The lord is red again

Chapter 145 The Mage in the Melee is the Son of Version

"Why don't you let us go?"

There was a riot outside, but the undead in the city were ordered not to join the battle.

"Do you know how to defend the city?" Yang looked at the undead and said in a heavier voice, "You must obey orders!"

No orders can be taken, and the undead have never been reused in Leon. They have been here for too short a time and have not yet successfully made a name for themselves.

Yang also tended to let the knights under his command go. In addition to about 80 knights, there are also hundreds of soldiers in the three legions. It takes a lot of food to feed this group of people, and now it's time for them to go on stage.

"I guess it's the plot." The undead's mood was very stable.

"Wait, siege battle, is it possible that Linde is here?" Someone thought further.

"It should be, it's unlikely."

They looked at the direction of the city wall, watched the flames completely ignite the top of the city wall, watched the charred bodies fall from the city wall, and watched the legion soldiers stand back in front of the city wall that was completely lost with flames.

They were anxious, but for the sake of the "plot", they were all very obedient and did not act on their own.

Boom, the boulders crossed the city wall and hit the buildings in the city, and the chaotic flames in the city were ignited at this moment.

The undead waited obediently, but the doubts in their hearts grew.

Yang left in a hurry, and then hurried back, holding up the long sword in his hand: "Follow me!"

There was no speech, and the dry speech made the undead lack a lot of ritual sense. Maybe they would think about this matter later, but now they just want to join the war.

They followed Yang out and saw the broken city gate and the two-headed man rushing in. The huge and bulky body caused the undead to swear frequently.

It was really a player who came. Siege war, why didn't we get the news!

"Stupid NPC!"

Siege war actually restricted players from participating, deserved to be scolded.

The two-headed men rushed into the city with a rain of arrows. Their heavy feet shattered the charred corpses on the ground. The three legion soldiers surrounded them. Unfortunately, no one had given early warning for this siege, and some of the legion soldiers were unable to return.

Many arrows poured down.

Facing the arrows, the two-headed men just took out a potion bottle and threw it into their mouths. Their bloody mouths made them skip the step of uncorking the bottle.

The potion brewed by the upper wizards has undoubtedly surpassed the potion level of ordinary novice villages, which is roughly equivalent to the difference between "Life Potion (Small)" and "Life Potion (Large)".

The effect reflected on the two-headed men is a faster recovery effect and a shorter cooling CD for drinking medicine.

The arrows hit the two-headed men's armor with a clang, tearing the armor with a whistle, and successfully leaving a hedgehog-like dazzling arrow helmet on their chests.

However, the two-headed men were not afraid to move forward. For them, perhaps this was just a gust of wind with more sand.

We can't stop moving forward. Breaking through the city wall has already made the undead excited, and the large number of red names in front is like the reward link after breaking the level.

How can we stop here when we are harvesting?

The undead of the new noble forces led by Leon also launched a counterattack, and they met head-on.

The melee started, everyone was fighting with their enemies, explosions and roars broke out in every corner, and the fireballs of the table wood were thrown into the dense crowd again and again, causing the new noble undead to dare not gather again.

"Kill the wizard!" Someone couldn't help shouting.

The wizard is the son of the version!

Especially in such a dense crowd, a fireball is like a sickle waving above the head, which can not only quickly harvest lives, but also prevent the crowd from gathering. If you accidentally get stuck by the flame, the burning will cause a series of troubles.

Some people want to kill the wizard, and some people take the initiative to protect him.

A new noble undead rushed to the wizard who seemed to be closest to him. The other party was rubbing a fireball. No matter where the fireball will eventually fall, it will definitely cause new riots.

The undead couldn't help but greet each other's parents and elders.

This game is too real, so real that it feels like you are really fighting, even the heartbeat and the feeling of blood rushing are the same as real.

People who are in a fight are bound to spit trash talk.

When the battle rises to the level of defending their mother, it can only end when one side is completely beaten to silence.

The two-headed man who has turned into a hedgehog rushed out and knocked away the undead who tried to sneak attack, but the two-headed man himself was also killed by another sneak attack.

The number of the old noble undeads on the attacking side is superior. The 180 undeads are not only fully equipped, but also have various recovery potions, and their endurance is extremely strong.

In addition, traps, illusion spices, etc. have also come in handy, especially illusion spices have played a significant role. Few people can tell the difference between true and false in the melee.

An illusion may directly attract four or five people to pounce together, and the effect is amplified.

It also makes their death count very small.

The only pity is that the output of spices is too small.

In comparison, the new noble undeads have lost the slight advantage brought by their alienated state. The only advantage is probably that the resurrection point is close, and they can be resurrected quickly after death.

What is there to praise about resurrection after death? Don't forget that the level cap of the internal beta version 1.03 is 10, and the great knight and wizard are rated at 11.

The new noble undead who successfully reached level 11 by drinking the potion will become ordinary people when they die.

In this way, the last advantage of the new noble undead is gone.

Whoever has a stronger endurance will have the last laugh.

The old noble undead who followed Lind successfully killed through the gate of Leon City. Almost all of the new noble undead who rushed to the front were sent to the resurrection point. Without people desperately delaying, the old noble undead's march could not be stopped.

They greeted the soldiers of the Leon City Legion with the fire waves raised by the fireballs, completely tearing through the opponent's defense, and one side advanced vigorously to prevent fighting and retreating.

Lind watched the undead break through the gate of Leon City and rushed in. He also began to act. The team led by Lind was like an arrow with a golden arrow tip lit, quickly cutting through the air and piercing into the Leon City that had fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

Inside the city, the dirt road was streaked with indescribable strange patterns by flames and spilled blood, like a sacrificial site worshiping the ‘God of Death’ Zasa.

The dying rapid breathing came from the pile of corpses. Without Lind’s order, the soldiers had quickly dispersed around him to clean up the battlefield.

The enemy fled in all directions.

Lind looked at the corpses affected by the war, some of which were not wearing armor. He felt pity, but it was the position he chose that could determine whether a person deserved to die, rather than judging whether he was good or evil.

The old and the new confronted each other, no matter what reason they chose to surrender to the new nobles, they were all considered treasonous.

Every grain of food they cultivated would turn into arrows shot at them. No one was innocent, and the enemy was the enemy.

Lind did not ask his soldiers not to hurt ordinary people. Before the victory was finalized, there was no room for foolish mercy. Only the victor could show his mercy and enjoy praise or abuse.

The sounds of the undead fighting faded away, and Lind just thought they were summoned beasts.

His eyes locked on the enemy in front of him, who was standing on a pile of corpses, surrounded by handfuls of ashes.

The aura of a superior person, it seemed that the number of undead who died in his hands was no less than two dozen.

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