Chapter 109:I Refuse To Marry you, Mr. Zoro.

"Last time I remind your own men this, but they ignore it and they met with a king Yama after that. Now, I guess I have to remind you too." She looks at him with a disdained look. Her voice is so cold.

"You think I will afraid? You're wrong dear. A young girl like you sure taste better, I think."

"Touch me, and you'll die!" She warns him.

While he and his men laughing when they heard it. "Such a pity. Even with your broken arm, you dare to threaten me huh? You really brave."

He smacks Rachael on the stomach makes her fall down on the hard floor.

"Tie her up. Record this video and send to her brother." He said coldly.

Rachael has been tied up and Vendetta tries to tear off her suit. His men who watch this smiling excitedly to see what her body would look like.

His master used to **** his prey first before he gives it to them to taste it too. Most of the woman will be dead in the next day because they can't hold the pain of being r*ped without any mercy. They will abuse them first and tortured them to death.

Zoro runs to upstairs and when he arrives, he feels a bit weird when he sees a group of men surrounding something on the floor.

They even had a camera on their hand. Scrunches his eyebrow, he tries to peek what is that on the floor.

He couldn't see it clearly but he can see a black suit like Rachael's was lying on the floor and there's a man, a middle-aged man trying to rip off the suit.

He took out his arrow and aim at the point. In a second he releases the shoot and the arrow struck at the floor near them.


A small bomb has been fire by him. Three of the man had been injured by the bomb and that make a way for him to get to Rachael.

Vendetta takes a cover when the bomb exploded. In a misty situation, he took out his gun and wants to shoot at the one who attacks them.

Noticing his action, Zoro kicking his hand and flip his body to kick him on the head.


Vendetta falls down on the floor. His nose broke because of the kick from Zoro.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Shit!" Zoro curses and turn his bow into a shield and cover him and Rachael from the attack from Vendetta's minion.

"Rach! Are you okay?" Zoro asks her in worried.

"Mm yeah." She looks at him. She was so grateful that Zoro comes right at the moment before she really gets r*ped by that stinky old man.

"Where's your spear? Can you fight?" He helps to untie her using one hand while another one still holding the shield.

Rachael shakes her head. "Vendetta took my spear, my hand right hands is broken so I can't fight smoothly using my left hand."


While his men shooting at both of them, Vendetta crawling on the floor and find the spear at the tree where he places it earlier.

He wipes his blood coming from the nose before he stands up and gives a sign to his men to stop the shooting.

He held the spear high and struck on the shield with a force.

Gr Gr k k Grk!

The spear cut through Zoro's shield.

"Dammit!" He takes out his arrow and once the shield falls on the ground...


He took a chance and struck his arrow which has a nano-bomb at the tip of the blade on Vendetta's shoulder.

Tick! Tick! Tick!

He take a chance when Vendetta was shocked by the sudden attack to carry Rachael and run as far as he can.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

His men keep shooting at them after seeing their master has been stabbed by the arrow.

In ten seconds...


A loud sound and a huge explosion exploding the terrace and it vanishes from the building.


"Ergh!" Rachael whimpering a bit after she falls on Zoro's chest.

Her arm is now really in pain. She also couldn't breathe properly and the dust from the explosion makes it worst.

"Rach?" Zoro tries to sit up and holding her shoulder to see her face.

"H..Hurt.." She murmurs.

"Hurt? Where?" He tries to spot any injury in her body.


Zoro turns to look at her right arm. There's a bit trace of blood on her suit. He rips it and looks at her arm. There's a black and blue trace and also a cut. He can see her arm broke pretty bad. If she late to get the treatment, she might need to amputate her hand.

Feeling a bit guilty to rescuing her a bit late, he said. "Don't worry, I will get us out of here before they start."


Carry her in his arm, he runs and follows the path that he set to get out from that place.

"Hold on, okay? Don't fall asleep yet." He tries to make her stay awake.

"Hmm..if I gonna die, at least I die on the arm of the man that I love." Her eyes a half awake and so her mind right now.

"You're not gonna die Rach. It not like you were stabbed at your heart, right?" Zoro frowned hearing her answer.

"Mm..but I'll be handicapped and no one wants me. I am ugly with a lot of scar and…no arm. That feeling is….it just better if I die."

"Come on, you better than that to think it that way. Didn't I tell you before?"


"I'll marry you if there's no one else wants you."

"I'm not a kid where you can fool me, idiot." She chuckles and tries to control her breathing.

"I'm serious." He glances at her a little before he focusing back on his running.


He silent for a minute before he replies to her. "Because...I don't have any woman that I can love anymore. So it's better if I spend my life with a person who can love me with her whole heart right?"

Again, she chuckles hearing his answer.

"Then, I refuse to marry you, Mr. Zoro. My love is not for you to take advantage on it. I may love you, but you too have to work to earn my love. If not, then…you know my answer." She finally falls asleep. Not able to keep enduring the pain anymore.

"Rach?" Zoro glance at her again when he couldn't hear her voice anymore.


Still no answer.

"Dammit!" He runs faster and tries to communicate with the camp outside.

"Prepare an emergency unit in three minutes."

"Yes, Sir."

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