The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2419: Would you like to dig into me again?

Chapter 2419: Will You Still Get Away With Me?

Didn't see her running faster than the rabbit?

Lu Qiyuan laughed sarcastically, "That little animal is born. I really feel stupid."

Jiang Yujie hugged Lu Qiyuan's arm. "Qiyuan, would you blame me for talking too much? Intervening in the affairs of both of you?"

"You're all right, how can I blame you. Even you can see her mind, she even thought she could lie to me and use me, it was ridiculous!" Lu Qiyuan said.

Jiang Yujie smiled softly and asked, "So ... where is Lu Man ..."

Lu Qiyuan was also very angry, and Lu Man turned to Wang Juhuai to take his place.

But he does not have the strength to provoke Lu Man now.

He knew it at this point.

However, Lu Qiyuan was even more angry with Lu Qi.

Lu Qi was so embarrassed that he had to admit in front of Jiang Yujie that he didn't dare to mess with Lu Man.

"I won't go." Lu Qiyuan said in a deep voice. "Where to go? Looking angry?"

Jiang Yujie breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said, "Yes, and it can't be used by Lu Qi. Let her do whatever she wants. We can't be used as a gun by her."

Jiang Yujie didn't mention Lu Qiyuan at all because he couldn't afford Lu Man and didn't dare to make trouble, which made Lu Qiyuan more and more.

I feel more and more why Jiang Yujie is so kind.

Gentle, understanding, and knows how to save face for men.

He knew that Jiang Yujie was very smart and could not have imagined this.

But Jiang Yujie didn't say it, he just saved his face.

And he didn't think he was smart enough to remind him.

As if she could think of it, he couldn't think of it.

Lu Qiyuan really liked Jiang Yujie more and more.


Lu Man and Han Zhuoli were the first to get the certificate and the wedding was to be held later.

Although already a legal couple.

However, according to the custom of the wedding, Han Zhuoli still came to the bride's house to pick up the bride.

So Lu Man returned to Wang Juhuai the day before the wedding.

In her room, Wang Juhuai kept it for her.

Because of the wedding, she also specially reorganized her room.

The wedding was held on Saturday. On Friday, Lu Man invited a day off to prepare.

By the way, decorate the room to make it a little more festive.

Wei Zhong took someone to post a message in the community.

According to the custom, the manhole covers in the community should be covered with pink paper.

Lin Liye, Shen Nuo and the old lady all brought in their aunts and set up the house with Liang Yan.

According to tradition, the bride and groom cannot be seen the day before the wedding.

So Han Zhuoli wanted to come, and Wang Juhuai said nothing.

Han Zhuoli was off work, everyone was at the door, and Wang Juhuai personally blocked it.

"Dad." Han Zhuoli reluctantly said, "I haven't received the certificate for such a long time, should I pay attention to this?"

"Receiving a permit is a permit, and a wedding is a wedding." Wang Juhuai said. "Since a wedding is going to take place, you have to pay attention."

"But you said you couldn't meet the day before the wedding. That was with me at home last night. We met before this morning." Han Zhuoli said with a smile.

"..." Wang Ju was so angry, "You stinky boy, will you get a hole with me?"

When Lu Man heard that the two were arguing outside, he wanted to go out and see.

She doesn't believe this kind of attention.

But since the elders said so, keep it.

6 is more complete, good night ~

At the end of this month, please ask for a monthly pass ~

(End of this chapter)

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