Chapter 118:Happy First Anniversary, My Love.

"Evening, Miss Athena...Do you care for a dance?"

Athena turns to look at the source of the voice, she smiles a little.

"I'm not a Miss, Duke Craig." She put her champagne glass on the server's tray who pass by them.

"Ah~ but, aren't you going to be a 'Miss.' soon?" He also put his glass on the tray.

"It only happens when my husband divorces me."

"Hm...I think he is a coward. I'm sorry if I must say, but he went missing after the issue of the missing plane has been resolve and leave everything to you. What a jerk, huh?"

"Whether he is a coward or not, a jerk or least, he can last longer on the bed. Not like you Duke Craig, I heard that you keep changing your woman and they even complain that you can't last longer than ten minutes..pfft…" She laughs slowly and continues again.

"Sorry Duke Craig, If I ever become Miss again, I would rather find someone who can last longer on the bed." She smirks and leaves him dumbfounded. His face turn red as he was so embarrassed right now.

She passes by one pillar behind the Duke.

"That's not something a woman like you should say. Right? Athena?" A man leaning against the huge pillar holding his champagne glass looking at her.

He wearing a white suit with a classy design.

Athena look at him. His figure just like Aslan, but his voice is different. Want to confirm it, she went close to him.

"Wanna dance with me? I think, I never see you before…or I might have before.."

Put the glass on the tray, he tilts his head a little. "Why not? A girl like you is what every man wants to dances with."


He holds her hand and they went to the dance floor. Place his hand on her waist, he brings her closer to his body.

Athena keeps her face steady. She tries to smell his perfume. Different. Different from Aslan's perfume. But the way he holds her, just like him.

His shape of the body also just like him. His a different style than before.

His eyes... The mask he uses makes her difficult to see the color of his eyes. Aslan had green eyes, but this one. She couldn't guess what color is it.

"Have you done scanning my face?" He asks and stares at her eyes.

Athena flinches a bit. She was so absorbed looking for Aslan inside this man until she forgets that this is may not the Aslan that she looking for.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone I knew."

"Mhm? Who is it, if I may know?"

"No one. Just forget it." She turns her face to the side.

He chuckles a bit and lifts up her chin to makes her see him again.

"Does this also remind you to that person?"

"Huh?" Athena was dumbfounded when suddenly that man kiss her lips.

She wants to resist it, but then..there's something familiar with his way of kissing her.

His hand slipped on her thigh and another one is caressing her back. Athena wraps her hand on his neck and returns his kiss.

They stop when they hear murmurs from surrounding them.

She walks away from the hall and calls Kevin to bring the car to the entrance.

Once Kevin arrives, she immediately opens the car door and asks for Kevin to send her home.

"Are you okay Madam?"

"Hm? Yeah.." She put her finger on her lips.

'The way he touches me, the way he kisses me, the way he holds me..why is it feels like he was longing for me? The familiar feeling that I feel back it him? But why he didn't say anything about it? His figure might look the same, but his scent, his eyes, his voice..all different from my Aslan. Who is he?'


"Madam?" Kevin call her again.

Jolts her body, she turns to look at him. "Huh? What is it, Kevin?"

"We've arrived." Kevin look at her with a questioning look.

"Oh? Thank you." She opens the door and walks out of the car.

She went straight to her room and throw herself on the bed.

"Dammit, Athena! Why did you kiss that man?! What will happen if he knows about this?" She hit her head a little.

"Dammit, As...You can't even control yourself when you nearing her." He shakes his head and looks at his palm.

"But why is she wearing that daring dress? She must intentionally want to attract me." He murmurs again and finishing his mission.

This time he just took a high tech device from one of the high tech presidents in Arendell.

This is supposedly his last mission before he starts to sort out his plan to wipe out entire Eric's clan and his mission.

Beep Beep Beep

He looks at his watch and smiles a bit.

"Happy first anniversary, my love."

Beep Beep Beep

Athena open her eyes when she heard a beep sound. She turns to look at the clock beside her bedside table.

'Nope.' She sits up and starts searching the source of the sound.

She follows the sound until she stops at one of the closets in the dressing room.

She opens the closet and there's a lot of drawer inside it. She opens it one by one until the middle of the drawer.

She pulls the drawer and finds a watch that keeps beeping. Besides the watch, there is a silver color box with a ribbon on it.

She scrunches her eyebrows a bit. "When did this box is here?"

Still, she took it and open it.

Inside the box is a white gold ring and studded with a very expensive and rare diamond. A very beautiful ring.

She took out the ring and she saw that there is also something written beneath the box. She then pulls out the sponge and read the text.

"Happy first anniversary, my love. I will always love you."

Her eyes start to teary a bit. She put on the ring on her ring finger. It fits her perfectly.

"Soon As..Very soon. I will bring you back. Just wait for me."


A few days later, she went to the lab which is she designed for Ralph and his team to use it.

"How is it, Ralph?"

"Almost done. Maybe after dinner, we can test it out." Ralph said and he turns to look at Ali.

Ali nods his head and asks her. "Athena, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am sure Ali. I've said it before. I will take any chance to bring him back." Athena went to Renee and sit beside her.

"But the risk.."

"It's okay. I've prepared mentally and physically." She smiles at him.

"If it were me, I will do exactly what she does Ali," Renee said supporting Athena's decision.

"'m so touched." Ralph went to her and kiss her lips.

Athena chuckles seeing their lovey-dovey affections.

'If only Aslan were here.."

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