Chapter 56:I Love You To The Moon And Back!

Walk back to their table, Aurora took a quick glance to her watch.

"Ralph, I need to return back to the library. My lunch hour is almost over." She said and took her handbag from him.

Both of them stood up. Ralph extended his hand to Yin Li.

"Nice meeting you Mr?"

"Yin. Yin Li." he takes his hand.

"I'm Ralph. Ralph De Salis." he smiles and ready to follow Aurora from behind.

Tilt his head, he tries to remember the name of 'De Salis.'

'Isn't it the name of one of the Royal family?'

Brushing off his thought, he went to his parking spot. He wants to take out his car key, but suddenly his phone rang.


"Ah, Mr. Yin. It's me your landlord. I want to inform you that your new contract has been renewed last week. I was on my vacation so I only remember it now."

"What?" Yin Li was a bit surprised. He still not make any payment for the new contract, how is it possible for him to renew the contract?

"Ah, your wife meets me before Christmas, she gives me the money for the new contract. She did not say anything about it?"

"No.." he stares the ground.

"Oh well, never mind. I'll send the new contract to your e-mail. Check it out when you free."

"Okay. Thank you." He said before he ended the call.

Scrolling his screen phone, he tries to call Aurora but her phone was terminated from the service provider.

'Why she do that?'


At night, after took a bath and had dinner, Aurora sits on the couch lazily. She turns on the television and watches some soap drama while munching her nachos.

Ding Dong!

She scrunching her eyebrow. "Hm? Did Ralph coming here tonight?"

She put down the nachos bowl on the table and went to open the door.

"Who is it?" she opens the door.

She startles a moment seeing Yin Li standing in front of her door.

"Uh- Mr. Yin, what makes you coming here?" she immediately covers her body with the cardigan. She only wearing a lace nightgown.

Yin Li look at her for a moment before he diverts his eyes.

"Aur, did you pay the rent contract before our divorce?" he said straightforwardly.

"Huh? I'm sorry Mr. Yin, I don't know what you talking about."

"Cut that crap Aur, you know what I said didn't you?"

Inhale, she stares at the floor. "I said it before and this is the last time I will repeat it again. I will not interfere with your life anymore. The Aurora you known before is no longer exist. She's died. A few weeks ago. Anything that she does is never been good to your eyes. So just forget everything. Goodnight Mr. Yin." She wants to close the door but suddenly Yin Li hold it using his hand.

"What about the thing that she said that she will never leave me? Not in a million times? What about all the threats that she said to me which she doesn't intend to let me go no matter what? How am I supposed to forget all that?"

Aurora's eyes start to teary. Of course, she remembers it. She loved him so much, until the love that she shows making him frighten rather than happy.

"Didn't you already have the one you love? Why would you still want to keep remember the monster who make your life in disaster? The one that you never had a tiny feeling at all?"

"I…" he lowered his gaze to the floor.

"The one who asks for his freedom so much are now asking for his suffering again? Are you sure, you're okay?" she tries holds her voice to not trembling and tighten her wall around her heart.

Yin Li do not know what to answer her. He silent.

"Please..leave me alone Mr. Yin. This is what you want and I already granted your wish. My daddy and my brother used to say that love can't be forced, so I decide on to gives up with what I said last time. I can't force you and I won't do that again."

Yin Li finally retract his arm on the door and Aurora closed it. Once the door is closed. She leaned against the door trying to hold her sobs. While Yin Li stand still in front of the door for a while before he finally goes.

In the car, he keeps thinking why he does that? Why he still feels like he wants her to be with him? Why he feels hurt whenever he had a thought of her be with another man? Is he really falling for her? But she was so abusive to him. She always hit him and do whatever she likes to him and now why is he still wants her again? Isn't this what he really want in the first place?

He lost in his train of thought. Until he opens the door, he feels so lonely. The house seems so dreary. Usually, Aurora will greet him whenever he went home and make a ruckus in the house that will make him angrier. But now, its too gloomy without her around the house.

Since she starts working last time, they had a little time together. They barely see each other and Aurora also didn't approach him much like before she starts working. They also didn't say a proper goodbye on the last day when they were still husband and wife.

He looks at the shopping bag that the last time she throw to him. He opens it and finds a pair of gloves. From the look, it's not expensive like she always gives him.

Inside there is a small card. He takes out the card and opens it. 'Merry Christmas my dear husband. I love you to the moon and back!'

He chuckles read the content of the card, but then his eyes start to redden. Fills with tears.

"I really need her back. My monster sure has put me under her charm." He mumbles.


Ding Dong!

Athena looks at one of the servants before she went to the door and open it.

After she saw the guest, she scrunches her eyebrow.


"I heard that sis Jye Yin is staying here? So I decide to stay here too for checking on her and my brother's baby condition through the time she is here." she passes her bag to the servant.

"Have you ask your family permission to stay here?" Athena ask.

"Why would I need to ask for permission? This is my brother house. I'm not staying at stranger house aren't I? my brother will always welcoming his family."

Athena silent. She just slowly nodded and turned her body to went upstairs, but Raisya immediately calls her.

"Oh, where is sis Jye Yin? I wonder if her belly already big or not."

"She's in her room. Resting. You can ask the servant to show you her room"

"Oh, okay."

Athena went upstairs. Upon seeing Aslan who is at the hallway which just walks out from his study room, Athena went to him and hug him.

"What's the matter?"

Athena shakes her head. "Umm..nothing. I just feel like I want to hug you. I need to absorb all the energy from you."

"Oh? Why not you absorb it in a different way? The fastest way." he smiles.

"Huh?" she looks up and tilts her head a little.

"Well, you know..I can give you my energy through the touch start from here…" he touches her lips "" he runs his finger to her breast "and…my favorite part is…"

Athena immediately grabs his hand from moving to her private part. She blushed.

"Erm..that can be too. But we're not doing it in open space aren't we?" she lifts up her eyebrow looking at his face.

Aslan smile contently. "Yeah. So shall I give you my energy in our room?"

Athena also smiles and nodded.

In a second, Aslan lifts up her body and carry her to the bedroom.

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