The lord is red again

Chapter 109 Volcano Egg Tart

The faint cry of a baby came from the Longya Mountain Road, which made people feel scared and uneasy.

The undead people who have successfully survived the volcano crater and the fire church, and successfully reclaimed farmland in the shadow of the disaster, are tortured by this sound.

The sound from nowhere intruded on everyone's ears, and the enemy seemed to be completely invisible, leaving them to scurry around like headless flies.

Many undead people have collected enough points to exchange for magician path potions, and even exceeded it by a lot, but their contribution level is insufficient.

It's like you have to be a vvvip to be eligible to purchase. I originally wanted to complain, but looking at the other undead people looking at me eagerly, as a recognized Celestial Dragon in the "Doomsday Ring" and a loyal supporter of the Star Dragon Outpost camp, they felt You should be content with yourself.

Isn't it just to brush up the level? Come here and make me happy!

A green-haired undead man stopped and turned his ears to listen to the cry of a baby that echoed in the mountain path.

"Keep moving forward!" said another undead man, "Just don't worry about it and keep moving forward, they will definitely jump out."

It would be better if they don't jump out and they can open up new maps.

The fun of the game is to open up wasteland, to see more scenery that you have never seen before.

The undead people formed a small group and advanced silently. Their heavy iron-encrusted boots led them deeper and deeper. The road ahead suddenly narrowed, and then widened again.

The carriage cannot pass here, and even if you don't go any further, you can guess that the road ahead is definitely a dead end.

"A dead end again?"

Just like its name, the Ryuga Mountain Trail is like a criss-crossing set of teeth. Even if you have already traveled the road, you will definitely get lost if you don’t follow it with a map.

"That should be right." An undead man squatted down and said, "Look, there are corpses here."

There is half an inconspicuous corpse hidden in the corner. It rots quickly in the high temperature environment. Some kind of volcanic moss that absolutely cannot exist in the real world is lying on the corpse.

It was precisely because of this ubiquitous moss that they ignored the existence of the corpse.

The undead man who had just crouched down pulled out a short knife and poked the corpse gently, as if he was opening a pustule.

The baby's cry breaks out, and it's on the corpse!

"Damn!" Everyone was startled by the strange scream close to their ears, and they all retreated.

Someone reacted quickly. He had already picked up a hammer and smashed it down. Stones flew into the air, and the body shriveled up after the hammer, making a "pop" sound.

The moss exploded into a cloud of powder that filled the air.


"Back off!"

Everyone quickly retreated and skillfully took out healing potions to replenish their blood.

The baby cry is finally figured out, but how to move forward? This stuff is growing all over the road ahead.

When a gust of wind brought the powder of volcanic moss, the undead people yelled in unison.

It was simply a dead end, and because their rash actions seemed to have angered the volcanic moss, the cries of babies kept echoing in the Longya Mountain Road.

"Do you want to ask Brother De for help?"

"Yeah, how about we hire the volcano monster bird to fly over directly?"

They always find little tricks to skip class: "Otherwise, let the volcano monster drop us on a nearby mountain, and we can climb over."

"Can the official give this kind of opportunity to skip class?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then said in unison: "I can give it!"

That's their daddy!

They even doubted whether the members of the game development team took special care of Star Dragon Outpost, otherwise why would their demands always be met in the first place.

Arriving at "Voldemort's Shop", everyone was ready to exchange the materials excavated from their bodies for money and points, and then go into battle lightly.

A familiar face came over from the stall next to me.

"Want some food?"

I declare you Ou Haochen, an immortal from the Xinglong Sentinel Tavern, because his business philosophy has provided Lord Linde with a large number of ways to earn immortal money.

As for how much money I made…that’s all!

He can always come up with some tricks, and then empty the immortal man's pockets of money.

This is clearly the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road, an area full of tension and death, but the undead have opened a tavern business here, and it is as lively as a market. It should be said that only the undead have such a strong heart.

The farmland close to the Shadow of Disaster area produces a large amount of spices, so this is the perfect place to open a store.

The secret sauce prepared after countless deaths, combined with magma barbecue, is full of flavor.

Here, you can eat almost all grilled food.

Eating can replenish physical strength, and fighting monsters all the time can easily make people mentally tired, so the tavern business has become very good, and this open space has gradually formed a communication area for the undead.

"What's new?"

“Volcano egg tart!”

The egg tarts are as big as a fist. Egg tarts made from volcanic monster bird eggs must be baked in volcanic lava at high temperatures to be cooked thoroughly. They are naturally resistant to flames.

Smelling the scent of sulfur and egg tarts in the air, several people nodded, and the green-haired immortal man specifically added: "Let's get some more skewers."

After all, I come from a country of foodies. No matter how busy or tired I am in opening up wasteland, I can’t forget to eat.

"Okay, everyone, please wait~"

Then the undead people turned their attention to 'Voldemort' Renzo.

The undead are very good at judging people by their appearance.

At this time, Renzo's back was full of volcano bird eggs, which were not transported from the volcanic magma platform where the fire church was located. After trying several times without success, the undead people completely gave up this method.

They found a more "reasonable" way, which was to let the volcano bird lay eggs by itself.

The volcano bird is indeed a disaster monster. As long as there is enough energy to replenish, it can produce bird eggs continuously, so there is a group of undead people here to play bugs and brush bird eggs.

After renting the volcano bird, feed it disaster-type food. After having enough energy, the volcano bird will start laying eggs.

They are not normal creatures at all, so there is no physiological logic of normal creatures.

And disasters are things that expand endlessly.

The specific process is: the undead plant in the disaster farmland → obtain materials → rent the volcano bird → feed → harvest → sell for points → go back to farm.

Make use of every point in each link.

"We want to contact the Lord," the undead said to Renzo, "We have encountered some troubles and hope to get the Lord's help."

Every day, teams would come and go to transport potions and materials, so the undead knew that it was best to ask Renzo for help.

Renzo looked up, "What trouble?"

"There is a kind of highly toxic moss blocking our way."

"I can help," Renzo remembered what Linde had said, and he didn't want to bother the Lord for such a small matter, "but you need to pay a certain amount of points."

However, these words changed their meaning in the ears of the undead: "Vocal! Can points directly hire the big daddy?"

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