Chapter 461 Extra (forty-two)

She didn't want to know what happened to Mukino in her senior year of high school, and she didn't care that he liked her. This is really tiring.

It was originally a very simple relationship, but now it has become so-called boyfriend and girlfriend.

She was really fed up with this feeling of playing games.

Mukai didn't speak.

When their eyes met, she saw a pair of dark eyes, which were a bit darker than the darkest winter night she had ever seen before.

Xiangye frowned, as if he was wondering why she suddenly made her words clear. Did he do something wrong?

He walked over and took off her apron.

Zhou Xin continued to drink hard. She bit her lip and put her ear close to his chest. This time she heard his heartbeat, which sounded like a heavy drum, just like his answer.

He liked her and even felt panicked because of her words.

But, he won't say it.

Zhou Xin has read too many novel plots, and she knows the difference between loving someone and not loving someone. It's a pity that Mukino is too calm, so calm that sometimes she feels like she's just his game.

Just a tool to amuse you when you are bored.

Even during the avalanche, Zhou Xin never saw Muang Ye's panicked look. How can a person not have the slightest emotional change?

In the summer when Zhou Xin was in his second year of high school, she wanted to see his cold and lonely look broken into pieces inch by inch.

She couldn't imagine that someone like Mukino would go crazy for a woman, and she couldn't feel much love for her.

Hold his face.

She stared at his lips and suddenly smiled, a particularly seductive smile.

Mukai's Adam's apple twitched, and he didn't know what she meant by this. He just subjectively thought that she was drunk and what she just said was nonsense.

So, he said in that confident and calm tone: "You have been drinking. I will not take anything you say today seriously."

No, she preferred to take a step forward.

She just looked at him with her normal eyes and said: "Kiss you one last time. From now on we will go back to the bridge..." The road back to the road.

His heartbeat was extremely fast, and Zhou Xin's mouth was blocked like this. He felt very angry and annoyed.

Xiangye didn't know why. The atmosphere had always been good, but Zhou Xin said these words.

He likes her, how much he likes her, he can only see it clearly when he thinks about it.

But he knew that if he couldn't get Zhou Xin, his life might pass by in such a muddle.

Xiang's mother will not restrain him, she just wants him to live happily.

But he happened to see her again and again. Even if he met her on purpose, he couldn't stand it.

He wants to be with her.

Muang Ye put one hand on her cheek, raised her chin, and suddenly lowered her head.

It didn't feel good for a man to kiss her so hard, so Zhou Xin pushed her. Mukai was still in **** and anger, but she pushed him gently and he seemed to wake up. He raised his body and looked down at her.

"Feel sorry."

This is really a bit out of control.

Zhou Xin’s lips were swollen.

She went to get her bag and ended up carrying it on Mukuno.

She was a little irritable and didn't want to talk to him.

But Xiang Ye hooked her hand: "Zhou Xin, if we live together for a month, if, if I don't meet your expectations, we will really separate in the future, and I will not talk to you again if we meet again."

"Just for this month, as long as you agree..."

Before hearing the subsequent conditions, Zhou Xin casually agreed, "Okay," "But it's really inappropriate. Don't bother the other party again in the future."

Mukai nodded. (End of this chapter)

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