The lord is red again

Chapter 156 Resource Collection

After a period of "hunger sales", the Calamity Horse finally became popular with everyone.

From the Crossroads of Faith to the Trident, you can always see the undead running around. They screamed and whistled, or simply imitated the riding charge skills learned from nowhere, making a laugh that made the Calamity's back shiver.

Some undead began to like cavalry costumes, among which spears were considered "must-haves", and the flags hanging on the spear heads also became a small business opportunity, but it was a pity that this wave of business opportunities was fleeting.

The vigorous energy of the undead made Lind want to hold a cavalry duel several times, and PVP would definitely become the favorite part of the undead.

It is not appropriate to start killing each other when there are still hidden dangers, and if the undead died in the battle, who should be reimbursed for the potion recovery of the final strength, and whoever organized it would be responsible.

Since Lind is not an official, of course it is impossible for him to pay out of his own pocket to be an official to organize similar activities.

Otherwise, death means a real loss of level, and no undead will be willing to participate.

But it does not mean that the power of the undead will be idle. Even if Lind does not need rewards and tasks to guide their actions, they will not be idle.

Since the "Leon City Dungeon" was opened, the construction of the main city has been put on the agenda. The undead rode the disaster warhorse to various regions to collect resources for the mission.

Commonly known as the incarnation of street scooters.

In addition, searching for the Cyclops again has become the main work of some undead.

In short, they rode the disaster warhorse and whizzed past, searching every corner of the Red Dragon Mountains.

Going up along the top road at the trident intersection, you will encounter a road blocked by collapsed rubble. This is the road leading to the sentry tower where Lance and others were stationed. Fortunately, there is an inconspicuous path next to it for passing.

The place where the undead were killed by the Cyclops and lost their armor was this road.

The undead's passion for searching was ignited again at this time. After finding the Cyclops and killing it, they can get rewards and a volcanic bird.

The undead who already have the Disaster Horse find it difficult to refuse a volcanic bird that can help them "fly" and allow them to successfully leave the ground.

Unfortunately, the trace of the Cyclops is hard to find, and the same is true for the previous cave. The Cyclops seems to have evaporated directly from the world.

Anyway, the tasks are all on the way, so running more is like opening the map.

“Next time, drink next time, I have something else to do here”

“Play games? Brother, what game are you playing? And what about that thing where you can play it in your dreams after wearing it. Why can’t I find anyone selling helmets online?”

“This game is still in internal testing, and there are only 3,000 places. Do you know that it’s in internal testing? You can’t buy it even if you have money.”

“Is it true? I did look at the official website, and it felt like a group of people occupied a studio and made a movie behind-the-scenes. Hey, brother, you are not going to be an extra.”

“I said it’s a game.”

“Then I’ll go to your house next time and try the helmet.”

“The helmet is bound, you can’t see anything when you put it on.”

“Why do I feel like you made it up in your mind...Okay, I won’t affect your game, but seriously, you must come next time you drink.”

“Definitely, definitely next time!”

The man waved goodbye to his colleague and drove home quickly.

After going to the toilet and solving basically all the physiological problems that might affect the game, he took out the gaming helmet.

After turning on the power, he took out a third-party device customized by a second-hand trading platform from the cabinet.

It is too easy to hurt your neck if you only wear a helmet. At the beginning, players would wear a U-shaped pillow. Later, a handmade master came out to make a dormant chamber by modifying the capsule chamber.

It is said that some people have begun to study how to stay offline for a long time, but because it is too extreme, the idea only stays at the level of the plan.

For example, the lower body medical modification to install a catheter, the throat cannula regularly introduces nutrient solution, which is completely based on the supporting equipment made for vegetative people.

Even considering the problem of muscle atrophy caused by lying for a long time, it has been upgraded to 2.0 based on the massager, but so far no one has really experienced such a great product.

Everyone is just more interested in things like U-shaped pillows customized for helmets.

The man lay back on the bed, put on the helmet, found a comfortable angle, and closed his eyes.

The connection began.

The sight quickly changed from the room, and the consciousness seemed to travel through time and space. Some force pulled his soul across an infinite distance and finally landed on a continent.

After getting through the "login screen", the scenery in front of him changed, and finally stabilized on the familiar gray-white sky, which made him feel relieved.

Ever since the last time "Abyss" forced players to log off, everyone has been worried, as if the game production team accidentally gave the enemy too much authority.

I have seen strong players, but I have never seen a player account directly banned.

He checked his equipment and then went to the temporary tent at the old territory lookout.

The number of NPCs and undead staying here has decreased significantly.

This game is so real, it's like a brand new second life in another world, allowing many people to play online games intensively and experience the "journey to another world".

In addition to the immersion, the game NPCs will be affected by the player's actions, and everything in the territory will change due to the player's decision, which is also addictive.

The bad ones are worse, and the good ones are better.

This requires most players to think carefully every time they make a decision.

He walked towards the tent and prepared to explore the task. The progress bar of the main city construction changes every day, but it is still too slow for the undead.

Pick up some resources from the corner, and then send them back through the mountains and rivers, so that the progress bar moves forward at a rate of less than 0.01%.

It takes too much time.

"Will my ring take not lose?" The NPC who issued the task was a relatively familiar character.

"I am" he nodded.

"Now the lord is preparing to re-plan and build a new main city, and lacks a lot of resources."

Compared with direct participation in construction, the task is more about showing the lack of resources, and the undead need to collect various resources.

On the contrary, building houses is the least important. A group of undead people who are comparable to the little superheroes in superhero movies carry huge stones and walk briskly. They take drugs to restore their physical strength and can immediately rejoin the work.

My ring will not lose. He looked around and whispered to the NPC: "Sir, are you interested in having a drink in the tavern?"

He made a drinking gesture: "I heard that Old Pete has recently developed a new dish, a food called tofu, which is as white as a girl's skin, tender and smooth in taste, and hiss, it is especially suitable for drinking. If you happen to have time after get off work..."

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