The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1679: Got caught

Chapter 1679: Caught

They just came for a meal and didn't drink.

Because it was late, I ate a full meal, so as not to accumulate food at night.

This meal mainly revolved around Shi Xiaoya, asked some questions and knew more about her.

After eating, they left directly.

There is no need for the old lady to say, it must be Han Zhuo Ling sending Shi Xiaoya home.

When everyone came out of the room and was about to go to the hotel entrance, Shi Xiaoya received a call from Shi Nancang, "Have you finished your meal?"

"Just finished eating and preparing to go home." Shi Xiaoya said.

"That's great. I just plan to leave and take you home by the way," said Shi Nancang.

"You ... you've finished dinner so soon?" Shi Xiaoya asked in surprise.

"Yeah, a few of us didn't drink much. We just sat together and talked about nothing, so we withdrew early." Shi Nancang said.

Shi Nancang suddenly became silent.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

OK, she also saw Shi Nancang.

Shi Nancang was stunned at this moment.

Why does he seem to see Shi Xiaoya walking with Han Zhuo Ling?

Han Zhuoling is not far from Han Zhuoling, right?

Is Lu Man next to Han Zhuoli?

Behind them are Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei?

There are four people left. Although Shi Nancang has not seen it, judging from his age, he also guessed the identity of the second oldest man.

This guess almost made Shi Nancang take a nap.

Fortunately, he stabilized and did not lose shame.

As for Shen Nuo and Lin Liye, he hadn't seen it, but there was some speculation.

No, the point now is not this.

The point is, did n’t Shi Xiaoya say that she ate with friends?

Why are you with the Han family?

Is she a friend of the Han family?

It's also strange that he didn't ask clearly before listening to Shi Xiaoya's words, and thought he was with her colleagues in the studio.

"Brother." Shi Xiaoya smiled guilty, sweeter.

"Old man, old lady." Shi Nancang politely said hello to his second wife.

Shi Xiaoya quickly introduced him to Shi Nancang to know Lin Liye and Shen Nuo.

Later, Shi Nancang said hello to the other one by one, but exhausted him.

"You came to pick Xiaoya?" The old lady asked.

It's a pity to say it in the heart, otherwise Han Zhuo Ling could send Shi Xiaoya home.

"Yeah," Shi Nancang explained with a smile. "I happen to be eating with my friends here, and I will take her home by the way."


My brother is here, what else can I say?

Han Zhuo Ling didn't show the slightest sign on his face, and still had such a serious face.

"Ling Shao." Shi Nancang called with a smile, "I didn't expect you to meet Xiaoya."

Han Zhuoling thought of what he had said to Shi Nancang before, and said, "I just met."

Shi Nancang always felt that there was something wrong, but looking at Han Zhuo Ling's face, "No matter whether he is male or female, stay away from me", there was no way to put this guess on Han Zhuo Ling's head.

"Father, old lady, aunt, Ling Shao, Han Shao, long road and little wind, then I will go first." Shi Xiaoya said one by one.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Shi Xiaoya got into the car with Shi Nancang.

Si Nancang drank a little wine, but not much, but still called the driver to drive.

Until the car drove out the door of Shengyue, Shi Nancang asked: "Don't you say that you have dinner with friends? How did you spend time with the Han family?"

"Today at Guodian, there was an exchange team from New York and four colleges including Guodian. I went to make up Lu Man." Shi Xiaoya explained, "I'm a friend with her, and she gave me back Saved the ticket and let me watch the show there. We had n’t eaten for work before, so we came over for dinner after the show ended. ”

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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