Chapter 25:What A Wonderful Harem

"Huh?" Athena was startle for a moment.

She turn around and look up to the man who standing behind her.

Her eyes turns wide. 'Aslan?!'

Aslan also turn to look at the woman's face. She was indeed a beautiful woman.

"I mean the painter. Nike. She was very talented, isn't she?" he divert back his eyes to the painting.

Athena lowered her eyes and look at the same way as him.

"I think so.." she reply. 'What is he doing here?'

"You're not her fans? I thought everyone who come here in this event tonight is her fanatic fans"

"I am. Her art work always interest me. Give me some inspiration sometimes." he smile slightly.

Athena caught his smile in her glance, she then chuckles a bit. 'I don't know my husband like my painting this much.'

"Well, enjoy your night. Miss?" he ask while extended his hand want to properly greeting her.



Both of Athena and Aslan turn to the voice. Zoro want to call out her name. When he see Aslan was there together with Athena, he stop his word immediately.

Clearing his throat, he fix his bow tie a little.

"Ahem, Miss Nike. Shall we go now?" he said with a gentleman manner.

Aslan was dumbstruck a moment. 'That is Zoro! And is he friend with this girl? Wait! Did he said her name is…Nike??!'

He turn to look at the girl and then he look back at Zoro.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I was wandering for a bit." she reply Zoro and she turn to look at Aslan.

"Well, nice to meet you too. Enjoy your night." she smile and walk over to Zoro.

"You know her?" Aslan suddenly ask make Zoro look at him.

"Yes. Of course I know someone who is famous from my own country right?" he smirk and then he turn his body around, leaving him.

After they quite far from him, both of them exhale a sigh of relief.

"Thank god he didn't noticed it was you. You're so careless." Zoro nagging her.

"Yeah. Thank god. Thank you for saving me too."

"Don't go wandering alone without me. Your identity is my responsibility, you got it?" he remind her.

"Yes boss." she salute him with a cute expression.

Knock her head a little, he said. "Don't boss me. I'm not your boss."

Aslan just shake his head after they both go. "Well, why would I thought that he only stick with my wife?" he mumble and continue to look at other drawing.

Until he finally stop at the statue in the center of the event hall. The statue is not too high and too big. It was a medium size and it's a statue of a man.

The carve on the body and the way she make it look so smooth and..'Why does this statue looks like me?'

'It can't be me right?' he thought. The face is not described with details. Well, it's her trademark. So that people will describe their own imagination whenever they look at the art she produce. It's like they were looking at the one they loved.

"Ladies and gentleman, today we would like to bring to you, your favorite artist for a live performance before we start the bidding. Presenting The Beast!" the host start to liven up the event hall.

The guest start to claps and gather around the space. They watch a group called The Beast doing a dance and then there is Kendal Whiz singing the rapping song. After these two, the last one who invited to be the performance artist is Jye Yin.

Once she got out from the artist lounge, all the guest start to cheering and shout her name in loud.

Athena and Zoro stay at the corner of the hall. Not interested to join the bunch of people over there.

Aslan was in the center with all the people. As Jye Yin start to sing, she focus on searching Aslan's figure in the crowd.

Once she spot him, she start to walk over to him and that's make a few people start to give way for her to went over to him.

She take his hand and ask him to join her on the performance space. He shake his head, feeling embarrassed. Even though he just stand there smiling and do nothing to her while she do the singing and the dance to him, but people see this as he is the cameo for the performance tonight.

All the guest who coming, especially ladies, start to take the picture of them together and post it in the media. Within a minute, an entertainment industry was once again being hit with the news of their favorite singer.

Athena lowered her eyes. She swirling her apple juice a bit. She has been monitored by Zoro for not drinking any alcohol for today.

"Wanna go home?" Zoro whisper to her.

Athena shake her head. "No. My job still not done."

"Wanna go and take a fresh air?" he ask again.

"Where?" Athena lift up her eyebrow a bit.

"Rooftop. But only for.." he look at his watch.

"10 minutes. Come on." he grab her hand and led her to the Emergency stairs, going to the rooftop of the exhibition hall.

Inhale a fresh air, Zoro smiling happily.

"Such a nice breeze.." he said.

Athena following him from behind. She agree with him. Such a nice and refreshing breeze.

She close her eyes and enjoy the night breeze. She flinch her body a bit when she feel like someone touch her cheek. She open her eyes and look at Zoro's face in front of her.

"Don't be sad. You have me, remember?" he caress her cheek dearly.

"I'm his wife, remember?" Athena said to him.

"I know. But, princess..if you ever feel tired with all of this, you know you have me. I'll be your back up plan."

She smile and giggling. "I feels like I have two husband right now."

Zoro scrunch his eyebrow. "Yeah, if only you not marrying him. You already be happy with me for the rest of your life." he said in annoyance voice.

"I am happy. Even now, I am happy to have you and to have him too."

"Hey, you should only choose one, right?"

"Haha..but I loves both of you. One is my crush and my first love, while other one is my best friend forever and my lover and I was his crush too. Oh! What a wonderful harem I have."

Zoro knock her head a little. "Silly!"

"Come on, let's return back to the event. You seem just fine right now."

She giggling and following him from behind.

"Alright! Alright!"

"Watch your step."

"Yes boss."

"Hey don't boss me."

"Yes, sir?"

"Athena, do you want me to tickle you right now?"

"Oooppss." she immediately cover her mouth.

Zoro will only call her real name when he was in serious mode. Other time, the only name he called her is 'Princess'.

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