The lord is red again

Chapter 112 The First Mage

It is not difficult to prepare the potion of the upper-level Fire Knight. The difficulty only comes when there is no extra supply of the upper-level Disaster Heart.

If Lind wants to get out of the path of the Fire Knight, in addition to preparing the upper-level Disaster Heart to successfully enter the upper-level Fire Knight, he also needs the Heroic Disaster Heart.

In other words, the most reasonable development for Lind is to upgrade the path of the Sun Knight, which is more convenient for the "Talent Skill Tree" to branch out.

However, he can drink the potion prepared in the early stage to adjust his body adaptability to the best, and then wait until the upper-level Disaster Heart is in hand, and then Mi Ke will directly prepare the potion.

It can greatly shorten the time.

Mi Ke doesn't understand why Lind is so urgent. In her opinion, the development of Star Dragon Sentry is very good now, and Lind's strength has jumped in succession in more than a month. He shouldn't be so anxious.

But she still agreed to Lind's request, because Lind gave her all the potion formulas for the three levels of Fire Knight.

Who can refuse the benefits that are delivered directly to the face?

Rabbit Teeth tried to control the smile on his face, but the rising cheekbones were unstoppable.

After leaving the potion shop, Linde went to the city wall for another inspection. Recently, the Star Dragon Outpost was not as deserted as when the undead left. NPCs arrived one after another and were busy every day.

A sparse drizzle fell from the top of his head.

After leaving the city wall, Linde continued to patrol the territory, looking at the Star Dragon Outpost filled with various warehouses and houses, standing in front of the wooden board in front of the government office to read the constantly refreshed undead points on it.

The wind gently shook the tough sawtooth weeds beside the path, and raindrops hit the grass leaves one after another, but were stubbornly bounced off by the grass leaves.

"Someone has already collected enough points!"

Linde was a little surprised when he looked at the scoreboard. He was already very unhuman, but he didn't expect the undead to be more liver.

I believe the other party will rush back to exchange potions soon.

However, with the current strength of the Rabbit Tooth Witch, it should be easy for her to boil the magic potion of the spell wizard. She can boil more than 20 pots of healing potion at the same time. If she is pushed to the limit, she can double it.

What a good tool.

"Sir" Old Pete came over with an umbrella.

The rain will not wet Lind's clothes. Before the moisture approaches him, the fire and high temperature in his body will drive away the rain.

Unless he soaks in water, his hair can stay dry forever.

"What's wrong?"

"Renzo sent a message back just now" Old Pete said with a serious expression, "It's urgent, sir!"

Lind walked to the government office and picked up the letter sent back.

The content is not complicated, but Lind frowned.


After passing through the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road, we should arrive at the east of the foothills of the Red Dragon Mountain, which is the territory of the new nobles. But why did a Cyclops appear? According to Renzo, the strength of the Cyclops is definitely greater than that of the Earth Dragon and Lord Serin combined.

A terrifying disaster monster that is at least a hero.

It is called a disaster because Lind has never seen the existence of a Cyclops before, and the content of Renzo's letter also confirms this.

It was said before that the Kingdom of Rand would never see a few heroes in a lifetime, but now, before even a small piece of land has been left, all kinds of strong men have come one after another.

And the strength gap between different races at the same level will be quite obvious.

Even though they are both in a high position, Lord Serin dare not stand there and let Lind chop him once, but the Earth Dragon can let Lind chop him more than ten times.

"Publish the task," Lind said without thinking, "urgent task, defeat the Cyclops! Task item location: Hand in the Cyclops's Heart of Disaster. Reward, open the purchase qualification of the Volcano Bird to the participants, and increase the camp level by 1 level."

Increasing the camp level by 1 level is useless at present, but as long as Lind puts new path potions on the shelves, the undead can directly exchange for new potions. I believe no one will refuse this benefit, especially after a long period of sudden death-style work.

The convenience of the Volcano Bird can save many undead people from running around, and maybe many undead people will directly take the shortcut of the evil way.

Lind has not opened this function not because he is afraid that the undead will take the evil way. He is just a passerby NPC. The game is not developed by him. He is just too lazy to tame so many Volcano Birds.

Too many Volcano Birds will occupy his control quota of the Lost Soul Knight.

It will still be very tiring to suddenly have 60 more Volcano Bird quotas.

But it must be said that the appearance of the Cyclops is like sending a pillow to someone who is sleepy.

He is not worried about whether the undead can get rid of the Cyclops. They will get rid of it eventually. Anyway, there is no time limit.

This time, Lind will not appear as a nanny. He needs to concentrate on developing his own NPC forces. The collision with the new nobles is imminent. It is always worth it to take all the time to improve himself.

"If the Lost Soul Knight can also reach the hero, maybe he can subdue the Cyclops."

Whether it is siege or defense, the Cyclops has a unique advantage with its huge body, but it is a pity that the Lost Soul Chain cannot bind things stronger than itself.

Killing the chicken to get the eggs is the least efficient way to use it, but if you don't take this egg, it will be a real waste.

This is also the reason why he has no interest in the Lost Soul Knight even though he has successfully promoted to a higher position. He is a little useful in assisting, but not very useful.

Before the task of defeating the Cyclops was sent out, the undead who rushed back to exchange points for potions of the spell wizard path had already returned.

Linde adhered to the principle of selling goods when he had money, and the contributions made by the other party could already be exchanged for dozens of bottles of potions, so it was impossible to continue to exploit them.

Anyway, there are other ways to exploit them after the promotion. As long as the other party accidentally dies, he will be restricted to the current level 10 of the internal test, and will be downgraded from 11 to 10.

He still needs to come back to exchange potions.

But he felt that he should add a restriction that the points exchanged for potions can only be used by himself and help take them, instead of letting the undead take them away directly, otherwise many krypton gold tycoons will destroy the balance of the game.

Whether to let the krypton gold tycoons spend money to find someone to buy potions directly, or to let the krypton gold tycoons spend money to hire someone to help make materials and earn points, and then use the points to exchange potions, which one has more advantages can be seen at a glance.

Points are not the purpose, materials and other benefits are.

The first mage who successfully changed his job appeared in Star Dragon Post!

The news is like a snowball.

The wizard who throws fireballs gracefully and uses various gorgeous magic is the favorite of most people. You can be weak, but you must be handsome.

And with the skill display of the NPC who appeared in the Harbor Village before, no one will think that the wizard is not strong.

Some people even suspect that maybe T0 has arrived.

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