[It is their appearance that deceived so many people, so everyone must be careful when they meet people seeking help outside! ]

[These two people reminded me of a news report about a pregnant woman who deceived a female college student by saying she was unwell and asked the female college student to take her home.

After the girl took her home, the pregnant woman's husband raped the girl first, and then the couple killed the girl together...]

[Haha, I also thought of this case. This is why I don't help people outside, because I am afraid of death. ]

Netizens are scolding, but here.

Yong Ge saw Li Tong at a glance. Even if Li Tong concealed her aura, her top appearance and figure still made Yong Ge see her at a glance.

He walked towards Li Tong and said, "Okay, hurry up and get ready. There are many people this time, and there can't be any mistakes."

The two old guys pursed their lips: "I know, don't worry, this matter will definitely be done."

The two turned around and left, and they closed the door of the room considerately.

They knew what Yong Ge wanted to do, but there was still time, so who cares.

Zhang Xiaodong watched Yong Ge walk to Li Tong, with a disgusting smile on his face, and was so angry that he almost showed up.

Seeing Yong Ge's hand reaching out to Li Tong, netizens were worried and wanted to watch the show.

Facing Yong Ge squatting in front of him, Li Tong was thinking whether to do it himself or ask Xiaodong for help, when he suddenly sneered.

"Forget it, I'll let you go this time. If you wake up, there will be plenty of time on the road."

Yong Ge got up and left. He had to leave here tonight and couldn't let lust overwhelm his mind and cause the action to fail.

He thought he had let Li Tong go, but in fact he had let himself go, giving himself more time to live.

After Yong Ge left, Li Tong sat up and stared at Xiaodong.

Li Tong was looking at Zhang Xiaodong, and also at the camera, so everyone saw Li Tong's regretful look.

Netizens were confused by this look, and felt that Master Li had a lot of regrets.

It seemed that Master Li was quite unhappy that Yong Ge did not do anything to Master Li. Although this feeling was strange,

but every netizen had this nonsense feeling. To be honest, Li Tong certainly hoped that Yong Ge would do it.

As long as he did it, his ending would be very tragic. Li Tong had thought about it and would definitely not let him live.

Netizens confirmed Li Tong's look again, [Why do I feel that Master Li's look is like this? Hahaha, it feels a bit disappointed and regretful. ]

[That Yong Ge is a coward without a guts. I wanted to see him being beaten to death by Master Li with one punch, but he ran away... ran away...]

[It's good this way. If he really did it, and Master Li or the Taoist priest took action, it would be difficult to continue the show. 】

Li Tong also saw the comments from netizens from a distance.

With a roll of his eyes, Li Tong lay down again, and said, "Just be happy."

Time passed quickly, and netizens went home, had dinner, and lay down on the bed. They planned to watch Li Tong's live broadcast all night tonight, and they were full of energy.

The traffickers also started to act.

A group of unconscious girls were divided into five groups and stuffed into various cars.

Vans, Jinbei cars, sedans, and small trucks, with about two or three girls in each car.

The vehicles were divided into five groups and drove in different directions. There were about three cars in each group, and they were very far away from each other, but they were going in the same direction.

These drivers and guards did not know that there was a soul in their cars staring at them.

In the last car of the convoy, there was a soul sitting with a mobile phone live broadcasting.

These people are really careful and have a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. Their route should have been planned in advance. They did not go on the highway or go to crowded places. They left the city very quickly and drove towards an unknown place.

No one in the car talked much. Everyone was vigilantly observing the surroundings.

This silent and tense atmosphere made netizens not in the mood to water the barrage, and they watched quietly.

One hour, three hours, five hours...

Netizens slept in waves, and when they woke up, these people were still driving.

Maybe it was because of the long journey that they needed to be extremely vigilant, Yong Ge did not do anything along the way.

The sky was gray, and when the netizens who had been staying up late were about to give up, Li Tong's car stopped, as if they had reached the destination.

This discovery made everyone excited and widened their eyes.

The driver and his accomplices in the car got off the car, and Zhang Xiaodong also flew outside to let everyone see clearly what was in front of them.

The fog was hazy and the sky was slightly bright, but everyone could see that this was a village!

"Here, here!"

"Are you here? I've finally waited for it, hahaha, let me choose first!"

"I heard that the women this time are all from big cities, and the price is not cheap, you choose first? Do you have the money?!"

Noisy voices rang out, and a group of men with green eyes, either lame or ugly, pushed each other and ran to the front of the car, appearing in the eyes of netizens.

They leaned against the car window and greedily looked at the unconscious girls in the car, their crazy and greedy eyes made people feel sick and uncomfortable.

The hands that kept reaching into the car, wanting to touch the girls' delicate bodies, made all netizens clench their fists.

"Back off, back off!"

"Do you still want a wife? If you do, just step back and go to your old place!"

Yonge shouted, and a group of old bachelors took several steps back reluctantly. Seeing this situation, netizens finally relaxed a little.

[Nima, luckily their disgusting hands didn’t touch Master Li and the others, otherwise I would have rushed into the screen to kill them! 】

[As I thought, these girls were really taken to the mountains and sold to these old bachelors as wives...]

[Isn’t this the girl who was abducted into the mountains as shown on TV? These villages are located in deep mountains and old forests. The mountain roads are rugged and the signal is not good. For those who are turned in, it is really difficult to escape. 】

[Look, these abducted girls are not just being sold to men in the mountains as wives! 】

Soon, many netizens were shocked and shouted on the barrage.

It turned out that in addition to Li Tong who arrived at the destination, several other waves of people also arrived at their destination one after another.

Like Li Tong, there are two waves of girls who will be sold to men as wives.

The other two waves of girls were actually sent to a private hospital! Enter through the back door of the hospital,

All he could see was a bright corridor with several people in white coats standing on it.

Behind them was an unmarked door.

The girls were helped in by a group of people, and the camera followed. Everything inside seemed normal at first, no different from an ordinary hospital ward.

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