The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 73: Darkening route

Chapter 73: Darkening Route

Xiujiji remained silent. Nono looked at the delicious snacks and naturally went to the dining area.

By chance, I happened to meet an acquaintance, Chu Miaomiao, who was dressed up to attend.

Chu Miaomiao had been depressed for a long time because she did not enter the science and comprehensive group, but now she finally looked happy under the praise of a group of little sisters.

"Miaomiao, your bag is so beautiful, and your necklace is so shiny."

"Ren Miaomiao's family is not short of money, so these things are readily available, and you can grab a lot of them."

A girl was thinking about it, lowered her eyes and said casually, "Miaomiao, what you have is the new product that C's family recently released, right? I've been trying to grab it for a long time but I haven't been able to get it."

Chu Miaomiao straightened her back and said with a proud look on her face, "Yes, there are only a few of them in the whole country."

The man followed the words and said, "Miaomiao, your family is really rich. Unlike me, my parents only give me a little pocket money every time. I don't have the ability, but I really like this. Miaomiao, can you give it to me?" me?"

Chu Miaomiao didn't look good for a moment. Please, she spent a lot of effort to get this thing.

However, among this group of celebrities, Chu Miaomiao did not want to lose face.

Xu Nuonuo couldn't stand being robbed of things. Wen Yashun often had things taken away from her when she was a child. Now that she thinks about it, she feels so stupid.


Nuonuo walked over and took Chu Miaomiao's hand. The white skin seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze under the light.

This outfit really looks like a mermaid princess emerging from the water.

A group of people were attracted and forgot about the topic for a while, focusing instead on Xu Nuo Nuo.

Nuonuo dismissed the group of people casually, and soon these people were taken away by their parents, and they were finally at peace.

"Thanks, but I still hate you a little." Chu Miaomiao openly admitted her dislike, which really made Xu Nuonuo laugh.

Miss Chu Miaomiao has a good temper and knows how to carry everything. She hates that someone is more straightforward when she likes someone.

Nono curled her lips.

Suddenly, there was a low cry of surprise in the audience. A very elegant little girl, wearing a crescent white dress, with exquisite makeup, was gentle.

The whole body exudes a gentleness from the inside out, a bit like first love.

Chu Miaomiao frowned in disgust and whispered: "Xu Nuo Nuo, here comes someone who is a thousand times more annoying than you. Today I will make peace with you out of mercy."

Nono blinked. If he guessed correctly, this person must be the heroine Lu Yin.

The male and female protagonists have arrived, and the plot of the original work officially begins. In other words, the villain gradually becomes darker.

[Ding, the second level mission has started, changing Wang Qunsheng’s dismissal. ]

How could Wang Qunsheng be expelled?

Song Yiyan stood by the balcony and called Song Yi irritably. Several calls were pressed directly, and finally he answered a video call.

"Song Yi, if you don't want to come to this banquet, you have to come. I am your father and I have the right to control you. Come here now."

Song Yi grinned and smiled coldly: "Song Yiyan, do you still know that you are my father? If you didn't tell me, I would have thought you were dead long ago."

Song Yiyan was so angry that his forehead twitched, "Bastard, you have to come even if you don't come. Don't let me have someone carry you over."

Song Yi leaned lazily on the sofa and glanced at the phone. Song Yiyan was so angry that his face turned red.

He hesitated, "I said I won't go..."

Suddenly the boy's sarcastic voice stopped abruptly. Song Yi's dark eyes were stunned for a moment, and his hoarse voice sounded, "I'll go. I'll be there soon."

Song Yiyan twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't know why Song Yi was so angry, but he suddenly became more obedient. (End of this chapter)

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