Chapter 21:Her Other Side.

After Aslan was far from their sight, Jye Yin turn to face Athena. She smile and hold Athena's hand to sit back at the rock.

" are you?" she ask.

"Mm. I'm good."

"Athena, here is the thing that you should know. I like Aslan. And so is he. We both..erm…you know.." she said shyly. The gesture she make showing that she was really in love.

Athena still silent.

"I know he like to be friend with you, but if possible..could close with him?" she look at Athena with a bit sad expression.

"I know it sound so selfish.. but..he's been with me so for long. He didn't said anything to you maybe he was afraid that you might tell your daddy and make him going back to his family. So that's why he always treat you so nicely."

Athena stare at the white sand.

'My status will always haunt me as everyone always feel afraid of my background once they knew. So, is that the reason why he so nice to me? But why did he had that kind of eyes every time he was looking at me? Why did he always make my heart fluttering? Why did he lead me to this feeling?'

Her eyes start to teary again.

"I understand." she reply and hurriedly walk to the house.

The sound of her ringtone make her opened her eyes and wake her from her old memory.

She took out her phone and answer it.


"Athena?" Aslan ask when he heard a different voice pick up his call.

'Oh! I forgot.' she immediately take off the choker and clearing her throat a little.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Uh-you voice turn back to normal."

"Oh really? I was in the play earlier. Why do you call me?"

"Oh, did you eat yet? i don't know where is the best place for lunch, so I thought I wanna have a lunch with you. Are you home?"

Athena look at her watch. "Err, I'm at the outside right now. I send you the restaurant location, we meet there in half an hour. Is it okay?"

"Yeah. See you there." he ended the call.

Athena put her phone inside her bag and went to her car. She removes her make up and her wig. Change back to her original face. Put on the lipstick and eyeliner, she look her face in the mirror before she drive off to the restaurant.

'Uhh..Let's hope Z didn't find out that I change my face back.' she said inwardly. Worried that she might be scold by Zoro.

She arrive at the western restaurant in 30 minutes as she said before. Park her car at the side of the road, she went inside and find that Aslan was already there.

She walk to him.

Aslan looked up at the door when he saw Athena's figure walking over to him. He was stun for a moment seeing Athena in a dress. This is the Athena's image that he always thought. Delicate and ladylike.

"Sorry, I running late." she said as she take a sit in front of him.

Divert his eyes back to the menu, he said "That's okay. You're on time."

Athena just smile and take a look at the menu. She already ate, so she thought that she want to order something light. Just for accompany him to have lunch.

"Have you decide on what to order?" Aslan ask.

"Erm..I'll just have a bowl of salad and apple juice." she closed the menu and put it aside.

Aslan frowned a bit. "Is it enough?"

"Yeah..I'm good with this only." she smile.

"You look different today. Did you going somewhere?" he ask while eating lunch.

"Erm, I just met with my classmate. Then when I'm about to go home, you called me."

" what your planning after this?"

"Going home."

"Aren't you feel bored doing nothing at home? How about we go for a movie? Strolling around the mall maybe?"

"With you?" she ask without looking at him as both of them enjoying their meal.

"Yes. Me."

Athena drink her juice before she reply. "Okay. Your car or mine?"

Aslan smile. "Mine."

They went to watch a movie and strolling around the mall. When they arrives at the make up area, Athena stop for a moment. She look into one of the boutique.

Aslan who notice she stop her pace, hold her hand softly making Athena flinch a bit.

"Wanna go inside?" he ask.

Athena shake her head. She actually had a lot of branded make up in her home. All of it was buy online and ship directly to her house. Sometimes, when Zoro went overseas, he also will buy her a lot of make up tools and accessories that fit with her skin.

"Let's go." he still hold her hand. Soon, their hand intertwine each other.

They went out from the shopping mall when it's already dark outside. When they passing by the road, Athena saw her favorite stall that sell the delicious food.

"Hey, let's go there." she point her finger to the stall.

Aslan scrunch his eyebrow and turn to look at her.

"You wanna eat there?" he ask.

From his view, Athena was the richest girl with unlimited source of money. Why a rich girl like her want to dirt their shoes to go to the small stall? Even him never go to someplace like that.

It's not that because he's rich, but he has a face and a reputation that need to care. People will have a lot of negative thinking toward him if he act recklessly.

He want to refuse, but seeing Athena was so happy just to see the stall, he give up to refuse.

He park his car and before he walk out from the car, he took his cap and glasses to wear it.

Both of them went to the stall and order some noodles soup.

Sniffing the aroma, Athena grinning happily.

"Try it. It's delicious."

"Mhm?" he don't know how to use chopstick, so he use the fork and spoon.

"Be careful. It's hot." Athena warn him before he start eating.

Aslan just smile and blew the steam off from the bowl.

Slurping the soup, he turn to look at her who is waiting for him to taste it.

"How does it taste?" she ask.

"Like you said, it's delicious."

"See. I know you'll like it." she smile showing her dimples and she use her chopstick start to eat her noodles.

Aslan was stun again seeing her other side. The side that he never knew she capable of. Even he does not have that side. She was so carefree and enjoying her time outside with so low profile.

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