Chapter 80:We Never Get Sick

Athena wakes up after sleep for almost 4 hours. The outside already lit up with the sunshine. She sits up and found that Rachael already took a bath and change her clothes.

"Yeah...I overslept." She replies to her.

"Overslept? You just sleep for four hours. That's is lack of sleep. Not overslept." Rachael scrunches his eyebrow.

"I think I need to take a bath too. My head feels a bit dizzy since yesterday." She pinches her forehead.

"Mm, need my help?"

"Thanks, but no.." She smiles and stands up slowly went to the bathroom.

'Maybe I had a fever. I must be missing him too much until I fall sick like this..'

Rachael shrugged and went to the lawn. She completes her routine exercise before she went back inside.

Wiping her face with the towel, she didn't notice there's a man in front of her and she collides with him.

"Ouch!" She almost falls down from the stairs. Luckily Zoro had a good reflex and he grabs her waist so that her body won't falling down.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Rachael face immediately turn red when their eyes met. Zoro also blushed a bit.

He immediately releases his hand once she steps at the staircase.

"Uh, yeah..thanks.."


"By the way, who are you?" Zoro asks when Rachael didn't say anything.


"She's my sister-in-law. Rachael. Aslan's sister." Athena who just finishes dressed up went down.

Zoro was dumbstruck a moment. "Oh.."

He then diverts his eyes and went to the lab.

Rachael looks at Athena and she just shrugged her shoulder.

"I want to check on Ralph and Shon. Do you want to come with me?" Athena said to her.

"Yeah.." Rachael follows from behind her.

Once they went inside the lab, both of them in good condition. Ralph can stand up and moves again like before while Shon looks active and good.

"How are you guys?"

"Ah~ lucky we have a safe house around here. So we can make a stop and get treated quickly." Ralph reply with a happy tone.

Renee just shakes her head and smiles to all of them.

"Hmm, many times do I have to tell you to be careful?" Renee said.

"It's not that I'm not careful. It just that I always had bad timing."

"Then, I suggest you need to take a bath with seven kinds of flower." She smiles and kisses him on the lips.

"If that is proven effective, I've done it a long time ago."

Athena feels happy to see them such a good couple. "So, what are we gonna do today?"

Zoro took out his sphere device and rolling it on the floor before the blueprint starts to form.

"Our current location now is not far from the town. If we go by river, we might arrive early. But, we also need to find the special blood from Albino Phyton, so Shon, any suggestion to where we should start first?" He asks.

Shon shakes his head. "I don't have any idea. Most of the animal seems not to know where the albino hid."

"Hmm..that'll be difficult to start too."

"Wait, aren't the Phyton is usually stayed low on the river bank? I used to watch the anaconda movie with my dad." Rachael snaps her finger.

"Emm..that..well, we can try but.."

"I think that's okay. While we were going back through the river, we can try to locate the albino too." Athena gives a suggestion.

"We'll be on the boat for at least 4 hours before we reach the jetty and another two hours before our aircraft fetch us. so, just hope that we will meet the albino along our way, otherwise.." Zoro turns to look at Athena.

"I'll request another squad to find the albino if we didn't find it. I know we've been through the whole hell day yesterday. So it's better to take rest first. For the albino, I supposed my father's squad can handle it."

All of them nod in agreement.

Athena couldn't stop feeling dizzy since she wakes up this morning. After all of them stand up to get ready, Athena turns to Renee which is still in the room with Ralph, cuddling and kissing. They both are really bold.

"Erm, you have any medicine for fever?" She asks.

"Huh? Did you not feeling well?" Renee who is in Ralph laps turns to look at Athena. She feels a bit weird.

"Yeah... I've been throwing up since yesterday when I smell the blood from the Hunter Blood men and then the animal's blood makes me feel more nausea and this morning when I wake up, I feel so dizzy." She said and touched her forehead.

It's not hot but rather, its feel just normal. however, her face is slightly pale and she looks a bit tired.

"Hm, I have. But,err...your name is Athena right?"

Athena nod. She feels a bit sad when Renee didn't remember her. Well, It's not her fault. She lost her memory.

"Athena, did you ever fall sick after you get this Golden v in your system?"

Athena scrunch her eyebrow and try to remember when was the last time she got sick.

After a few moments she tries to remember, she then shakes her head. "I never got sick."

"That's right, we never get sick after the injection. So, I think you're not having a fever. How about I get you a full check up?" She smiles.

Athena nods. After Renee got saved by Ralph, she home-studied with Ali, which is her guardian while Ralph was out doing the search all over the world, so she knows most basic things about medical.

"Is it gonna take long?" Athena ask. She really doesn't feel so good.

"No. it just takes a few minutes." Renee already moves to find the equipment.

"Then, I leave first." Ralph stand up from the seat and went out from the lab leaving Athena and Renee.

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