The lord is red again

Chapter 1 This NPC is quite handsome

The cold wind is biting.

The land surface of Xinglong Post has been covered with a layer of white frost, and the ground is slightly frozen and cracked.

Lind wrapped his fur coat tightly and squinted into the cold wind.

"grown ups!"

At the gate of the vegetable garden, Soldier Leo's nose was red.

"Yeah." Linde nodded, squatted on the ground and pulled up the soil twice, and after checking it, he said, "It's getting colder and colder. Let's find more hay and weeds to spread on. If we can't find the shadow of the jackal again... "


When Linde first crossed over, there was not much food in the entire territory. He found a dozen sprouted potatoes, so he cut them up and selected a place to plant them.

Now that potatoes have withstood the severe cold, although it does not mean that Linde can rely on them to survive the cold winter, it can still be regarded as an increase in rations.

After a few more instructions, Linde left the vegetable garden.

Linde continued to patrol his territory. This was a sentry city with a total of five houses, a large open space, and surrounded by towering walls. Before the magic ring was broken, this was the border of the kingdom and was mainly responsible for defending against bandits outside the country. and wolves and beasts.

After the magic ring was broken, and with the collapse of the national power system, this place truly became a forgotten place that no one cares about. The only people who can remember the Star Dragon Outpost are the wandering scavengers and wolves and beasts.

He came to the western wall of the sentry.

There was a big hole in the city wall last night, and four soldiers were picking up rocks, wood, etc. to fill the gap randomly.

It was too cold and their hands and feet were frozen, so the soldiers filled the holes very slowly.

"grown ups!"

The four of them turned their heads when they heard the footsteps and looked at Linde who was approaching.

"I asked Old Pete to make some soup. I'll go back and drink some to warm myself up later," he said, standing at the gap and looking out.

The dense forest in the unfamiliar memory has disappeared, leaving only endless desolation. The broken magic ring not only caused the strong men who flew into the sky to escape from the earth to lose their power, but also caused the land to lose its vitality.

However, Linde was worried about the end of the world, the breaking of the magic ring, and other major events. Instead, last night, the wall to the west of Xinglong Post suddenly collapsed and a big hole appeared, making several people in the post panic.

No solid city walls means no more good dreams.

After walking around for a while, Linde returned to the hut and closed the door, shutting out the cold wind.

There is a hanging pot on the bonfire, and the ingredients in the pot are tumbling up and down with the boiling soup.

Old Peter immediately served a bowl of hot soup for Linde: "Sir, drink some hot soup to ward off the cold."

Linde took off his gloves and took the soup bowl, holding it to warm his hands, and then slipped away to drink the hot soup. After a few mouthfuls of hot air, his body finally warmed up.

After a while, Leo, who was laying grass for the potatoes in the vegetable garden, and four people who were repairing the holes in the city wall also rushed over. The remaining people were on guard, and there were only ten people in the entire Xinglong Post, including Linde.

But no one dares to relax. Today is different from the past. If they are not careful, the monsters wandering outside the guard post will get in, and they will really be homeless.

"Quick, old Pete, soup! Huh! I'm freezing to death!" The visitor took off his gloves, rubbed his hands vigorously, and then went to the campfire to roast them.

Old Pete quickly served soup to several people and added another bowl to Linde.

Several people were holding bowls and sipping soup.

No one said anything, just focus on eating.

Linde was thinking about his future survival plan. Surviving the cold winter was only the first step. He needed to confirm the current situation in the kingdom. If he could contact the family of his body, not to mention inheriting the family property, he could exchange his face for two A bag of wheat should be fine. It would be best to replace it with some charcoal, bacon or something.

The most important thing now is to look for traces of the pack of jackals nearby, and it's best to catch the lone ones.

Jackals are good, they are full of treasures.

The meat can be eaten, and the oil can be used for cooking, or it can be stored to make weapons such as torches and incendiary kettles. It is also delicious simply for making soup.

The skins can be sold in nearby small towns. Especially in this weather, the skins are very popular, so it is not a big problem to exchange them for some food.

But he believed that he was hungry and wanted to eat the pack of jackals, and they were also staring at him.

"If it doesn't work, we can only take people out to search. We won't be able to wait."

"grown ups!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a head wearing a kingdom infantry helmet stuck out, sending a gust of cold wind in.

The temperature in the room dropped sharply, and the fire under the hanging pot suddenly stagnated, shrinking into a ball.

"What's wrong?" Linde stood up.

Others also put down their bowls and nervously grabbed the hilts of their swords at their waists.

"Caught a... person who slipped in. It must be a human, or a scavenger. You have to see for yourself."

Linde frowned, what he was most worried about happened. Sooner or later, those things would target the Star Dragon Post, but it happened last night when a big hole collapsed in the city wall.

"Go over and have a look!" He walked out quickly, and others ignored the hot soup and stood up to follow.

From a distance, Linde saw the scavenger that the soldier was talking about. In such a cold weather, the other person only had a piece of rag pants wrapped around his crotch, and he shrank into a ball from the cold.

The body is as thin as a pole.

He has dazzling emerald green hair and a very twisted face, and his facial features have their own ideas and are growing individually.

"Sir!" The soldier guarding the suspected "scavenger" kept his sword high, ensuring that he could chop off the opponent's head as soon as possible, and said to Linde: "I just found him sneaking in through the wall. , I didn’t expect him to speak.”

"If you can talk, you are not a scavenger. We all know that after you pry open the monster's head, it will be empty inside!"

Linde looked at the "scavenger" who was squatting obediently with his head in his hands. This face was simply uglier than the scavenger, but there was no doubt that he was a living person.

Linde was very concerned about the emerald green hair. According to his understanding, only the descendants of some ancient families have various weird features. Maybe the person in front of him is the descendant of the troll.

"I am the lord of Star Dragon Post, Linde." Linde looked down at the other person and asked, "Who are you?"

His hand rests on the hilt of the sword, and he will immediately draw the sword if the opponent makes a small move.

As a lord, he must first be responsible for his own life.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not answer, but raised his weird face and looked at Linde: "I'll go! This NPC is kind of handsome."

"Huh?" Linde was stunned. He seemed to have heard something outrageous.

The other party has already started to introduce himself: "Well, hello, sir, I am a knight guided by God, preparing to spread fire to save the world. My name is 'Favorite Baisi'. Because it is too cold outside, I sneaked in from the other side of the city wall. "I'm really not a scavenger, I'm just... born with special characteristics. Over there, this is the characteristic of the Sun Knight."

As the other party spoke, a screen suddenly appeared on a certain page that Linde had been circling around since time travel.

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