The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1746: The first time I thought of it was me

Chapter 1746: The First Time I Think Of It

This is indeed what their show team did, but this is all under the guidance of Huahua Road. He didn't know that he was so realistic!

Not to mention Shi Xiaoya, a little girl, he is a big old man, and he looks dumbfounded.

At this time, I couldn't tell from which direction the "Da! Da! Da!" Sound came from.

It's slow, but always consistent.

It seemed to come across the wall, and it seemed to come from overhead.

"Ah!" Shi Xiaoya shouted, "Is your show crew so mad? It's so terrifying!"


He also wanted to scream now.

The director hurried to the camera brother, and sent the little bird hung on his arm.

It turned out that the camera brother's hand was shaking.

"Guide ... Guide director ..." Shi Xiaoya said in a crying voice, "Can you ... can you go ahead and open the way?"


He doesn't dare!

But he can't say!

Said to be despised!

The director wanted to walk on his legs, but he couldn't move anymore.

The "click" sound seemed to be getting closer.

Shi Xiaoya, the director and camera brother cried at the same time.

"Han Zhuo Ling!" Shi Xiaoya shouted.

At this time, the first person in her head was not a family member, not a parent, not a brother, not the one who always made her think first, but Han Zhuo Ling.

She didn't know if Han Zhuo Ling was also sent here, but just now he heard a male voice screaming.

Shi Xiaoya thought that probably all the guests were sent in, but they only entered through different entrances.

"Xiaoya!" Shi Xiaoya was suddenly pulled into a solid embrace.

Hard-hearted, but made her extremely secure.

The smell of familiar grass and mint came from the nose.

In this suffocating and dark martyrdom, it seemed particularly fresh, like a rare little light in the darkness.

"I'm here." Han Zhuo Ling comforted softly, holding Shi Xiaoya and letting go, her warm palms were patted gently on her back.

Shi Xiaoya trembled in his arms, clutching the clothes on his chest tightly with both hands.

Han Zhuo Ling bowed her head and kissed her, but Shi Xiaoya was so nervous that she didn't notice it.

"Han Zhuo Ling ..." Shi Xiaoya called softly.

Han Zhuoring laughed lightly in his throat. "I'm very happy. You no longer call me Ling Shao, and you're happy. When you're scared, the first thing that comes to mind is me."

His voice was warm and breezy, slowly slipping into Shi Xiaoya's ears.

Shi Xiaoya gradually calmed down, hearing his words, from the ears to the neck.

"I ..." Shi Xiaoya looked up, just looking into his eyes.

"Are you better?" Han Zhuoling asked softly.

He still hugged her without letting go.

The director and the camera brother looked at each other and said that they really wanted to find someone to hug.

It was also surprising, since Han Zhuo Ling came, they were not afraid to follow, and were at ease.

As if no matter what, there is a powerful man Han Zhuoling in front of him, do not have to worry about anything.

"Okay ... much better." Shi Xiaoya said, realizing she was still holding people, she quickly let go.

Han Zhuoling also let go of his hand, anyway, this is shooting.

If he wasn't shooting, he wouldn't let go.

"Did you happen to come here, or did you hear my voice, or ..." Did you come to her for purpose?

(End of this chapter)

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