The lord is red again

Chapter 158 This is the highest level of cyber corvée

Quickly obtaining ore and accelerating the construction of the main city are almost as important as searching for the Cyclops.

The former can unlock various functions, although it is not clear what the main city can bring.

The latter is even more so, the rewards are very tempting.

A large number of undead people rushed over from all directions as soon as they got the news.

"I think that for a collapsed mine like this, it is too slow for us to move it with manpower."

Today's cyber corvée ends here!

Everyone is here to experience the game, not to move bricks, and the player's soul must be awakened.

"You say, could it be that Linde deliberately sent someone to send us the message?" Some people with big brains have begun to imagine: "He knows that we will definitely not want to do it if he asks us to mine, so he uses hidden tasks to hook us here. I admit that he succeeded."

"Bullshit, he is an NPC."

Most undead people think that Linde is still kind and it is impossible for him to deliberately deceive the undead to mine.

"But what is the relationship between ore and rebuilding the main city?"

Yes, what is the relationship.

At this stage, the city construction is still mainly stone and wood, and the role of ore is not great.

"The Star Mine was originally an accidental collapse caused by the plague, and it has little to do with the NPC."

"Is there a possibility that Lind wanted us to dig up the collapsed mine and deliberately added resource options to the main city construction?"

"No, because he is an NPC, and his behavior is programmed."

"Fuck, it's absolutely possible! I think about it carefully. Since I played this game and appeared in the Star Dragon Outpost, I have farmed in the Crazy Sage Village, and I also farmed in the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road, in the Holy Water Town, in the Harbor Village, and in... I have been farming all the time! But now I have nothing except a set of equipment, a set of linkage accessories and a horse? Is there an NPC worse than Lin Gou!"

"Star Dragon earns Star Dragon Flowers, and I want to take them home."

The undead were in tears while discussing, and the topic gradually became distorted.

But no matter what the reason for the initiation of this task, they need to complete the task, which is a large-scale task to build the main city.

"It should be said that Lin Gou is quite generous when giving rewards."

"Yeah, every time he gives rewards, he immediately releases new props and costumes, and I have to buy them!"

Although they all know that these tasks are not Linde's fault, but the game production team is not human, they don't know the people in the production team, so Linde can only bear the stigma.

The topic finally returned to mining.

"Why not make machinery. Machinery can also be used in the game. Haven't you noticed that the traps we bought recently are very sophisticated? Maybe there was some kind of mechanical force in this world." Someone suggested: "Since mechanical mechanisms are feasible in the game's operating logic, we can make an excavator by ourselves."

It's really yours to make an excavator in the magic world.

Although there is no magic excavator, the disaster warhorse can still help, and can help pull stones.

The undead who shouted that they refused to be exploited and cyber corvée rolled up their sleeves and started moving bricks.

Drink medicine when the physical strength is exhausted.

At this stage, many undead people always have several bottles of magic potions on them.

While helping Linde to mine, they also have to buy medicine at their own expense to increase the GDP of Star Dragon. They cursed but were willing in their hearts.

This is the highest level of cyber corvée!

As the initiator of everything, Linde is communicating with Miram.

Recently, he finally finished his work and had time to meet one of the nine top female archers under Lord Leon.

The exquisite double crossbow was held in Linde's hand. He looked at the pattern on the crossbow and the faint white light emitting from it.

A blessed weapon, a very inconspicuous blessed weapon.

"Magic crossbow?"

Miram's surrender was not complete. She was not loyal to Leon, but it did not mean that she could easily accept her identity as a captive.

Especially when she learned that the lord in front of her came from the west of the foothills of the Red Dragon Mountain, and Serin had not made any movement since she went to the west.

"How to use it?" Linde asked.

He tried to inject power into the crossbow, but found that the power could not be gathered correctly.

Miram was very cooperative: "Follow the guidance of the magic pattern."

She said it very simply, but she didn't talk about the skills, let alone how troublesome it would be to use this blessed weapon. Every time she used it, she had to be fully prepared, increase her concentration to the highest level, and then...


An arrow pierced the air and flew past Miram's cheek, nailing it to the wall behind her ear.

Boom, a hot wave of fire broke out from the side, slightly scorching her hair.

Miram subconsciously blinked, and then her eyes widened.

It took Linde a long time to completely master the skills of using the double crossbow, and after Linde tried it for the second time, he could use it successfully, and the power seemed to be stronger than when he used it.

"It belongs to me," Linde announced the ownership of the double crossbow unceremoniously.

The power of the crossbow is not bad, but it is not as powerful as the power of his sword.

It is also different from Lance's ice bow. Although the cursed weapon will freeze the body and hurt it when used at full power, the power will also increase accordingly.

And this pair of magic pattern crossbows has a low upper limit and a high lower limit, which is very balanced.


Another arrow shot towards the wall beside Miram. This time, the arrow did not burst into flames, but had a very thin chain attached to the tail.

He flicked his wrist lightly, and the arrow was forcibly pulled back, but unfortunately the arrow was not strong and broke when it was pulled back.

Lind himself was frowning, the combination of the soul-lost chain and the arrow was far inferior to the flame.

He looked at Miram and found that the other party was staring at his soul-lost chain.

"Selin?" He mentioned a name.

They were all colleagues, and it was normal for Miram to know each other, but he found that when he said Serin's name, Miram's expression was out of control for a moment.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. We have a good relationship. He does some physical and mental work here."

Physical work refers to becoming a human battery to provide energy.

Mental work refers to renting a brain to help [Golden Chapter] improve its computing power, and the dark circles under his eyes are getting heavier.

Hearing that Serin was still alive, Miram was obviously relieved.

"What type do you like?" Lind also admitted that Serin was quite "beautiful", and her style was completely different from his own.

"Who, who likes that..."

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop!" Lind immediately called for a stop. What's the point of a good interrogation turning into a blushing tsundere?

Although the atmosphere is quite harmonious now, after all, Miram had surrendered obediently from the beginning, Lind still hopes that he is interrogating.

He wants to know a lot.

"I wanted to get some information from Serin before, but was blocked by something." Lind stared at Miram, expecting her to give an answer.

"It's Domei." Miram's attitude softened after hearing Serin's name, "He was ordered to help Lord Leon hide the secret. We can't say anything important or not."

"Can we say it after Leon dies?"

"We never pledge allegiance to the dead."

Her loyalty is time-limited. Once the object of loyalty dies, she will immediately change people.

Lind didn't say that she should be loyal to him. He didn't really need Miram's loyalty. The only thing that could attract him was her path potion formula and some information in her mind.

Then she can make a humanoid battery.

This is the maximum utilization of resources.

"Besides you," Lind counted, "how many other towns and villages are there besides Holy Water Town, Harbor Village, Persimmon Town, and Prey Town?"

"Two," she answered decisively, definitely not because the arrows of the double crossbows in Lind's hand were pointing at her head.

As a superior, her body was actually very weak. Just like Lind would not die if he was shot in the head, but she would probably die on the spot.

"Kazhan Town in Moon Mountain and Weeping Town in Soul Valley."

"Kazhan Town? That cathedral" Lind had heard of Kazhan Town. It was said that there was an outbreak of undead spirits, and the kingdom even arranged troops to suppress it.

"Milburn, a madman," said Miram, "He betrayed Lord Leon. Kazhan Town had long been out of the control of Leon Lord and is now controlled by Milburn."

Mentioning Milburn, Miram looked terrified.

"Didn't Leon send anyone over?" Lind asked.

"Milburn is already a hero, so it's useless to send anyone."

In Leon County, it is estimated that only Leon can suppress the opponent, but in Leon's situation, taking the initiative to attack is almost the same as committing suicide, and it may directly trigger the plague.

No wonder he can't do anything even if he knows that Kazhan Town is out of control. Leon is definitely the most frustrated strong man he has ever seen.

I really don't know whether this is good news or bad news. It should be good news for the undead, because there is another BOSS to push.

But it is definitely not good news for Linde. Leon is very strong, but he can only defeat Leon because the abyss has made Leon lose his mind.

Otherwise, as long as he has a little thinking ability, the undead will never be able to kill him even if he grinds for a month.

Linde seems to have never seen the undead in Kazhan Town on the forum, but the undead in Weeping Town often pop up in the forum.

But he remembered that the undead in Weeping Town did not mention Leon County, and it seemed that they had never heard of that place, but they only thought that the other party was not near them. Now it seems... it seems that Lord Leon has a poor control over his men.

Only one of the three legion commanders was willing to die for him, and the other two ran away.

Among the six subordinates, the strongest one was completely out of control. Miram surrendered as soon as they met, and the Weeping Town also hid the existence of Leon Territory, so that the undead did not know the existence of the main city from beginning to end. The rest were all easily dealt with.

"What about the Weeping Town?"

"Dome has been active near the Soul Valley for a long time. We never go there, and we don't want to have too much involvement with that cunning book thief."

"Book thief?"

"Dome's nickname, he is a thief who steals knowledge from books and has the identity of a principal." Miram grinned and mocked: "He opened a magic school."

I'm a little hungry, so I'll cook a midnight snack and send the rest later, before dawn

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