Chapter 61:You're The Best, Z!

"Princess!" Zoro opens his arms widely. His face shows that he really miss her.

"Z!" Athena smiles at him.

They hugged for a moment before he helps her to carry her luggage and put it in the trunk. They drove off from the airbase behind his family mansion to the main house.

"How was Arendell? Are you having fun there?" He started.

"Erm. Fun, but not as fun when you're around."

" didn't even call me. How could you!"

"Hahaha..sorry...I was a bit busy with all the problem that occurs."

"Oh yeah, how was your husband? I heard his company got hit pretty bad."

"Yeah, just like the news said. He having a difficult time. Ermm..Z, I need your help." She said with a low voice.

Zoro could see her sad expression. He sighs.

"Is it regarding your husband?"

Athena nodded.

He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but then he didn't say anything. He ruffles her hair and smile.

"Don't worry. You got me, don't you?"

Athena's eyes lit a bit. "Really Z? Thank you so much."

"I do what I can. And...I do it because of you. Not because of him. Remember that."

"I know. You're the best Z!"

"Of course I'm the best." he grinning.

"Welcome home Mrs. Smith." The head of butler greeting her at the entrance.

Athena was dumbfounded a moment.

She turns to look at the butler and said. "Just Athena is fine. I still my parents' daughter." She smiles and that makes all the servants who greet her smiles too.

They know all the Lees is a good breed family. They are very low profile people and none of them is arrogant.

"Where is my father?" She asks. Zoro still standing beside her.

"Master Lee is in his study while Madam Hai Rin in her greenhouse." the butler said with polite.

"Thank you." she smiles and immediately she went to the greenhouse.

Open the sliding glass door, she spots her mother inside the greenhouse, taking care of her flower.

"Mommy." She called her mother out.

Turned around, Hai Rin looks at the voice direction. She squinted her eyes a bit before she smiles widely.


"Mom." her eyes start teary.

"Oh my baby, is it really you?" She went to her daughter. She hugs her tightly. "I've been missing you." her mother already wet with the tears.

Well, her mother is well-known as a tears queen or drama queen among them three.

She will easily get emotional especially when it comes to her children. She is a soft-hearted person.

"I miss you too mommy." she kisses her mother cheek.

"Did you come back with Aslan?" her mother asks and look behind her daughter. All she can see is Zoro standing there behind Athena, smiling to her.

She also smiles at him.

Athena shakes her head. "No. It just me. He needs to take care of his business over there."

"I see. Come on..lets met your father. He misses you so much." Hai Rin tugs her hand with her daughter's arm.

They headed to his father study.

"Baby, looks who's here." Hai Rin said with a bit loud.

Athena chuckles hearing her mother call his father 'baby'. even though they already old enough to be so lovey-dovey. But well, that's her parents. They both love to show them how they really love each other.

"Coming honey!" her father also shout from behind the door before he opens the door.

Open the door, Richard open both of his hand to his daughter.

"Athena sweetheart." he smiles and Athena immediately shifts to her father. Hugged him and feel his warmth. The feeling of security and comfortable that he always offer her.


"How are you dear?" he asks in concern.

"I'm fine, daddy."

"Good to hear it." he diverts his eyes to Zoro and greets him "Zoro, it been a long time since uncle see you."

"Yes, Uncle." he bows his head a little.

"How was your father?"

" always..lock up in his lab, inventing something." He said casually.

"Well, I hope he didn't die in that lab."

"Hope not."

"Alright, let go downstairs. Your sister should be arriving soon." he holds Athena's shoulder and followed by Zoro and Hai Rin.

Once they reach at the end of the stairs, Aurora already runs to them. She just arrived with Ralph.

"Daddy!! Mommy!!" she hugged the three of them.

"Whoa! Calm down Aurora." Athena said and her parents just smile seeing her daughter was so lively.

"Sorry princess, I can't hold my tears and my excitement right now. I really miss you guys.." She already crying along with her mother.

"Oh, Aurora.. mommy miss you too."

"Alright, you both. Don't cry. My shirt already wet with your tears." Richard shakes his head while Ralph and Zoro couldn't help but smile seeing the happy moment between them.

Ralph turned to look at Athena. 'Oh, she had the same face as Aurora. But, her aura surrounds her seem very different from Aurora who is a bit, cheerful person. She's more like aloof?"

"Aur dear, don't you want to introduce us who is that guy over there?" Richard ask her when he notices his gaze toward Athena.

"Oh! I'm sorry." She immediately wipes her corner of eyes and led them to Ralph.

"Mommy, Daddy, Athena and bro Z, this is Ralph. Prince Ralph De Salis. He's a botanist. He's the key to Athena's condition. He can help to find a solution for Athena."

The four of them totally surprised by what Aurora just said. His father gaze turns serious, along with Zoro and Hai Rin.

"Aur dear, did you tell this man about your sister condition?" Richard asks while his eyes still fixed on Ralph.

Ralph knows what Richard meant by the way he looks at him.

"Uh.." Aurora starts to feel a bit nervous.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lee, I'm sorry for intruding your family matters. But, Ms. Athena here is not the only one who has mutated with the Golden V. I'm taking care of another five people who had the same condition as your daughter for 11 years now. Their existence has been sealed away from the outside world. I found them at the sea 11 years ago. I believed they have been injected with the same substance as your daughter. Allow me to prove that I'm not a bad person here. I am just like you. Trying to protect the one I love and I've run a lot of tests to prolong their lives and trying to find the cure."

Hai Rin looks at her husband. While Richard and Zoro gaze still fixed on this guy named Ralph.

Athena? She is still composed as ever. Knowing that her family might have doubt, she finally voices out.

"Thank you for explaining it, Mr. Ralph. But may I know, where did you find those people?"

"North Pacific ocean."

All of them turns pale. It's the same venue as the location when Athena has been abducted years ago.

"Can...Can I see one of the people that you mention?" Athena asks again.

Sighing, Ralph nodded and took out his phone.

She handed his phone to her.

Take the phone, she looks at the person.

She scrunches her eyebrow. Her eyes start to teary a bit. "Renee?"

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