Ke'er's father said at this time: "Before you came, none of us were hungry, so we didn't cook if we didn't want to eat. If anyone is hungry later, just order some noodles."

In the past few years, except for special days, how could they have the time to cook a table of food and sit down to eat it? Although Xiaofeng tried his best to make delicious food for them, the old couple just didn't have the appetite to eat.

Ke'er knew that it was because of her missing parents that she was like this. Without talking about these topics anymore, the family happily had a dinner.

Ke'er thought she could eat it, but there was no taste in her mouth. When she wanted to pretend to eat more, Xiao Feng brought out the meal specially prepared for her and lit some incense for her.

This time, she finally had a delicious meal.

After the meal, my mother suddenly asked Kerr.

"Ke'er, we didn't bring Dudu back all these years. We're sorry for you."

Seeing Dudu, who was so thin and with yellow hair, her heart almost ached to death.

But, they have no choice.

Ke'er quickly shook his head: "How could I blame you? You have been fighting for Dudu's custody rights, but Xu Jianhua refused to give it. I know it."

"Ke'er, you know everything?"

"Yeah, I know."

"I went to Xu Jianhua's house last night. If I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have known that a stepmother would have a stepfather.

And I would not know that my abduction and trafficking was actually the work of Xu Jianhua. "


Xiaofeng and the other three were so shocked that they jumped up from their chairs and shouted.

Kerr sighed and told everything about his experience.

"Beast! Beast!"

Ke'er's father slammed the table and roared. Her mother had long been holding Ke'er and crying, while Xiao Feng stood aside and was so angry that his hair stood on end.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and said: "We are far away, and we don't know when you disappeared. When we called you and made video calls with you, that damn Xu Jianhua answered!

Every time he receives a call or video from us, he either says that you went out without your phone or that you were sleeping with Dudu.

Until half a month later, the more we thought about it, the more something was wrong, and we went directly to his house to find you. Unexpectedly, the guy said that you ran away with another man!

And in order not to worry us, he wanted to wait until he found you before telling us about it.

How can we believe what he said? We know best who you are. You will not abandon Dudu and leave without saying hello to us.

We called the police, but it took too long, and Xu Jianhua insisted that you ran away with the man. His cell phone and ID were in his hands, and the police could do nothing.

The police helped us look for him for a while, but they didn't care if we couldn't find him. They asked us to wait for you to come back on your own. "

Xiaofeng gritted his teeth with hatred as he talked about what happened at that time.

"I didn't expect that while we were busy looking for you over there, Xu Jianhua actually got married! When we saw it, we wanted to take Dudu away, but he refused to let go.

He is the child's biological father. If he doesn't let go, we can't take Dudu away at all. We can't find you and can't take Dudu away. We can only go home.

We have been going to see Dudu in the past few years, but the Xu family doesn’t let us go. I really hate it!

We have never given up on you, and my parents and I have been looking for you. Unexpectedly...unexpectedly..."

Xiaofeng couldn't talk anymore. When he thought about the experiences his sister Ke'er had mentioned before, he was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

The police couldn't find Meng Ke'er, so they searched by themselves while waiting for Ke'er to contact them. But the longer they waited, the more certain they became that Ke'er didn't leave on her own.

In order to find his sister, he worked part-time while taking care of his parents and posted a missing person notice. He tried his best to find her, but found nothing.

His parents didn't want his sister's affairs to delay him. In the past two years, they wanted him to marry a wife and live his own life, but he didn't want to.

He would not marry if he wanted to see someone alive and his corpse if he could not find his sister.

Besides, how could he live alone and let his parents find his sister?

As a younger brother who has had a close relationship with his sister since childhood, he will never give up on her.

But now...

He waited for his sister, but the sister who returned would soon leave this world. How could he accept this?

Xiaofeng, who was filled with anger and mixed with joy and sorrow, suddenly grabbed the coat at hand and ran towards the door.

He is going to avenge his sister!

"Xiao Feng! Stop!"

Ke'er couldn't help Xiao Feng, who was overcome by anger, so she had to flash over and catch him.

"Sister, let me go, I'm going to kill Xu Jianhua to avenge you."

"He's dead, he's already dead! My sister has already avenged herself, there's no need for you to do anything, brother!"

Xiaofeng and his parents were both stunned.

"Xu Jianhua, he is dead?!"

Ke'er nodded and spoke out his revenge on them.

When they heard that Xu Jianhua and his wife had tricked each other to death and seriously injured each other, Xiaofeng and the others showed happy smiles.

Xiaofeng looked at Dudu who was sitting on the sofa and watching them obediently and said to Ke'er.

"Sister, don't worry, I will take care of Dudu from now on. My parents and I will raise her well and grow up."

Of course Ke'er knew the weight of Xiaofeng's words, and her brother would never lie to her.

"Xiao Feng, thank you."

Xiaofeng hugged her and said with a smile: "This is what I should do. You two, you two are welcome."

If he could win Dudu over, he would have raised Dudu as his own daughter.

Fortunately, it is not too late now. He will definitely raise Dudu well.

He has made up his mind not to get married and take good care of Dudu and his parents in this life, but he will not tell anyone about this decision.

Ke'er is also thinking about how to make some money for Xiaofeng to share some of his pressure.

After thinking about it, she couldn't think of it. She could only wait until she saw Master Li again to see if she could ask Master Li to help her see what her brother's future would be like.

Thinking of Li Tong, Ke'er hurriedly asked her brother to open Douyin.

I heard that Master Li would broadcast live to tell fortunes every night at 7 o'clock. She also wanted her family to see who Master Li was who helped her.

A group of people gathered in front of the mobile phone screen, watching the beautiful woman in the video.

She was connecting with people and telling fortunes.

In order to thank Li Tong for helping his sister, Xiaofeng followed the people who gave gifts and gave several gifts of varying sizes.

He doesn't have much money now. When he makes money in the future, he will give some bigger gifts.

Knowing that his sister would go to the master's house in six days, and that the master would help her and other murdered girls reincarnate, Xiao Feng followed him.

When he misses his sister in the future, he will come here to see her.

In this way, Dudu gradually grew up under Xiao Feng's careful care. 20 years later, Dudu has become a big girl, and looks like a cute girl.

It can be said that she is an absolute beauty. She exudes the breath of youth.

"Uncle, today is your birthday, I specially asked for leave to come back to see you."

At this time, Xiao Feng was less than 50 years old. Just three years ago, his parents also passed away. Xiao Feng has been single to raise Dudu.

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