The lord is red again

Chapter 130 [Update: Stable Station is under construction]

[Star Dragon Post Update Announcement]

[Update 1: Stable Post under construction; after the undead tame the warhorse, they can store and feed the warhorse at the Stable Post, and can buy horse gear for modification and upgrade]

[Update 2: Miss Brittany's Spice Shop; Miss Brittany's Spice Shop is officially online, and now the undead can buy related spice props from the merchants of Star Dragon Post; currently on sale are spices, speed enhancement spices, magic recovery spices, disaster-inducing spices, and vigorous spices. Subsequent updates will continue, so please continue to pay attention to Miss Brittany's Spice Shop]

After the undead and NPCs in the Harbor Village returned with Lance and others, Lind briefly understood the situation and took the time to make a unique update to Star Dragon Post.

In fact, he just used the lion badge to notify the undead, and there was no "new gameplay" online.

Updates from time to time will give people the feeling that the game has been in internal testing.

The stable was built temporarily because a herd of horses appeared on the grass that was shining with stars.

In Lind's plan, the nest of the volcano monster bird was in the plan. Who knew that the undead people could not beat the Cyclops at all, and now the undead people are dazzled by one thing after another, and have no time to fight to the death to find trouble with the Cyclops.

Or there are too many ways to play, and they have become slaves of the camp points.

Because he knows the undead, Lind knows that the undead people who have been suffering from the lack of means of transportation will definitely not miss the opportunity to ride a horse.

Playing games is like this. When you see a high place, you want to climb it. When you see a horse, deer and other creatures, you want to ride it. When you see a female character wearing a skirt, you want to squat, etc.

Instead of letting them sneak around, it is better to help them, and you can also monopolize all the subsequent peripheral products related to war horses.

Earning points, never afraid of many tricks.

Of course, taming a disaster warhorse is not that simple. It is not that you can make the other party obedient by riding it.

Lind even wondered whether he should train a group of new soulless knights to let them be mainly responsible for taming low-level disasters.

Whether it is a volcanic bird or a strange disaster horse, it should be no problem to tame dozens of them at the level of the Great Knight. The only problem is that the Soulless Knight is not suitable for combat. Especially compared with the Great Knight of the 'Sun's Proof' path with balanced values, it is a little unremarkable, but the shortcomings are obvious.

It just so happens that Miss Miko's cooking speed of potions is not that fast. It is enough to squeeze out a few of the thirty or so potions for the Soulless Knight.

Standing in front of Linde is a middle-aged man. He is the only wizard in the Harbor Village and also the standard pharmacist in the Novice Village.

Unlike Miko and Brittany, he is a local, and he was accidentally promoted to a wizard a month or two ago. He does not master many potion formulas, and his character is weaker. He knelt down and swore his loyalty as soon as he saw Linde.

Unlike the unknown resistance of the village chief of the Harbor Village, the middle-aged man in front of him just wants to live. What new nobles and old nobles are the same in his eyes. A good noble is one who can keep himself alive.

So the communication between the two became very straightforward. Lind asked directly, and the other party answered almost every question.

"There is a mine cave up from the crossroads of faith." The other party was very well-behaved and spoke very honestly: "We occasionally have some contact, but basically we don't affect each other. They will go to the harbor village to exchange ore for food."

"Mine cave..." Lind is now in short supply of ore. When he heard about the mine cave, his first thought was to kill and rob it first, without having to do it himself. After nearly two hundred undeads became powerful, they can really walk sideways in this area nearby.

If they use the kite-flying tactics against the Cyclops again, the result will definitely be a different scene.

However, Lind still hopes that he can be more reasonable. The favor of the undead comes quickly, but if he does something that angers the heavens and the people, they will also turn around and leave without any nostalgia, and may even stab him a few times.

"Do you know the details? Will they trade with the outside world on a large scale?"

Food is not a problem, Lind can also buy it.

"I only know that they are very powerful and have a mysterious origin. They never come out except for mining."

Linde nodded: "I know."

He paused and looked at the pharmacist in front of him: "Regarding your arrangement, I hope you can be mainly responsible for brewing some potions in the future."

He wanted to break through the novice villages one by one, and then grab all the pharmacists and send them to the assembly line to help him produce potions!

Now he has captured the pharmacists of three novice villages, and there must be another one. He believes that these pharmacists will also like the assembly line work.

As soon as Linde updated it, the [Stable Station] began to be built. The construction work was still done by the cyber corvée undeads, but compared with other tasks, most of the undeads were in high spirits.

Finally, there will be a mount!

In the eyes of most people, it would be absolutely great if they could get a flying volcanic bird. Who doesn't want to fly freely?

However, it is difficult for the volcanic bird to drag the undead to move quickly. If they want to travel quickly, they still have to ride horses.

There is a huge open space in front of the lookout tower in the old territory, where a stable station will be built. However, the grass problem is the top priority. Linde has already ordered people to fetch some grass and try to plant it. If it can be grown, it doesn't matter where the stable station is placed, but if it can't be grown, the construction of the stable station must be planned.

Linde looked at the green grass, and thought he had returned to the end of the world. Maybe a deer would come out in the next second, and then the eldest prince Kurt would wear his gorgeous dragon scale armor, pull up the heavy bow inlaid with gems, and shoot an arrow.

Then he shot in vain amid the sighs of a group of people.

At the same time, Linde would also draw his bow and shoot arrows, and nail the prey to the ground without giving the eldest prince any face, in exchange for the eldest prince's unhappy shouts.

The horse in front was eating grass leisurely. Linde looked at the strong warhorse. He had never seen such a "low body fat" horse. The muscles stretched the thin skin tightly, and the strong sense of power came to his face.

He had reason to suspect that if a lion pounced on it, the horse would kick the lion to death with just one hoof.

Linde aimed at the warhorse and strode towards it. His unauthorized approach attracted the attention of the disaster warhorse.

"It's the first time I've seen a disaster monster so calm." Lind looked at the disaster horse in surprise, but his steps did not stop.

Getting closer and closer.

When the disaster horse snorted restlessly, Lind jumped up, and the soul-losing chain in his hand was thrown out, successfully grabbing the neck of the disaster horse.

The disaster horse neighed and twisted to escape, but the chain was now in Lind's hand. He pulled the chain with one hand and watched the horse struggle with a smile. Looking at the taut iron chain, and looking at the disaster horse struggling and getting more and more impatient, Lind pulled his right hand hard, and the horse was dragged to the ground with a "boom".

He didn't even look at the horse, and the soul-losing chain would help him complete the next steps.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the disaster horse to stand up again, and when facing Lind, he was very respectful and took the initiative to come over and bow his head to show his goodwill.

Lind patted the horse and turned over to ride on it.

The speed was very fast. Lind was not a knight known for his speed, and he couldn't outrun the disaster horse.

As the Calamity Horse ran up and down, Lind kept shaking his right arm, and the chain in his hand turned over and over again like a hoop.

Aim at the target and tether it!

The horse was successfully tethered.

After pulling the Calamity Horse down again, Lind didn't even look at the horse and continued to look for the next target.

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