The Living Myth

Chapter 8 - 8 Flight

Judy (Pov)

As I walked into the barn I noticed two things, (one) the hay bales were a mess and I felt bad for my brothers that would have to clean that up and (two) it looked like Alice had fallen asleep, and somehow she was able to look adorable and ferocious all at the same time. My eyes wandered over her body and I realized just how big she was in comparison to me, she has been all fours since we've met and I only reach up to her knees. If she was standing, I at most would only reach her mid-leg; I then started blushing realizing that she hasn't been wearing clothes this entire time. We would definitely have to find something for her once she learns to walk, and we will have to get some custom tops for her my eyes wandering back up to those enchantingly velvet-like wings.

"See something you like?"

I jumped back startled.

"Yeah, um your wings are beautiful" I stuttered.

"Yes well, I think you will have a chance to feel them. If I can't be seen right now then the only way I can think of getting to wherever this Mr. Big is, is to fly to him, and either you Nick or both of you will have to direct me" she smiled at me.

That thought hadn't even crossed my mind as a possibility but what she said was true it would be the fastest, easiest way to get to Tundratown plus under the guise of night we would be almost invisible with how dark her fur is.

"That's a brilliant idea but are you sure you are ok with that?"

"I don't see why not, both of you together probably only weigh about 50lbs."

Just as I was about to answer Nick walked in.

"What should be fine?"

"It seems your going to win our bet Nick," said Alice.

Nick gave us a questioning gaze "Huh"

"Alice has suggested that she fly us to Mr. Big's compound; oh and by the way, he said the only way he would help Alice is if you would come and talk to him." I smiled at him sweetly.

It was funny to watch his face go from extremely happy to distressed in a matter of seconds.

"...haa well at least I'll get to fly before I die." Alice frowned at that.

"Even if you have a past with him I won't let him hurt you, you two are the first people I've met and you've been nothing but nice to me and even thought of my safety."

"Thanks Alice, we have only known each other for an hour but my instincts are telling me I can trust you with my life, so thank you." I nodded in agreement.

Alice (Pov)

I was touched that he thought he could trust me with his life and I swore to myself that I wouldn't betray that trust with him or Judy.

"Ok well, how far are we traveling and at what time, because if we want to leave before dark we would have to leave right now."

"Actually Mr. Big said that the best time to smuggle someone into town is at night so if we leave in about an hour then it will be perfect."

"So technically I'm smuggling myself in with two carry on's; that's a first," I said grinning while Nick started laughing.

"Well since we have an hour to kill why don't you guys tell me a bit about yourselves?"

One hour later

To say I was impressed was an understatement, Judy had stuck with her dreams since she was 7 all the way to the end never once faltering, even when others laughed at her. She followed through on the Zootopia saying that 'Anyone Can Be Anything'. They both did, an ex-conmmamal becoming a cop was amazing. I wanted to know more about his past life other than selling Pawpsicles but he just pushed the question away. He tried to hide it but I saw his eyes flash with pain for just a second, I knew then and there that I was dealing with someone who had gotten their han..paws dirty and didn't want to talk about it.

"Ok, are you guys ready to get going?" it was nighttime and we were ready to head out, they had secured themselves to my back after about 10 minutes of brushing their paws through my wings. Turns out my wings are slight erogenous zones not that I let on but it was hard not to make any sounds while they were feeling them up.

"Yeah we're good, depending on how fast you fly we should get there pretty quickly, on the train, it takes 3 hours to get to Tundratown from here. But you won't have any obstacles and with how fast you run I'm guessing you fly just as fast or faster." Nick exclaimed excitedly.

"Ok well hang on" and with that, I jumped into the sky and sped for the horizon.

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