The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 278: Valid forever

Chapter 278 is effective forever

Now Xu Nuo Nuo realized that Song Yi was actually very calm.

He just wanted Xu Nuonuo to think that he was still a little boyish. He is not the cold, powerful and bad-tempered Song Yi.

The reason why he swallowed his dark side was because he knew that if he let his consciousness be swallowed, the dark side that was originally catalyzed by the time and space manager, he might dominate everything and even kill Xu Nuo Nuo.

Because when the real devil returns, his existence will be destruction. All those who endanger him and hurt him should die, and Xuanyuan will not be an exception.

It was with this breath that he swallowed the darkness and began to become violent and evil. When all the dark side was released, the time and space manager pushed him and Nono to two opposite extremes.

Song Yi, who was completely blackened, couldn't help but want to kill people. The more brutal he was, the more excited he became, but at a certain moment, he would also feel despair and panic because of the look in Nuo Nuo's eyes.

He tried his best to change himself, but Nono couldn't wait.

The world would never be kind to him.

But if this world is destroyed, Nono will also be destroyed. He would never hurt Nono, so why not let Nono destroy him.

The sharp tip of the knife came closer to Song Yi's heart. Song Yi remained motionless. His back was turned to Xu Nuonuo, so Xu Nuonuo couldn't see the look in his eyes clearly.


At this moment, the dagger fell to the ground.

Nono's eyes were filled with tears. She just wanted to give Song Yi a try. But I never thought that he really wouldn't resist at all.

If she could get Song Yi's unreserved love in this life, how could she promise anything?

She hugged Song Yi and said in a dumb voice: "I promise that I will never hurt Song Yi. This sentence will take effect forever."

Almost instantly, Song Yi's tense body relaxed, and he said hoarsely: "I thought... I was going to lose."

He was the most vicious after his complete blackening. He once made a life-and-death bet for himself when he woke up. After he knew that he was already on the opposite side of Xu Nuonuo.

He also knew that if he chose to go completely dark, he would become a devil in the eyes of everyone, so he chose to bet to see what Xu Nuonuo would choose at the last moment.

Song Yi, who was not loved by fate, lost most of the people he loved and killed those who insulted him. In the end, he also became a madman, betting on this game of life and death.

If he loses, he will be completely defeated and even risk his own life. If he wins, then he will win everything he promised.

In fact, he knew that the little girl he fell in love with loved the world and was kind. He subconsciously believed that Nono would abandon him for the sake of the world.

After all, he was completely darkened, so terrifying and ruthless.

At this moment, Song Yi shed hot tears. Landing on the back of Nuonuo's hand, Song Yi pulled Nuonuo into his arms.

Xu Nuonuo held his cheeks with both hands, saw his embarrassment clearly, and said gently: "Song Yi, how could I let you lose?"

"You probably don't know, right? In fact, the premise of the condition that I have always wanted to kill you is that I have no other way to save the world."

Song Yi, who could predict the future, became desperate and frightened to the point of madness when he knew that Xu Nuonuo might kill him.

But as long as Xu Nuonuo shows that she is sincere, Song Yi is willing to give up everything for her.

She continued: "I thought that if the moment came that you had to die, I would die with you."

"If the world must collapse because of you, I will kill you, but I will never live alone. This is the worst ending." (End of this chapter)

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