The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1628: More fun than your job?

Chapter 1628: More Fun Than You?

No matter how many audiences in the audience can notice this detail, she will try to show it as perfect as possible, adding to Lu Man's acting skills.

As a result, at this time, Han Zhuo Ling suddenly popped out, "It's very interesting to see your makeup."

Shi Xiaoya shook her hand and almost broke the spot.

Han Zhuoling is all right, what suddenly came up with such a sentence?

Shi Xiaoya's face became hot, and she heard Han Zhuoli said, "It's more fun than your job?"

Han Zhuoling really thought about it for a while and said, "It's more fun to work than me."

Han Zhuoli: "..."

Lu Man: "..."


Someone who can make Han Zhuo Ling give up his job and feel higher than him appears!

Han Zhuo Li was so annoyed that he failed to record Han Zhuo Ling's words.

What a precious record!

Shi Xiaoya did n’t know how to answer this. Fortunately, this was Han Zhuoli ’s question. Shi Xiaoya did n’t know what to do. While Lu Man was still connected with the spots on the eyeliner, he used sponge eggs. Squeeze it and press it gently, the spots become very natural, with a waxy yellow complexion, as if they were originally grown.

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya was quite satisfied with the effect, and gave Lu Man a mirror so she could see clearly. "How do you like it?"

Lu Man looked around, and nodded with satisfaction: "That's good."

After finishing her side, she was going to see Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei.

Han Zhuoli naturally went with her.

Everyone was relatives, so Han Zhuo Ling went along.

Shi Xiaoya planned to go to the outside auditorium to find her seat and wait for the match to start. When she got out of the dressing room, she said to Lu Man, "Then I will go to the auditorium with Yu Jie first."

"What are you doing there?" Han Zhuo Ling asked before Lu Man had time to speak.

"Go sit ... wait for the game to start." Shi Xiaoya replied strangely.

What else could you do?

"Aren't you with us?" Han Zhuoling asked.

"..." Shi Xiaoya paused and said, "Go and see Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang, I'm not good to follow as an outsider."

"How can you be an outsider?" Lu Man blurted out.

Seeing Han Zhuoling's sudden gaze, Lu Man ha ha twice, quickly changed his mouth, "You are my friend, what's the matter with you?"

"It was too messy in the dressing room just now, and I didn't have time to introduce you to my parents." Lu Man said to Shi Xiaoya, "It just happens to be clean now, there is still a long time before the start, so don't rush out. Come with us. "

Guo Yujie saw Lu Man's purpose at a glance. At this time, pretending to have a phone call, he said to them, "I'll pick up a phone call, and when I'm done, I'll go directly to the auditorium."

Before waiting for Shi Xiaoya to say anything, Guo Yujie left with her mobile phone.

Shi Xiaoya could only follow the road and diffuse them.

Lu Man and Han Zhuoli came together naturally.

Han Zhuoli tried to pull Lu Man's hand and was stopped by Lu Man. "Don't pull my hand."

Lu Man's hand lighted up to Han Zhuo Li, "In order to keep consistent with the complexion on my face, Xiaoya also painted my hand with color. As soon as you hold it, these colors will be stained on your hand."

At a glance, Han Zhuoli saw that her original white hands were all painted yellow.

The back of Lu Man's hands has always been white, with white blood vessels inside.

But after being yellowed, I can't see anything.

And the last one, about 4: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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