The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2183: because I

Chapter 2183: Because Of Me


He Zhengbai slapped again, fanning Lu Qi's face.

It seems that when he hit her last time, He Zhengbai hit it smoothly. There is no longer any scruples. If you want to hit, you can hit it without any hesitation.

Lu Qi didn't have any psychological preparation this time. He Zhengbai originally stood behind her, suddenly rushed to slap him, and knocked Lu Qi to the ground.

I don't know if I can express it with the word lucky. Anyway, this time, at least Lu Qi was not dislocated.

Lu Qi fell to the ground, her hands, knees, and farts and stocks all hurt.

She suddenly raised her head, and said fiercely and disdainfully, "He Zhengbai, what kind of man are you hitting a woman!"

"I finally met the tutors of your He family! The grand man, but said that the woman was unreasonable, he started to fight and wanted to convince people, right!" Lu Qi said with gritted teeth.

Yang Lin slowly stood up, "You said, men are not good at hitting women, are they?"

Lu Qi looked at her coldly, and then heard Yang Lin said, "I'm sorry, it ’s my fault that his tutoring is not good. Because I love hitting people, especially the kind of hitting you. You do n’t know who you are. ”

As Yang Lin said, she bent down and pinched Lu Qi's cheeks.

After that, a slap fell at the same time.

Later, Yang Lin stood up, sorted out her clothes, and said, "Look at her with a sore face, it's not appropriate to attend the banquet again. Just take care of yourself at home."

As a result, Lu Qi saw the entertainment news that night, saying that He Zhengbai was talking with a famous lady at the dinner, and the gentleman was polite.

After the dinner, the ladies were escorted home.

There were news on the Internet that He Zhengbai and the celebrity liked each other.

Some reporters asked He Zhengbai if he was married, but he was denied on the spot.

And said he was still single.

The reporter asked: "What about Lu Qi? Are you not unmarried couples? Did they break up?"

He Zhengbai sighed and said, "Because of the Lu family's affairs, Lu Qi has no intention to focus her energy on her feelings. I will not force her, we are breaking up peacefully."

When He Zhengbai said these words, everyone was surprised.

Many people are indeed sure that he and Lu Qi have already obtained a certificate of marriage. Have they divorced again?

Or a hidden marriage?

But who knows the truth, after all, is only a small number of people in the circle.

Where do most of the netizens who eat melons know this, they truly believe that the two were not married.

But he certainly did not believe what He Zhengbai said.

Almost one side thinks that Lu Qi is finished, no one supports it, and there is no background.

The He family felt she was worthless, and He Zhengbai naturally broke up with her.

Although neither was originally a good thing, He Zhengbai was labeled as a scumbag.

It is known in the circle that He Zhengbai is actually married and will not talk nonsense, at most it is passed on in private.

The He family is still actively seeking a marriage partner for He Zhengbai and kicking Lu Qi away.

This marriage is not difficult for He Zhengbai.

So whether it is that famous lady, or any other person who is valued by the He family, these families will not pay too much attention to this, as long as their interests are exchanged.

The He family also took care of those paparazzi in advance so that they would not break the news.

In this way, with the exception of a handful of people in the circle, the vast majority of netizens really did not know that He Zhengbai and Lu Qi were married.

(End of this chapter)

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