The Living Myth

Chapter 6 - 6 Race

Alice (Pov)

I can't believe it I was having an actual conversation, they were joking with me and smiling, I mean it was a little awkward when I suggested eating the bunny but they seemed to have gotten over it. So here I was standing almost a head above the truck next to me.

"I'll follow you but as soon as I see the destination I'm beating your ȧss."

"Yeah, good luck" he grinned back.

"On 3"





I decided to run because I honestly hadn't tested or had a reliable way to test how fast I could run, I wish I had done so before this. As soon as they sped off I put all my power into my legs, I heard the ground crack beneath me as I sprinted forwards. They were only about 100 ft away from me but when I started running I reached and surpassed them in about 5 seconds and had to skid to a halt to wait for them when I looked behind me and only saw a cloud of dust and the outline of a truck about 2 miles back. About 5 minutes later Nick slowly came to a stop next to me with a gaping mouth and wide eyes.


"I don't know I've never actually tested how fast I can run, at least not that I remember."

"Well damn I guess I'm not gonna win the bet"

"Nope," I said popping the P.

"Hey, Judy are you ok? You haven't spoken since I insinuated almost eating you." I said getting quieter at the end of the sentence.


"Judy, can you year me?" I asked looking closer, her eyes seemed to be out of focus.

Judy (Pov) 15 Minutes earlier

"Lovely, now Nick seeing as your a predator what do you eat around here, because I haven't eaten all day?" she said, looking directly at me causing me to shake.

"Oh...Oh god no, we don't eat each other we have some fish and poultry back home if you're hungry," Nick said hurriedly.

"Great, sorry Judy I was unaware of how you did things here."

"No..No problem," I said trembling although I wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying.

When she looked at me with those hungry eyes I knew I should be terrified, every instinct in me was screaming at me to get away from her. However, I wasn't trembling from fright but from the prospect of having those teeth around my body. With how large she is she could eat me in two bites, and that didn't terrify me. After the Night Howler incident, I started having dreams about predators biting me (mainly of Nick) and it turned me on to no end. With Nick, all he could have done is nibble and bite me, but Alice, she could cause some real damage; I thought, imagining all the scenarios and different positions she and I could please each other. I was getting wet just thinking about it and just as I was on the edge I faintly hear someone calling to me.

Looking up I (A) notice that we are in the truck, which I don't even remember getting in, and (B) both Nick and Alice are staring at me in concern.

"Judy are you ok we called to you three times before you responded," Nick asked concerned.

Thinking as quickly as I could I said,

"No I'm fine but I don't think we can bring Alice to the Burrow, as open as they are they still don't take kindly to predators. Nick, I know you try to hide or ignore it but I know you hear some of the comments my family says around you. I think they are ok with you because your almost their hight if we brought Alice to the Burrow there would be panic followed by violence" I stated, looking up at Alice as well.

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