Chapter 86:Positive

"Poor her," Rachael said while leaning against Athena's door room. She could see how sad her sister-in-law.

Their marriages are not an easy journey. They had so many obstacles along the way. She sighing and took out her phone. Calling for her dad.

After a few seconds, her father picks up her call.

"Rach there something important?" Andy asks with a bit raspy voice. Now in Arendell is about 3 am, while in Imperial just around 10 pm.


"He was in Athena's house when we're back. They seem had a little fight, so .."

"It's okay dear. Papa will explain to him. How about you? Did you finish your mission successfully? Did you get hurt?"

"Ermm..I'm okay, Papa. Don't worry. Tell mom, I love her. Good night."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah...Pa, I might get you a son-in-law." She chuckles.

"Oh? Really? Hmm…NO!'re my little girl and I'm not allowing you to get any men yet." Andy warns her daughter. Not able to accept the fact that he might need to let her daughter go to the hand of a man called 'husband' and love another man beside him.

"Aww papa..such a dramatic reaction. Cute though. I'll tell mom later, I know she will support me..hehe.." She went downstairs while talking to her father.

"'re still in your final year. Don't find any man that can't love you as I still my little girl."

"I'm TWENTY THREE papa."

"What? Three years old? Yup, looks like it."

" point talking to you about this. I will tell mom and do not interfere with my relationship, pa." She warns her dad before she ended the call.

Both of them sighs.

Rachael was worried about Athena's condition and her brother while Andy was worried about his son. How is he gonna explain to him? He knows his son must be feeling a bit hurt with his decision to send Rachael instead of him.

It's not because Rachael was his real bloodline and he was not, but because he knows Aslan's company is in critical condition that requires him to stay in Arendell.

Now everything is a bit messed up. After her daughter told him about Aslan had a little fight with Athena, he feels a bit guilty. It is because of his decision that makes them have a fight.

"Honey, did something happen?" Hazel on the bed turns her body around with her eyes still closed.

Shake his head, he replies "No dear...Don't worry and sleep now." He kisses her forehead and lied down beside his wife again.

The next morning, Athena still had the same condition as yesterday. She has been vomiting quite a lot than before.

She had no energy left. She can't even lift up her hand and get up from her bed. She had been crying all night and now she is lack of sleep and feel sick too.

Rachael tries to call her brother, but his phone was off right now. Maybe he still in flight or he might in the meeting room since she heard his brother said about the board director or something like that.

" you want me to inform your family?" Rachael is a bit panic right now.

Shake her head, she said "No, just call my mom over. Tell her to come here alone."

Rachael hurriedly nods her head and call Madam Hai Rin. She informs her about Athena's condition and Hai Rin right away coming to her daughter's house.

After 30 minutes, her mother rings a bell from the front gate. Her face looks so worried.

Rachael went to open the gate and led her in. Once Hai Rin sees her daughter's condition, she immediately sits at the edge of the bed. Caressing her pale cheek.

"Honey, I'm here."

"Mommy." She calls her and her voice is a bit trembly.

Hai Rin's heart feels like crumbling, she looks at Rachael and signaling her to leave them alone for a moment.

Knowing her signal, Rachael went outside and prepared something to eat for Athena and Madam Hai Rin.

"What happen honey? Why you turn out like this?" Hai Rin asks worriedly.

"Mommy..can you buy me a pregnancy test? I need to check and confirm it." She said slowly.

Hai Rin was startled for a moment.

"Uh..aren't you.."

"Please mommy.." Her eyes start to teary.

Nods her head, she bent her body a little and kisses her forehead.

"Okay..I'll be right back."


Hai Rin leaves her room and went downstairs. She looks at Rachael who is currently preparing some lunch for them.

"Erm, Rachael..I'm sorry, auntie had to trouble you. But, can you prepare some chicken porridge and orange juice? Make it a bit sour for the juices."

Rachael looks at the ingredient on the kitchen counter and nods her head. "Okay, Auntie." She smiles at her.

"Thank you, dear, I'm sorry but I'll be back in a moment. After that, Auntie will help you in the kitchen okay?"


After a few minutes pass, Hai Rin went back to Athena's room.

She took out the plastic bag and handed to her. "Here honey. Let me help you to go to the bathroom."

Athena nod and try to sit up from the bed. With her mother help, she able to walk slowly to the bathroom.

Hai Rin waits at the front of the glass door while Athena doing the test.

After 10 minutes, she finally opens the sliding glass door. Hai Rin immediately runs to her and ask. "How is it?"

Athena covers her mouth with her palm. She starts to cry and show her mother the pregnancy test.

Took the test kit, her eyes turn wider. "Positive."

Athena slouched on the floor. Sobbing. "Mommy….I want it, but I can't..why my fate is so bad? Why god so cruel toward me??"

Hai Rin pinches her forehead. She then put the test kit on the dresser and hug Athena.

"It's okay baby…I'm always at your side. We'll find a way for you." her voice also starts to tremble a bit.

"I want to live with him. I want to have a happy life. I want to give him a child..but why I can't have all that?"

"Shhh…don't say something like that. You will have what you want. My baby is a tough girl. Don't cry.."

Athena didn't say anything as she cried on her mother's shoulder for a quite sometime until she feels a bit okay.

Hai Rin also hides her sadness from her daughter. She helps her to change her clothes, help her to eat and put her to bed.

Rachael feels sorry to her seeing her weak condition. She also can't stay longer. She had a final test on the next week. So she will be leaving the Imperial city, the day after tomorrow.

"Rachael, if you return to Arendell, please inform your brother that Athena will be staying here for a few days before she really can travel again. Say to him that I'm sorry that Athena wasn't able to contact him in this period. Just look at her."

Rachael nods her head. It's not because she wasn't able to contact him, but his phone was off. She did call his office, but his assistant said that now he is in an important meeting.

Just one after another one bad thing happens to both of them.

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