The lord is red again

Chapter 117: Old Territory Lookout

Linde left the Star Dragon Post with only Reed and Leo. Using the map Han gave them when they left, they came to the stream between the post and Prey Town.

Having passed by here many times before, Linde never thought of going along the river. Human inertia is really terrible. It is all ignored when it is right in front of us.

The road ahead is muddy. The two people are wearing heavy armor. Although Linde's armor has been completely scrapped, he is carrying the broken sword of the Scavenger Princess, and his weight is heavier than that of ordinary people. He walks in the muddy river bank with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"We should step on the water ahead." Reed took the initiative to move forward and took off the torch from his waist. After waiting for a while, a not-so-big flame burst out from his palm. He stroked the torch with his palm and lit it.

"Pop!" Linde walked over and slapped Reed on the back, making him stagger forward: "Do you have to use this method to light a fire?"

He didn't use his ability very well, but he still wanted to show it off.

Reed laughed, "Sir, I want to show you how to use my abilities."

"You use it badly!" Lind complained mercilessly.

I knew how to use the power of fire when I used it for the first time, but these two people have to wait when they use "Clory's Fury".

"Let's go!"

The voice echoed as he spoke.

The road ahead was pitch black, but with torches lighting up, the vision was not affected too much.

This section of the road was very long. Lind estimated that the length of the underground waterway should be much longer than the Longya Mountain Road, but he did not encounter any trouble along the way.

Coming out of a cave, Reed had extinguished the torch as soon as possible.

The broken moonlight sprinkled down, and the sky was completely dark.

They walked from dawn to dusk unknowingly.

The moment the moonlight enveloped Lind's body, the moon ring on his chest began to beat.

The body became better than ever!

Lind felt as if he had taken several rounds of moonlight enhancement from Miss Miko in a row, took a deep breath, and adjusted his state.

It is easy to indulge in a strange state. He now likes night more than day.

"Wait here for a while and investigate the surrounding situation first."

"Yes!" "Yes!"

The two immediately turned into sentinels and went out to investigate the situation. Lind took out the potion. He had almost finished drinking the potion for the Fire Knight, but he still lacked a material for the upper heart of disaster.

The boiling potion in the bottle became more active under the moonlight, and the surface of the potion was like magma bubbling.

Before it became hot, Lind pulled out the cork, smelled the burnt smell, and poured the potion into his mouth.

He strongly suspected that Miss Miko did not make the potion carefully this time, otherwise how could the taste be so much worse than before, and he almost forced the medicine to swallow it.

The body cells were active again.

The quiet sun ring also began to jump, and it felt a similar power.

The beating of the sun and the moon alternated, flickering.

"Sir, there are wheel tracks around. Someone should have passed by in the past few days."

"Where's the map?"


The scribbled map of Han Dynasty painting was unfolded. It was abstract, but as a soldier, there would be no problem with the accuracy of the map.

Linde pointed at the map: "We are here now, the cave exit east of the foothills of Red Dragon Mountain, and Leon Territory is to the north."

He looked up at the north, but unfortunately the darkness blocked his sight, and the broken moonlight could not let them see too far. Moreover, they were now on the downhill, and the undulating road ahead had blocked their sight. If they wanted to see Leon Territory, they had to stand at a higher position.

Lowering his head, Linde's attention returned to the map again: "Leon Territory is not far from here, but they should not know this road, otherwise they would not take the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road."

"Here" His finger slid down and fixed on an intersection.

The trident-shaped intersection, the fork represents the intersection extending to the southwest, and the tail of the fork points to Leon Territory.

From the fact that Hanneng drew the map so clearly, it can be seen that the people of the Second Legion have been eyeing Leon for a long time, but they have not taken action because of the lack of strength.

The upper branch of the three-pronged fork circled and extended to the depths of the Red Dragon Mountain in the north.

The middle branch extended straight to the southwest.

The lower branch pointed to the south, and there was marked "Old Territory Lookout", which was Lind's destination.

"Let's go, time is running out."

When Lind arrived at the "Old Territory Lookout", he was shocked by the ragged but energetic soldiers of the Second Legion.

This group of people is very imposing.

They are indeed elite soldiers who have fought their way up from the bottom. They have not stopped fighting even after the end of the world, and their fierceness is soaring to the sky.

"My lord!"

Two figures walked towards Lind, and his eyes lit up.

The man in the front had a pair of deer antlers on his head.


He had seen the most horrible alienation, like the Black Knight, who had completely turned into a half-man, half-horse monster and completely lost his mind.

He had also seen alienation that could still be controlled, such as the two-headed man.

"Lance?" He recognized him.

"It's an honor to meet you again!" Lance bowed and saluted. As a former archer of the Land Kingdom, he was more famous and could come into contact with more nobles. For example, he had met Lind, who was in the core circle of the Great Prince, more than once, but the two sides did not communicate much.

"I am also very happy." Linde walked to Lance and hugged him tightly, showing quite enthusiastically: "As a knight loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, you know how excited I am when I see you again!"

Although Linde had been repeating in his heart before that he hoped to use the Queen's death or madness to exchange for the normality of the Great Prince Kurt, but facing the people of the Second Legion, he still shouted a few more words for Her Majesty the Queen.

If there is an old noble lord of the Queen's faction who lives well like himself, maybe he will stage a "betrayal of Alman" at that time. Linde always has a little estrangement from Her Majesty the Queen.

He turned his eyes to Bard, whose skin still looked so special. Compared with Lance, who often showed up in front of the nobles because of his archery, the armor master Bard obviously had not met Linde seriously, and most of the time he just glanced at him from a distance.

"Subordinate Bard, meet the adults!"

Bard's alienation is more serious than Lance's. He has four arms.

"It seems we still have a lot to say." He walked to Bard's side, grabbed and patted Bard's shoulder, then reached out and grabbed Bard's extra arm and pinched it: "Same as normal?"

"It's more useful!" Bard laughed, and didn't think there was anything wrong with becoming a non-human. This was the guarantee for him to survive in this world until now.

"Not bad," Lind nodded.

Now that Lind's identity has been confirmed, it's time to get down to business.

"How much do you know about Leon County and the nearby Holy Water Town?"

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