The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1546: As invisible

Chapter 1546 As Invisible

What this said was like being a wife.

Shi Xiaoya found that talking to Han Zhuo Ling gradually became more and more wrong.

There is always a tendency to think in other areas.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Han Zhuo Ling said, "Well, if you finish my work tomorrow, tell me, I'll pick you up, let's go to the supermarket to buy it. You see what you like to eat, and buy some. It will bother you to cook You ca n’t just buy what I like. ”

"Still trouble you to go to my studio, how sorry I am." Shi Xiaoya said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm just going to work overtime tomorrow, and do some work, not as late as usual." Han Zhuo Ling said, "That's it, don't disturb you, good night."

"Good night," Shi Xiaoya said blankly.

He watched him come and go like a wind, and when he called, he called, when he said it ended, he took a good rhythm.

Shi Xiaoya didn't return to her mind until she put her phone down.

After a while, Shi Xiaoya remembered.

its not right!

Now that he was going to find her in the studio, then she went straight to the studio with her tie, and by the way he wouldn't be finished?

Why did you have to come to her house for dinner?

Shi Xiaoya thought that the logic of Han Zhuo Ling was very unreasonable, so he sent WeChat.

"Ling Shao, since you're going to my studio tomorrow, should I just bring a tie with me?"

Han Zhuo Ling immediately received the news. When he saw this, he narrowed his eyes and deleted the message.

As invisible.

Then I searched for Pikachu on my phone.

Just listening to Shi Xiaoya said, Han Zhuo Ling did not know how to write the three words Pikachu.

However, a well-known anime character like Pikachu, the mobile phone input method has a connected cloud record, which is directly displayed in the first option.

Han Zhuoling chose the first one. A search on the Internet showed that the big yellow mouse in the arms of Shi Xiaoya appeared.

There are many Pikachu clips on the Internet. Han Zhuo Ling chose a point to go in, and saw that a little yellow mouse was quite cute, and a "Pika Pika" was constantly called.

"No poem Xiaoya sounds good." Han Zhuo Ling concluded that he didn't realize how ambiguous his words were, and it was easy to make people think in the ambiguous direction.

Fortunately no one else was here.

Han Zhuo Ling was satisfied with curiosity and went to sleep contentedly.

Shi Xiaoya waited for the right, didn't wait for Han Zhuo Ling's reply, and didn't know if he was asleep, so she didn't see her message.

However, did he sleep too fast?

Helpless, Shi Xiaoya had to sleep first.

Until the next morning, Shi Xiaoya opened her eyes and looked at WeChat. As a result, Han Zhuo Ling still did not reply. Shi Xiaoya shut down in depression and stopped watching.


Although it is Saturday today, Lu Man also came to school.

In addition to the exchange students who went to New York, Guodian selected 10 outstanding students, including Lu Man, to compete with the New York exchange team as a competition team.

Today is when ten students come to school for a meeting.

Lu Man's class was selected by three people including her, namely Lu Man, Zheng Yuan and Yu Jingxian.

In addition, Wang Nianru, Fu Kaiqi, and Xu Ziyi, who are now sophomores, are now sophomores; Li Zeyu, Dong Jingxi, Fu Xuebin, and He Changze, who are now sophomores, have also been selected into the ten team.

10 is more complete, it should be okay to add more today, please ask for a monthly pass ~~

(End of this chapter)

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