The lord is red again

Chapter 15 Rabbit Witch

He looked at Eluna, who was staring at him with a pair of bulging eyes and an expressionless face: "Clori, the Gebai Cavalry Guard of Yongshuang Land, the Bishop of Pretown obtained his diary."

"Oh, Gebai Cavalry Guard," Linde shrugged. There was Gebai Cavalry Guard in his "memory".

Before he left Goliath, he had seen the Pope giving a sermon, and white angel knights with wings on their backs descended from the sky, causing waves of exclamations. Those guys were the Goliath Cavalry.

It is said that one person has the power to destroy an entire city.

They live in a place called "Eternal Frost Land" and are responsible for guarding the road from mortal world to the divine realm. They are the most familiar angels, representing many beautiful qualities such as holiness, strength, fearlessness and so on.

Linde was very interested that people could become angels through cultivation.

He opened the diary, the diary of the Gebai Cavalry named Crowley when he was still a human.

"I have listened to the hymn for three hundred days and nights, and my soul has been cleansed.

The idea of ​​being clean but wanting to be stronger is growing fast in my mind like crazy.

. . (Ink Idea) I know that's not allowed, steal it through potions instead

When the magic ring is given, but only with some small means, its existence is reasonable. "

"I feel the blessing of the magic ring again. The night makes me feel stronger, but it never favors me. I can only watch my companions slowly become stronger. I still need magic potions, yes, magic

Medicine, luckily I got this. "

Lind stopped because what followed was a list containing detailed potion refining processes and techniques.

The medicinal materials were okay. He had seen the names of many medicinal materials, but two of them were very important.

One: Steal the power of the magic ring.

Two: It needs to be drank at dawn when the light is not bright.

"I know it's not easy." Linde continued to read the contents of the diary: "All beings given by the magic ring have that power. They are born with the power given by the magic ring. This is my attempt. , I will not kill people randomly, I stick to my belief, those monsters with magical powers may be a good choice."

"..." Turn the page.

"Damn it, the power of the magic ring in those guys is too fragile, but they themselves are so powerful. I have to kill more, I can always find them! I want more!"

"..." Turn the page.

"Haha, I succeeded and became a great knight"

"..." Turn the page, and then turn the page.

The records started to get messy.

"The extraordinary power of the Great Knight surged in my body. I was eager to release that power. I began to study and try day and night."

"..." Turn the page.

"I succeeded. I gathered that extraordinary power in the palm of my hand, imagining the sun, the light, the explosion, the catharsis, in short all the good and bad emotions, and then guided it. I will never forget when it exploded in the palm of my hand. The brilliance, I call it the explosion, Crowley's explosion!"

"..." Turn the page.

"I can't get more gifts, so I can only keep hunting monsters in the abyss to make potions. The Pope praised my bravery, but I just want to collect more powerful disaster powers and seize the magic rings in their bodies. Power, it is said that becoming a third-level knight will usher in a qualitative change. I hope that day will come as soon as possible. "

"..." Turned several pages in a row.

"The Gebai Cavalry Guards of Yongshuang Land. I always thought their wings grew on their backs, but when I got closer, I discovered that they grew on their necks. They are weird but sacred."

The diary stops here.

Maybe the owner of the diary suddenly changed his bad habit of writing diaries and became a serious person.

Maybe there are more secrets and I feel it is too unsafe to record them in a diary.

Linde gained a lot, including a potion formula for promotion to a grand knight and two techniques for using extraordinary abilities.

They are "Crowly's Explosive Flame" and "Crowly's Fury".

Close the diary.

Linde sighed: "Clowry is definitely a genius. If those people in the church also want to use Crowley's method to steal power instead of waiting for it to be given...then wouldn't it mean that if they fail accidentally, they will become Like them, become DNA double helix people?”

Do you want to take a magic potion? Linde did not hesitate for too long, thinking that more and more players would come to this world. If he could not have strong power, what awaited him would not be a good ending.

Even if he rushes over to tell those players now that he is actually not an NPC, but a time traveler, it is estimated that the players will only regard him as an easter egg of the game company, and maybe even plan to kill him to see if they can explode the easter egg equipment. .

"The next step is to collect materials and brew the potion."

Linde certainly couldn't do it himself. He didn't know how to cook potions, but he happened to know someone who could.

"You want to see Miss Miko?" Old Cherry looked at Linde who had left and returned in surprise.

"I hope she can do me a little favor." Linde nodded: "Cook a potion for me. You can tell her and I will pay the gold stamp."

"Then you need to buy this bottle of magic potion." Old Cherry took out the bottle of magic potion again and explained: "Otherwise I have no excuse to see her."


Isn't it just a bottle of magic potion? It doesn't matter, the player will reimburse it for himself.

Old Cherry left in a hurry, and Linde stayed in a temporary residence rented with gold stamps. There were many empty houses in the town that were unoccupied. In name, they all belonged to the mayor, and you had to spend money to live in them.

“Knock knock” the door was knocked gently.

Lind opened the door and found a slender figure in a black robe standing next to Old Cherry.

“Let’s chat” Old Cherry winked at Lind and stood aside.

What’s the déjà vu of this pimping feeling.

Lind looked at the slender figure who walked into the room. The other party took off the hood on his head, revealing white shoulder-length hair.

The cheeks were bulging and soft, with a bulging feeling like a rabbit and a hamster, the skin was white, and there were not very obvious little rabbit teeth when she opened her mouth.

A beautiful rabbit girl.

She has a delicate and cute feeling.

It would be great if I could go back and be a poster girl.

He stared at her for too long without daring to offend her: "Ms. Miko, I hope you can help me make a potion."

She nodded, as if she had no interest in Linde's handsome face: "What potion? Let me tell you in advance that I can only make three kinds of potions."

"Which three?" Linde was a little interested.

Miss Miko cleared her throat: "Healing potion, energy potion, and enhancement potion."

Sure enough, Prey Town is the Novice Village, there's no running away, you are the Novice Village NPC pharmacist!

What's going on with the desire to kidnap more and more.

"I don't want to make these three kinds of potions." Linde took out the potion list. The only person he could contact to make potions was Miko, so he had no choice.

Miko frowned and looked at it for a long time, then looked up at Lind and said, "I can make it, but the Heart of Disaster is very precious. If you are willing to spend 100 gold stamps, I may be able to get it for you."

"No problem," Lind nodded. He didn't know what kind of material it was, but since Miss Miko said she had it, it would be a relief.

"Hehe!" Miko pulled a small bag from her waist and stretched out her hand to Lind: "Give me the gold stamp."


"The Heart of Disaster," she shook the bag in her hand: "You are so lucky, I still have some left after making the potion last time, so I'll give it to you for free."

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