The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2026: No benefit was found

Chapter 2026: No Benefit

That high-cold look is not as embarrassing as Han Zhuo Ling, and people don't dare talk to him when they see him.

Everyone thinks that he is a restrained and deep Han family leader, who knows that he has such a big contrast in private.

Han Zhuo Ling was too cold in front of people, but he was embarrassed in private.

Do Han's brothers have two faces before and after them?

"..." Han Zhuo Ling said with a black face. "Not ready yet, but after today, we can find a suitable day."

Isn't it okay?

It was exposed by Lin Liye. There was nothing to worry about.

As soon as Han Zhuo Ling said this, he received a call from Shi Guanzhong.

"Dad," Han Zhuo Ling called immediately.

Wang Juhuai: "..."

Xia Qingwei: "..."

Although I heard him call it before.

But they felt that no matter how many times they listened, they were still shocked.

Even in Shi Guan, he has to be stable before he can continue to say, "Where are you and Xiaoya?"

Wenxiange knows elegance.

Han Zhuo Ling immediately understood the meaning of Shi Guan, "The next two days will be the weekend. When will dad, mom, and brother be free?"

Shi Guanzhong said, "Just tomorrow."

You have to be free when you have time, and you want to see immediately how they live together.

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling should come down and determine the approximate time with Shi Guanzhong.

Hang up and say goodbye to Han Zhuoli and others.


On the side of Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi, they discussed with the director of the office before leaving.

Although the failure to discredit Xia Qingwei today failed, it is not all useless.

Lu Qi intends to use this matter to discredit Xia Qingwei online.

After all, netizens are not the Han family and will not consider Xia Qingwei's perspective.

Not everyone is wise.

Many others follow suit.

What others say, he believes, he doesn't even know how to think.

And Lu Qi is using these people now.

Even if it was fake, it was just pouring dirty water on Xia Qingwei's body.

Lu Qi was about to contact some gossip accounts, but when she looked online, she almost lost her breath.

Before she could defame Xia Qingwei, Xia Qingyang and her went to Sheng Yue to make trouble.

And it's different than before.

Many people used to catch the wind, and both sides would be hacked.

But this time, only she and Xia Qingyang were hacked.

Xia Qingwei has nothing at all!

"Lu Man!" Lu Qi gritted her teeth, it must be her!

No one except her can do this!

He was just one step too late, and was robbed by Lu Man.

Today is really ... no benefits!

Lu Qiyuan naturally saw the news.

But he did not think that he had been questioned by Xia Qingyang.

Because Xia Qingyang went to make trouble Xia Qingwei.

If Xia Qingyang is in doubt, he must come to trouble him. What is Xia Qing doing?

It is under this guise that Xia Qingwei is troubled.

As a result lost face.

Because Lu Qi was also there, Lu Qiyuan would have guessed that Lu Qi must be on the sidelines.

How did he think that Lu Qi was a good one before?

Before, there was nothing at home. When she was suppressing Lu Man and holding Lu Qi, she was really good.

Because she didn't need her to deal with anyone, she could pretend to be her little white flower.

(End of this chapter)

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