Chapter 82:Did The Sun Too Hot Right Now?

"It's here."

"What is it?" Zoro asks. He immediately rummages the bag and take out his bow and place the arrow's holder behind his back.

Rachael looks down on the water surface, and then suddenly there's a huge slimy body suddenly hit her.


Rachael was thrown at the side of the boat. Her back of body hit the steel rod and there's a sharp metal around the reel.

"Rachael!" Athena shout and Zoro immediately shot his arrow to the huge slimy body.

Ralph take the extract which is hidden in an ampule and hid it inside his pocket.

"This is not the albino, the one we're looking for is still under the water."

Rachael tries to stand up and find her spear, just when she wants to stand up, the Phyton attack her again.


For the second time, she almost flattened by the giant slimy body. Luckily she was fast and use her spear to cut through the tail. The giant Phyton went back to the river.

The amount of blood that spatters to her make her feel nausea. Not only her, but Athena also start to throw up. She really can't handle the smell and with her condition right now, they are totally in a disadvantage.

"Dammit! Now is mating season for the snake. What is worst is, the albino is a female. The male snake only attacks the one who gives a virgin scent."

"Shon! Can't you not telling the details so openly?" Rachael bristled while trying to wipe out her body which is now covered with the blood.

Zoro flustered a bit. He helps Athena to moves to the back of the boat, while Ralph helps Rachael to stand up. The Phyton pop up from the water and want to attack Rachael again.

Shon controls the snake using his abilities to make the snake stop his movement and stop attacking them.

Athena throwing up pretty badly. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly seeing Athena was so pale and look so helpless.

"Mmm..I.." She turns around and throws up again.

"Rachael, you better not stand close to Athena. Your smell makes her sick." He said when he saw Rachael trying to get close to Athena.

Zoro's word makes her feel a bit sad. She stops from stepping forward. Turning around, she took her spear and jump to the water.

"Rachael!" Zoro called her name when he sees her jumping from the boat to the river.

Ralph run to the edge of the boat and try to spot her. "Hey, Rachael! He didn't mean it that way!"


Rachael dive to the beneath of the river, she tries to spot the albino which is hidden under the river.

With a bit of muddy water, it's quite hard to find the albino.

"Man! Why do you have to say that to her? She's a girl okay." Ralph growling to Zoro.

Zoro feels a bit regret to say those things to her.

"I can't control this male snake any longer. it makes me pain when he struggling to want to take over his mind. You better finish him up and let him go without makes him suffer anymore." Shon gives instruction.

Zoro wants to stand up and pick his bow, but Athena handed him her katana.

"Use this. it's far better than the arrow."

Zoro nod and take the katana, he opens the cover and runs to the snake's head. He slashes the snake and then he jumps into the water.

Diving to find Rachael.

Rachael spot the slight movement from under the ground. She swims closer and again she was hit by the big tail before the snake swims to her, try to eat her body.

Luckily Zoro can spot her immediately and catch her body before the snake swallows her whole body.

Both of them hurriedly swim to the surface and gasping for oxygen.

"What the hell are you thinking?" He yelled at her.

"Let go of me. The snake is coming here." She pushes his body.

"Not a chance young lady. You cost me to wet my shirt and make me jump just to save you."

"Did I ever ask you do that?"


A huge albino staring at both of them which is still arguing. Open her mouth widely and showing her fang, she ready to eat both of them.

"You dare to talk to me like that? I just save your ass!"

"I dare! And let me go! You pervert!" She tries to loosen his grip on her waist.


The snake wants to attack them. While they're still arguing, he lifts up the Katana and swings it to the snake, while Rachael also throws her spear to the snake.


A big sound of water splashing makes both of them turn their head to the side. While other on the boat also find the source of the sound.

"Oh shit! I didn't bring the ampule to get the blood." Zoro immediately releases Rachael and swim to where the snake fall.

Rachael also dives back to the river water. She helps to hold the snake tail while Zoro tries to lift up the snake body and swim to the boat.

Ralph immediately rummaging his backpack and find an ampule. Once Rachael pulls out the snake tail to Ralph, he stabs the snake with a big of a syringe and take out the blood out from it for a quite lot and place it into a clear plastic bag before he seals it.

"Ok, done." He said after getting enough amount of it.

Rachael was exhausted and her whole body feels a lot of pain. She let go of the tail and Zoro also do the same. Both of them get in the boat and wait for Ralph to repair the engine. He takes off his shirt and lay it on the reel to dry and leave him with only the cargo pant.

Shon helps them with cleaning the blood from the boat to make sure Athena will feel a bit comfortable.

Rachael didn't bring any changing clothes. She really needs to check on her back because of the pain she felt. Having no choice, she stands on the side of the boat where there is no man and take off her suit and leave her with only her undergarment.

"Shit, this is hurt." She mumbles and tries to touch the back of her body.

Zoro wants to go the side of the boat and found that Rachael was already half naked. He startles for a moment and then he realizes that she had a huge bruise on her back and there's also a lot of scratch and injuries on her back. She tries to touch the scratch.

Zoro grabs her hand and whispers to her. "Don't. It'll get infected if you just touch it with your bare hand without clean it first."

Rachael flinches her body when suddenly Zoro grab her hand gently. She wants to look at him, but then he said again.

"Don't turn around. Stay at where you are right now." He looks at the scratch and touches her bruised skin.

"Is it hurt?" He asked, still with his gentle tone.

Rachael nods her head.

"Wait here, I bring the first aid kit." He turns around and went to the center of the boat.

Athena scrunches her eyebrow seeing Zoro was flustering red right now.

"Did the sun too hot right now?" She asks.

Find what he looking for, he went back to where Rachael standing right now.

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