The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2533: 2598 Crashed

2533 Chapter 2598

Thinking that Shi Xiaoya actually took the girls in the photo as her rivals, Han Zhuoling laughed.

Although the girls in the old photos may not be people of the world in the eyes of ordinary people.

But still does not prevent Shi Xiaoya from remembering that face clearly.

Shi Xiaoya rubbed her arms. "I always feel a little scary. Whenever you are there, she is there. She is in all your photos. If you can follow you 24 hours a day, , Then I think she can really be around you 24 hours a day. "

Shi Xiaoya is not deliberately saying bad things about Qingyin, she really thinks so.

Shi Xiaoya thought it was scary when she thought of every photo that belonged to Han Zhuo Ling.

And those photos do not seem to belong to Han Zhuoling's memories anymore.

In each memory, there is even a voiceless voice, and even that memory is contaminated by the voiceless voice.

It's coveted.

Han Zhuo Ling pulled her hand to hold it, and her five fingers passed between her fingers, entangled with her tightly.

"Ignore her," Han Zhuo Ling said lightly.


The next day, Shi Xiaoya happened to have a job in Hanbang.

Anyway, when I came here, I thought of seeing Han Zhuoling by the way.

However, she still finished her work first, and when everything was done, she saw that it was almost time for lunch, and Shi Xiaoya decided to go to Han Zhuo Ling.

At Han Zhuo Ling's office, when she saw her in the first year, she greeted with a smile, "Come to come to Ling Shao for dinner?"

"I happened to come to Han Bang to talk about business affairs. After the talk, I came to Zhuo Ling. If he has time at noon, he will eat together." Shi Xiaoya explained.

At the beginning of the year, he said, "Ling Shao has no appointment at noon. I just plan to order a meal for Ling Shao. You don't have to make a reservation when you come."

"Is anyone in his office now?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"There is only one less Ling." Wu said in the early years.

Shi Xiaoya was relieved, at least not to worry about interrupting Han Zhuoling's work.

Shi Xiaoya went to knock on the door.

Hearing the voice of Han Zhuo Ling letting in, Shi Xiaoya pushed the door open.

Han Zhuo Ling was in the office. He followed him for many years in the early years. The habit and strength of knocking on the door, Han Zhuo Ling couldn't be more clear.

Similarly, Shi Xiaoya's knocking habits and strength are also clear to him.

Listening to this voice, we know that the knocker is Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya has thin fingers and soft bones.

Whenever she held her hand, she felt the word was very appropriate, weak and boneless.

Her fingers were soft as if she had no fingers.

So every time she knocked at the door, she didn't do much.

Fingers hurt when I get stronger.

The sound of knocking at the door was naturally light and soft.

Therefore, when Shi Xiaoya came in, Han Zhuo Ling was standing at the door with all his spare time.

Shi Xiaoya had no idea that when he heard him say "come in", he thought he was sitting there.

The clear voice came from a distance.

Who knew he was blocking himself at the door.

As soon as the door was opened, she habitually walked in, but did not expect Han Zhuo Ling to be there. As a result, she ran into the arms of Han Zhuo Ling directly.

There was a low laugh from Han Zhuo Ling in his ear.

The laughter still sighed softly, all spilling on the tip of her ear.

Shi Xiaoya's face was hot with his breath, her ears were numb and crisp, and the whole scalp was followed by numbness.

Shi Xiaoya suddenly remembered that she was still outside in the early years.

Didn't you see it all?

Shi Xiaoya "banged", her face suddenly became red, "佟 ... 佟 Assistant is still outside."

Han Zhuoling chuckled again in her ears, clasped her hands behind her waist, stepped back by herself, followed her in, and closed the door.

At the same time, Shi Xiaoya was pushed to the door by him again.

"This is in the office." Shi Xiaoya was startled.

"I know, it's inconvenient here. I'm asking you not here." Han Zhuoling said dumbly.

Although that is the case, it is becoming more and more unbearable to be so close to Shi Xiaoya.

It was okay at first and I felt I could stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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