The Living Myth

Chapter 22 - 22 Thoughts

Alice (Pov)

As I was flying towards Mr. Big's compound I couldn't help thinking over the Phoenix file that I had glanced at. Are there other mammals that are reincarnated out there like me? That would explain why they named it Phoenix as it is the myth of rebirth. Whatever I'll find out about it later, right now I have to figure out how I'm going to explain my life as a human to my friends. Although if I'm right Jax might not be surprised. I'd better call Anatolia and tell him we're coming.



"Ah, Alice that could have gone better don't you think?" Mr. Big said as he answered the phone.

"Yeah, it could have. Listen, a lot of things have happened since the attack and now I'm bringing the head of the CIA to the compound to talk. Is that alright or should I bring him somewhere else?"

"Is that young pup Jax still the director? Because if so it won't be a problem."

"Why am I not surprised that you know the director of the CIA?"

"My child, I have been around for a long time and have made many friends."

"And many enemies."

"Yes well, the enemies I make don't tend to stay around long." He said, giving me a light chuckle over the earpiece.

"Ok then, I'll land in the back and take them to the lounge in the basement, I'm going to tell them everything."

"My child are you aware of what that might do to your friendship with Judy and the others?"

"Yes, of course, my child, I will see you soon." With that, he hung up leaving me to my chaotic thought on how I was going to tell my life's story.

A few minutes later I descended onto the helicopter pad behind the mansion, Koslov meeting me outside with Fru-Fru in his paws.

"Alice, oh my god are you ok? What happened, do you need anything? Should I get my daddy?" Fru-Fru asked not breathing in her rapid-fire questioning.

I just gave her a warm yet sad smile, thinking about the future story I was about to tell my friends.

"I'm fine Fru-Fru, why don't you join me in the lounge. We are going to have some guests over." Apparently, she noticed my sad demeanor, because she just nodded with a confused look on her face.




I looked behind me as the Falcon descended, sigh. "Koslov, I'm going to take Fru-Fru to the lounge. Can you guide our guests there when they land?"

I walked into the mansion with steady steps, I felt as though I was walking to the electric chair. Everybody in the mansion who was about to walk by us immediately turned around when they saw me, or rather felt my presence. Anatolia once said that when my emotions get too high I give off a dangerous feeling to everyone around me.


I was greeted by Anatolia smoking a cigar as I pushed open the doors to the lounge. Our eyes met, his questioning, 'are you sure you want to do this?' Mine answering, 'yes, I have no choice. They would have found out sooner or later.'

Fru-Fru broke the quiet staredown conversation, as I set her down next to her father. "Daddy, Alice said that we would be having guests. Should I have Tanya or Howler bring some drinks and food?"

"No sweetie, this will be a business meeting of sorts all we will need is our finest whiskey. I already had Howler bring up a few bottles."

"Ok, well I'm going to go find little Judy then." I gave Anatolia another questioning glance. He just nodded with a sad smile.

"Actually Fru-Fru, this meeting will involve you as well."

I said as I slumped down on the couch across from them and grabbed an entire bottle of whiskey. Not even bothering with grabbing class, I chugged it down. Fru-Fru staring at me, eyes wide. Everyone in the mansion knew that I didn't drink, and if I did, it was only a sip. Before she could question what was happening the doors opened and in walked the people I was dreading telling my life's story to.

I don't know why I'm freaking out now, I was perfectly fine when I told Anatolia. Now I feel like I'm in front of a firing squad.

Just as I reached the infirmary I heard a piercing scream from the rooftop. Dropping everything I had I raced to the stairs, hopping four at a time. Slamming the rooftop door open I was greeted with another sight I don't think I'll ever forget. Alice's fur was glowing and her eyes were like red hot embers in a dying campfire. The more important thing however was that she was holding Skye, and the fox was screaming as though she was being dipped in lava.

I was about to shout at her to stop when Skyes screams turned into relieved whimpers and then relaxing mȯȧns. Then she stood up and did a crazy acrobatic move landing beside me.

The following 20 minutes were completely insane. Somehow Alice had hacked into the CIA, then there was this CB1 project that Jax and Alice were skipping around. Finally, Nicks' mom was apparently alive.

As Bogo, Skye, Jax, Gazelle and I stepped into the helicopter all I could think was, who is Alice Morgan?


I'm gonna get a second chapter out tonight, hopefully.. But here is a short chapter.

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