Chapter 66:We Also Do Stupid Things.

"Hey As… the next two days I will go fishing with my father. Maybe I can't reach you in the meantime. But you don't have to worry. I will call you once I return to the mainland." Athena informing him about her 'mission' in another way so that he would not worry much about her.

He was busy with his problem, of course, Athena doesn't want to disturb him with this simple task. After all, it just two days.

"Oh? I never know that you like to fishing?" Aslan on the line scrunches his eyebrow a bit.

"Uh…I just accompany my father, I don't know how to fishing at all."

"Hm… be careful. It's already late night in your country right?"


"Go sleep now. I call you again tomorrow. Or maybe you want to make a 5D call?"

"Uhm..that can too. But, are you sure you be able to restrain yourself after seeing me?" she teased him.

Aslan on the line chuckles a bit.

"I can..if you not stripping in front of me."

"Hah..that's what I intend to do."

"Why you so naughty lately?"

"I just show my true color in front of you, Aslan. My childish side, my matured side, my calm side, my furious side, my pampered side, my every angle of the side. Because of you my husband." Her voice was so tender, it makes Aslan's heart beating faster. His face was flustered red.

"I'm so grateful that I can be your husband then. Show only me, Athena. And I'll show my sides to only you. Be true to each of us. And I'll stay with you till the end of the time."


Athena closed her eyes, try to absorb every single word he said to her.

'I love you, Athena. I really do.'

'I love you so much, As..'

They silent for a few seconds, before Aslan finally talk again.

"Hey..sleep now. Good night, Athena. Sweet dream." He kisses his phone's screen.

Athena can hear his kisses. "Good night Aslan." She returns the kisses and ended the call.


The next morning,

Like what Aurora promise, she drive Athena and Ralph to their Aunty's Lab in Imperial City.

In the car, the three of them had a lively conversation. They talk about so many things. Ralph is an easy going person, he can converse well with Athena who is well known as an aloof girl.

But with Ralph, he gives the same vibe as Zoro. Trusted and friendly too. Aurora starts to feel worried about his girlfriend, Renee.

How she able to keep up with this kind of boyfriend? He definitely will have a lot of crush from other girls if he keeps acting like this. Luckily for these two girls, they already married. Even Aurora is a widow right now, but her heart still fixed on that one man only. So Ralph can't affect her heart no matter how charming he is. No wonder, he is the prince.

Within 30 minutes, they arrive at their destination. Lee Zhing greets and leads them to the secret facilities building. All the space is in white and not many people in there.

"So, you can use this space to do your job. I will monitor everything from my office. Of course, for safety purpose only." Lee Zhing smiles and looked at the three of them.

"Any equipment or tools that you need, you just need to ask my lab assistant outside this room. They'll provide you anything that you want. Okay?"

"Thank you, Madam Zhing."

"Don't mention it, all I want as a trade is my niece condition to be treated."

Ralph nods.

"Then, I'll take my leave first." she waves her hand to both of her nieces.

She wants a daughter, but she had no luck when she only had Zenith as her only child. And her husband really pampered their child and her too. That is why, when Athena and Aurora was still a child, she likes to play with the two of them. They even stay at her house for a few days when they had times. They both are really being spoiled by all the Lee.

Because of they the only girls that Lee have.

Once Lee Zhing went out of the room, Ralph starts to look around the room.

"Hmm..for today I guess I'll just withdraw your blood. My teammates will arrive late at night, today.. so maybe they will start to check on your blood early in the next morning."

"It's okay Ralph. Take your time."


Athena went to a glass room where there are a bed and full equipment like a hospital.

"Hmm...Aur, can we talk?" Athena calls Aurora from outside the room. She was turning on the computer when Athena call her.

Turns to look at her, she went over to the room.

"What's up?"

Athena holds her hand and led her to the bed. Both of them sit on the edges of the bed.

"Did I lost my memory when I was a child?" She asks her the curiosity that keeps bothering her in the past few days.

"Hah? When?" Aurora was so shocked by the weird question from Athena.

"No..I think something is missing. I had no memory at all about what they said."

"Who said? What happen? Tell me more details please." Aurora demands.

"Hmm..remember Jye Yin?" Athena asks her sister.

"Ah~ that bitch? Of course, I remember." Aurora glance at Athena a bit.

"She said that I hurt Aslan so many times before, that I broke his heart."

"Did you really do it?"

"No. I only reject him once, and that's also because I saw him kissing her. I was so hurt and he chasing me after that at the shore, he wants to say something, but I said to him that I hate him and I leave him after that. And the next week, I heard that he was returning back to Russia. So I hadn't any chance to properly tell him I'm sorry and confess my feeling to him."

Aurora sighs.

"Sorry for interrupting you girls, but, Athena did you really saw him kissing?" Ralph pop out from nowhere asks her in a serious tone.

"I saw him and her in the kitchen, they look like they were kissing. She saw me and she closed her eyes like she was really enjoying it."

"Did you see him plunging his tongue to hers?"

Athena and Aurora both dumbfounded with his question.

"Why would she want to watch the details? That's gross.." Aurora speaks up.

"See? That is the biggest mistake you girls always make." Ralph take a swivel chair and sit in front both of them.

"What do you mean?" Athena ask.

"Let me be honest, as a guy I like to see my girls get jealous or turn mad. They make a cute face when they do that.."

"What does that make any sense to our story here?" Aurora interjects him.

"Haih Aurora... I trying to said that we, guys, sometimes didn't do a thing that you see or you imagine it. It just a hoax to make you girls go mad or jealous. So, we can confirm your feeling to us. We also do stupid things like that. That is why you should watch it closely whether he really kiss her or not."

"Why don't just said to us directly? It'll be easier right?"

"As I said, we also do stupid things. And normally it ends up pretty bad. Of course, by the time we want to explain it, it already too late."

Athena frowned a little.

What Ralph trying to say is plausible. What if that day, they really didn't kiss? She only saw him from behind his back. She only sees Jye Yin face that time.

And she also at the fault when Aslan tried to say something that day, she refuses to listen to him. She even leaves him after that and never talks to him again.

But…what about her meaning by 'hurt him so many times?'

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