together. Nuonuo also ignored her menstrual period, which was slightly irregular. She really didn't notice the changes in her body.

What would she do if she really had a child?

The child in her belly is just over a month old, and if her trip fails, she will choose to kill the child's father.

Does she want to take her child with her to death?

Nono didn't know what to do, so she asked eagerly: "How do you know I'm pregnant? Are you sure?"

This incident was so sudden. Although she had been intimate with Song Yi, Xu Nuonuo had never thought about such a thing as pregnancy before.

The husband of this middle-aged woman is a doctor. He has studied Chinese medicine for several years and checked Nono's pulse several times. After getting the affirmative answer, Xu Nuonuo really didn't know how to express her feelings. It was complicated, surprising, and a little bit contradictory and uneasy.

Xu Nuonuo looked down at her flat belly. There seemed to be a little life inside, and her fingertips trembled a little.

I said thank you to these two.

Nono is more determined to find the time and space manager as soon as possible.

But when the couple saw that Nono was eager to leave, they suddenly became anxious. "Girl, you should have a good rest first. Your body is a little weak, so we are going out first. Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you."

Originally, Nono was unable to recover for a while because of her sudden pregnancy, and her mind was not clear. But now I feel vaguely that something is wrong.

When the door to the small room was slammed shut, Nono realized that something was wrong with this group of people. She got out of bed and quickly opened the door, only to find that the door was locked from the outside.

Although these two people have simple and honest faces, they don't look like bad people. But the more you look like this, the more likely you are to deceive others with your appearance.

And since this place is so remote, buying and selling people is not impossible.

"System, where is this?"

Nono looked at the room, which had no gaps except for a vent. Nono could only see the outside scene by raising his neck. It's too remote.

[Host, this is the most dangerous place on the entire island, and it is also the center of human trafficking. Many tourists pass by here and are deceived and trafficked. ]

[But, host, let me tell you good news. There is a path here that leads directly to the front door of the castle. ]

Many tourists are attracted to ancient castles.

There are exquisite carvings, gold foil, etc. outside the castle, which makes it look expensive.

And the entire castle has always been clean, even though they have never seen anyone living there, which makes it even more strange.

Nuonuo didn't need to investigate to know that the couple outside were discussing how to sell Nuonuo and that the baby would definitely buy a lot of money when they were born. If they got rich and so on.

Nono was tired. She was a little tired of the evil in this world.

"System, give me a powerful temporary skill. I have to wake up these scum of traffickers."

The system immediately gave Nono this skill.

Now the headquarters has been paying attention to this place. As long as Nono can change everything, many ability systems can be given to Nono.

This is also a blessing in disguise. (End of this chapter)

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