The lord is red again

Chapter 101 [Star Dragon Outpost Update Announcement]

[Star Dragon Sentry Update Announcement]

The proposal for this update announcement came from the programmer who was responsible for finalizing the gold badge update function, Bu Si Ren. They felt that this would be more ceremonial and could explain the update content in the shortest time and in the most detailed manner.

The game official has not made any moves since the last "bug fix". It is good to directly create an immersive feeling of another world for players, but the excessive lack of gameplay also discourages players.

Acting as the development team, it turns out that only players can come up with such a cool operation.

However, Lind still insisted on adding an extra copy of the "Star Dragon Sentry Badge Reward Book", which was read by Eluna Momo in public. He knew that he should maintain his status as a lord, not an administrator.

Accompanied by Eluna Momo's vicissitudes of life, the update of Star Dragon Sentry was officially launched.

[Update 1: The undead in the Star Dragon Outpost camp have added lion badges. The lion badge has functions such as points display and map, and will be updated in the future]

[Update 2: Fix some bugs in the camp points and improve the response speed of points display]

[Update 3: Open the limited-time foot traders on Longya Mountain Road. The undead can trade with the foot traders in Longya Mountain Road in the future to avoid wasting time running around for a long time]

[Update 4: A large number of interactive NPC units have been added to Prey Town]

Many undead people also suddenly realized that Star Dragon Outpost and other novice villages in the game have become two different games.

For example, at the beginning, Star Dragon Outpost updated the camp points store, and other novice villages did not update. At the beginning, many people felt normal, after all, no one had the opportunity to enter the camp.

But as more and more undead people emerged and entered the camp with their own strength and talent, they found that there was no such thing as camp points.

For example, magic potions are completely taboos that cannot be mentioned actively within the faction. Every bit of power must be controlled by the leader. The leaders will not give this power away casually, and the object of power is still the undead.

But in Star Dragon Outpost, as long as you join the faction to do tasks or dig materials to get points, you can redeem it.

"Maybe it's experimental, internal testing?"

"Internal testing within internal testing, right?"

"What to test? Can I test it?"

"I want to go to Star Dragon Outpost!"

No matter how to test it, the update of Star Dragon Outpost has attracted a group of people who are jealous.

The biggest manifestation of this update is that all the undead who joined the Star Dragon Outpost camp have obtained honor badges. As long as they take off the badge and press it on paper, they can quickly write down the current points.

And there is also a most practical map function.

Draw a map on paper through the badge.

The badge is like an external game system, carrying a large number of internal functions unique to Star Dragon Outpost. It is low in cost but good in effect. It is Linde's most advantageous competitive product.

Undead people can explore around wearing badges and record maps, which can then be uploaded to the [Golden Seal] and synchronized with the powerful computing power of the Golden Seal.

The addition of more functions also caused Lind to feel the consumption when injecting energy into the Golden Seal, so he directly dragged Lord Serin, who happened to be tied up and had nothing else to do, so he might as well become a power supply battery.

Lord Serin himself agreed with this. As long as he was still useful, giving him a chance to live would gain his trust more than Lind's verbal guarantee.

The upper knight was a battery, and I believe it can still support the "update" of the Golden Seal several times in the future.

Lind personally led the team to Longya Mountain Road.

The entourage was Renzo, who would also be temporarily responsible for the commodity trading of the undead as a "traveling merchant".

Renzo's personality was dull enough, which was not a bad comment. In Lind's view, Renzo had the advantages of being a leader, because he had tasted too much pain and could tolerate failure. At the same time, he also knew what he wanted and was willing to make sacrifices for it.

It is definitely not suitable for attacking, because he is too stable and introverted, and does not know how to be aggressive. However, if Renzo is allowed to defend a place, then this line of defense will inevitably become a flawless shield, because he will never slack off.

Every once in a while, the great knight under Lind will be responsible for taking the team to transport materials and hand over to Renzo.

When Lind made the decision, everyone accepted Lind's order without hesitation and regarded it as the best choice at the first time.

Even those who were not familiar with Renzo did not question whether he could do the job. In the eyes of many people, being sent to Longya Mountain Road was to enter the front line of the battlefield.

No soldier could resist this sense of honor.

But loyalty and trust in Lind made them willing to believe in every decision of Lind.

When Lind looked at Renzo, his mood was also mixed. Before, he only thought that Renzo's pursuit of the "old nobles" and his eagerness to devote themselves to the old nobles were a little funny. There were more than one nobles in the world, but after chatting with Miko, he found that there might be more than one old nobles in the world, but he might be the only one who didn't go crazy.

This special loyalty to the nobles may also turn into loyalty to themselves.

The team set out from the Star Dragon Outpost, carrying the goods at a very fast speed through the barren land, and finally saw the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road after moving east for half a day.

The foothills of the Red Dragon Mountain are like a huge monster that can cover the sky and the sun with its wings spread out. Just looking at it from a distance is shocking.

This giant beast is still sleeping.

If I really wake up one day, the surroundings will surely turn into scorched earth in an instant.

At the entrance of Longya Mountain Road that was knocked down by the catapult, Linde blew the hot wind from the mountain road, as if he was standing at the dragon's throat, bearing the breath of the red dragon.

He held a map in his hand.

After the first update that was exclusive to the Star Dragon Post, the undead immediately set out from Longya Mountain Road back to the Star Dragon Post, completed the replacement of the lion badge as soon as possible, and then immediately got up and returned to Longya Mountain Road.

Everyone couldn't wait to update their own maps.

The golden handwriting quickly crossed the map, leaving a series of concise but accurate strokes. Every fork in the road that the undead people passed was marked in detail on the map.

"There is a disaster shadow area at the fork in the road ahead. I heard the sound of a child crying at the right turn, but it was all cliffs. Nothing was found so far. It is not ruled out that someone is imitating human voices; this way is the location leading to the earth dragon magma pool."

Linde's eyes quickly swept across the map.

He quickly decided on a location, the foot of the volcano where the undead were currently advancing.

The foot of the volcano, which had been completely cleared, was flat and closer to the fork in the road, making it easy to reach the next few main roads.

It was his "duty" as a lord to make the undead feel more comfortable spending money.

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